This project is a React Native boilerplate that can be used to kickstart a mobile application.
The boilerplate provides an optimized architecture for building solid cross-platform mobile applications through separation of concerns between the UI and business logic. It contains redux, saga, context, theme, localization, tabs and stack navigation.
![npm version](
Getting Started
$ npx react-native-app-starter <ProjectName>
$ cd <ProjectName>
$ npx react-native run-ios
$ npx react-native run-android
Directory Structure
├── __tests__
├── android
├── ios
└── App
└── Actions
| ├── Keys
└── ApiConfig
└── AppContext
└── Localization
└── Reducers
| ├──Default
└── Routes
└── Sagas
└── Screens
| CommonComponent
| Components
| SubComponents
└── Services
└── Stores
└── Theme
| Images
└── Utils
├── fastlane
├── .env
Preconfigured with
Latest react native version
Redux saga with persistReducer
Theme support (Dark / Light)
Utility for validations and error messages
Custom font and font size for maintain typography
.env and fastlane setup
Support different env for PRODUCTION and DEVELOPMENT
User Authemntication flow
UI for Login, Tabs and Settings
Predefined UI
Expand for screenshots