is a data storage tool for React Native written on top of AsyncStorage.
With react-native-data-storage
you can set, get, remove and check for data. You can save integers, booleans, strings, primitive objects and arrays (anything that can be represented as in the JSON format). The methods always return a promise.
npm install react-native-data-storage --save
set(key, [value])
: sets a new value to the storage. An object can be passed and it will be merged and overwrite the current key-values.
: gets a value in the storage. Promise is rejected if key is not found. An array of keys can be passed and an object with the same keys provided and their values will be returned.
: checks whether a value has been set to the storage. Promise resolves with true
of false
. An array of keys can be passed and an object with the same keys provided will be returned.
: removes a value from the storage. An array of keys can be passed.
: gets all the values in the storage as an object.
import DataStorage from 'react-native-data-storage';
Storage.set('name','John Doe')
return Storage.has('name');
if(data) return Storage.get('name');
else return '';
console.log(name); //outputs 'John Doe';
return Storage.remove('name');
Storage.set('name','John Doe');
//When an array is passed and the key is not in the store, it is not present in the returned object
Storage.get(['name', 'email'])
if('name' in data) console.log('There is name in the storage', data.name);
else console.log('If the key was not returned, then it doesn\'t exist');
//When a keyname is passed, it throws an error if the key is not found in the storage
//do something
console.log(err); //Key 'email' not found
//checking for multiple keys
console.log(data); //{name: true, email: false};