npm install react-native-deck-swiper --save
Usage with images (workaround)
Rendering images in a card causes flickering. React Native's Image component handles image caching like browsers for the most part. This causes flickering.
Using react-native-fast-image solves these issues.
Card props
Props | type | description | required | default |
cards | array | array of data for the cards to be rendered | required | |
renderCard | func(cardData) | function to render the card based on the data | required | |
onSwipedAll | func | function to be called when all cards have been swiped | | () => {} |
onSwiped | func | function to be called when a card is swiped. it receives the swiped card index | | (cardIndex) => {} |
onSwipedLeft | func | function to be called when a card is swiped left. it receives the swiped card index | | (cardIndex) => {} |
onSwipedRight | func | function to be called when a card is swiped right. it receives the swiped card index | | (cardIndex) => {} |
onSwipedTop | func | function to be called when a card is swiped top. it receives the swiped card index | | (cardIndex) => {} |
onSwipedBottom | func | function to be called when a card is swiped bottom. it receives the swiped card index | | (cardIndex) => {} |
cardIndex | number | cardIndex to start with | | 0 |
infinite | bool | keep swiping indefinitely | | false |
horizontalSwipe | bool | enable/disable horizontal swiping | | true |
verticalSwipe | bool | enable/disable vertical swiping | | true |
showSecondCard | bool | enable/disable second card while swiping | | true |
Swipe animation props
Props | type | description | default |
verticalThreshold | number | vertical swipe threshold | height / 5 |
horizontalThreshold | number | horizontal swipe threshold | width / 4 |
swipeAnimationDuration | number | duration of the swipe animation | 350 |
disableBottomSwipe | bool | disable bottom swipe | false |
disableLeftSwipe | bool | disable left swipe | false |
disableRightSwipe | bool | disable right swipe | false |
disableTopSwipe | bool | disable top swipe | false |
Zoom animation props
Props | type | description | default |
secondCardZoom | number | second card zoom | 0.97 |
zoomAnimationDuration | number | duration of the zoom animation | 100 |
zoomFriction | number | zoom spring animation friction | 7 |
Rotation animation props
Props | type | description | default |
inputRotationRange | array | x values range for the rotation output | [-width / 2, 0, width / 2] |
outputRotationRange | array | rotation values for the x values in inputRotationRange | ["-10deg", "0deg", "10deg"] |
Opacity animation props
Props | type | description | default |
animateCardOpacity | bool | animate card opacity | false |
inputCardOpacityRangeX | array | pan x card opacity input range | [-width / 2, -width / 3, 0, width / 3, width / 2] |
outputCardOpacityRangeX | array | opacity values for the values in inputCardOpacityRangeX | [0.8, 1, 1, 1, 0.8] |
inputCardOpacityRangeY | array | pan y card opacity input range | [-height / 2, -height / 3, 0, height / 3, height / 2] |
outputCardOpacityRangeY | array | opacity values for the values in inputCardOpacityRangeY | [0.8, 1, 1, 1, 0.8] |
animateOverlayLabelsOpacity | bool | animate card overlay labels opacity | false |
inputOverlayLabelsOpacityRangeX | array | pan x overlay labels opacity input range | [-width / 3, -width / 4, 0, width / 4, width / 3] |
outputOverlayLabelsOpacityRangeX | array | opacity values for the values in inputOverlayLabelsOpacityRangeX | [1, 0, 0, 0, 1] |
inputOverlayLabelsOpacityRangeY | array | pan x overlay labels opacity input range | [-height / 4, -height / 5, 0, height / 5, height / 4] |
outputOverlayLabelsOpacityRangeY | array | opacity values for the values in inputOverlayLabelsOpacityRangeY | [1, 0, 0, 0, 1] |
2 steps of inputOverlayLabelsOpacityRangeX and inputOverlayLabelsOpacityRangeY should match horizontalThreshold and verticalThreshold, respectively.
Swipe overlay labels
Props | type | description | default |
overlayLabels | object | swipe labels info | null, see below for format |
Demo inside the Exemples Folder
bottom: {
title: 'BLEAH',
swipeColor: '#946C8C',
backgroundOpacity: '0.75',
fontColor: '#FFF'
left: {
title: 'NOPE',
swipeColor: '#4A2359',
backgroundOpacity: '0.75',
fontColor: '#FFF'
right: {
title: 'LIKE',
swipeColor: '#FA9F8C',
backgroundOpacity: '0.75',
fontColor: '#FFF'
top: {
title: 'SUPER LIKE',
swipeColor: '#FFC37B',
backgroundOpacity: '0.75',
fontColor: '#FFF'
Swipe back to previous card props
Make sure you set showSecondCard={false} for smoother and proper transitions while going back to previous card.
Props | type | description | default |
goBackToPreviousCardOnSwipeLeft | bool | previous card is rendered on left swipe | false |
goBackToPreviousCardOnSwipeRight | bool | previous card is rendered on right swipe | false |
goBackToPreviousCardOnSwipeTop | bool | previous card is rendered on top swipe | false |
goBackToPreviousCardOnSwipeBottom | bool | previous card is rendered on bottom swipe | false |
Style props
Props | type | description | default |
backgroundColor | number | background color for the view containing the cards | '#4FD0E9' |
marginTop | number | marginTop for the swiper container | 0 |
marginBottom | number | marginBottom for the swiper container | 0 |
cardVerticalMargin | number | card vertical margin | 60 |
cardHorizontalMargin | number | card horizontal margin | 20 |
childrenOnTop | bool | render children on top or not | false |
cardStyle | node | override swipable card style | {} |
To trigger imperative animations, you can use a reference to the Swiper component.
Props | arguments | description |
swipeLeft | mustDecrementCardIndex = false | swipe left to the next card |
swipeRight | mustDecrementCardIndex = false | swipe right to the next card |
swipeTop | mustDecrementCardIndex = false | swipe top to the next card |
swipeBottom | mustDecrementCardIndex = false | swipe bottom to the next card |
jumpToCardIndex | cardIndex | set the current card index |
Usage example
render () {
<View style={styles.container}>
cards={['DO', 'MORE', 'OF', 'WHAT', 'MAKES', 'YOU', 'HAPPY']}
renderCard={(card) => {
return (
<View style={styles.card}>
<Text style={styles.text}>{card}</Text>
onSwiped={(cardIndex) => {console.log(cardIndex)}}
onSwipedAll={() => {console.log('onSwipedAll')}}
onPress={() => {console.log('oulala')}}
title="Press me">
You can press me
Demo inside the Exemples Folder
Stylesheet example
const styles = StyleSheet.create({
container: {
flex: 1,
backgroundColor: '#F5FCFF'
card: {
flex: 1,
borderRadius: 4,
borderWidth: 2,
borderColor: '#E8E8E8',
justifyContent: 'center',
backgroundColor: 'white',
text: {
textAlign: 'center',
fontSize: 50,
backgroundColor: 'transparent'
Todo(contributions are welcome)
Underlaying card offset to achieve a stack effect