A simple and fully customizable React Native component that implements a Flat-Header UI.
Install This library :
npm i react-native-flat-header
Install Icon
icon use :
import Icon from 'react-native-vector-icons/FontAwesome';
<Icon name="rocket" size={30} color="#FFF" />
Usage :
List of available props for customization FlatHeader component.
Props | Value Type | Description |
leftIcon | Icon Component | set icon Component |
leftText | String | left text string |
leftTextStyle | Style object | set style for left text |
leftIconHandler | handler callback function | handle for click on left icon, if not set icon does not touchable |
leftTextHandler | handler callback function | handle for click on left text, if not set leftText does not touchable |
leftContentHandler | handler callback function | handle for click on both leftIcon and leftText together; if set does not need handler icon and text separately |
rightIcon | Icon Component | set icon component |
rightIconHandler | handler callback function | handle for click on right icon, if not set rightIcon does not touchable |
rightText | String | right text string |
rightTextStyle | Style Object | set style for right text |
rightTextHandler | handler callback function | handle for click on right text, if not set rightText does not touchable |
rightContentHandler | handler callback function | handle for click on both rightIcon and rightText together; if set does not need handler icon and text separately |
centerContent | Group Component | set Group component that can contain Text and icon component |
centerContentHandler | handler callback function | handle for click on centerContent, if not set centerContent does not touchable |
large | attribute | if set this attribute, left and right text appear in bold style |
style | style object | set style for main header container, such as background color |
![full examples](https://github.com/intellidev1991/react-native-flat-header/raw/HEAD/ex_full.gif)
First of all add below codes to your code (Import Components) :
import { FlatHeader, Group } from 'react-native-flat-header';
import Icon from 'react-native-vector-icons/FontAwesome';
Simple 1: left icon and text with handlers
leftIcon={<Icon name="rocket" size={30} color="#FFF" />}
leftIconHandler={() => {
console.warn('Icon Pressed');
leftText="launch the rocket"
leftTextHandler={() => {
console.warn('Text Pressed');
Simple 2: left icon and text with handlers + right icon and right handler
leftIcon={<Icon name="rocket" size={30} color="#FFF" />}
leftIconHandler={() => {
console.warn('Left Icon Pressed');
rightIcon={<Icon name="heart" size={30} color="#FFC107" />}
rightIconHandler={() => {
console.warn('Right Icon Pressed');
leftText="launch the rocket"
leftTextHandler={() => {
console.warn('Text Pressed');
style={{ backgroundColor: '#BA68C8' }}
Simple 3: left and right icon and text with handlers
leftIcon={<Icon name="rocket" size={30} color="#FFF" />}
leftIconHandler={() => {
console.warn('Left Icon Pressed');
leftText="launch the rocket"
leftTextHandler={() => {
console.warn('Left Text Pressed');
rightIcon={<Icon name="heart" size={30} color="#FFC107" />}
rightIconHandler={() => {
console.warn('Right Text Pressed');
rightTextHandler={() => {
console.warn('Right Icon Pressed');
style={{ backgroundColor: '#00BCD4' }}
Simple 4: left and right icon and text + rightContentHandler
leftIcon={<Icon name="rocket" size={30} color="#FFF" />}
leftText="Left content"
leftContentHandler={() => {
console.warn('Left Content Pressed');
rightIcon={<Icon name="heart" size={30} color="#FFC107" />}
rightText="Right content"
rightContentHandler={() => {
console.warn('Right Content Pressed');
style={{ backgroundColor: '#C2185B' }}
Simple 5: left text
leftText="launch the rocket"
leftTextHandler={() => {
console.warn('Text Pressed');
style={{ backgroundColor: '#81C784' }}
Simple 6: right text
rightText="launch the rocket"
rightTextHandler={() => {
console.warn('Right text Pressed');
style={{ backgroundColor: '#558B2F' }}
Simple 7: left icon
leftIcon={<Icon name="rocket" size={30} color="#FFF" />}
leftIconHandler={() => {
console.warn('Icon Pressed');
style={{ backgroundColor: '#e57373' }}
Simple 8: right icon without handler
rightIcon={<Icon name="rocket" size={30} color="#FFF" />}
style={{ backgroundColor: '#D84315' }}
Simple 9: left icon and text + Extra content as children that added to left side
leftIcon={<Icon name="rocket" size={30} color="#FFF" />}
leftIconHandler={() => {
console.warn('Icon Pressed');
leftText="launch the rocket"
leftTextHandler={() => {
console.warn('Text Pressed');
style={{ backgroundColor: '#7986CB' }}
<Text style={{ marginLeft: 10, color: 'yellow' }}>
Extra content
Simple 10: center content
centerContent={<Text style={{ color: '#FFF' }}>Report</Text>}
style={{ backgroundColor: '#ff1744' }}
Simple 11: left + center content (Just Text Component) + right
leftIcon={<Icon name="rocket" size={30} color="#FFF" />}
centerContent={<Text style={{ color: '#FFF' }}>FAQ</Text>}
rightIcon={<Icon name="heart" size={30} color="#FFC107" />}
style={{ backgroundColor: '#29B6F6' }}
Simple 12: left + center content(Group Component) + right
leftIcon={<Icon name="arrow-left" size={30} color="#FFF" />}
leftContentHandler={() => {
console.warn('Left both icon and text pressed');
<Icon name="comment" size={30} color="#FFF" />
<Text style={{ color: '#FFF', paddingHorizontal: 5 }}>FAQ</Text>
rightIcon={<Icon name="star" size={30} color="#FFF" />}
style={{ backgroundColor: '#1A237E' }}
Simple 13: Full Example (Advance mode) :
leftIcon={<Icon name="arrow-left" size={30} color="#FFF" />}
leftTextStyle={{ color: 'yellow' }}
leftContentHandler={() => {
console.warn('Left both icon and text pressed-Left Content');
<Icon name="comment" size={30} color="#FFF" />
<Text style={{ color: '#FFF', paddingHorizontal: 5 }}>FAQ</Text>
centerContentHandler={() => console.warn('center content pressed')}
rightIcon={<Icon name="star" size={30} color="#FFF" />}
rightTextStyle={{ color: 'yellow' }}
rightContentHandler={() => {
console.warn('right both icon and text pressed-Right Content');
style={{ backgroundColor: '#6200EA' }}
Full Screen Example :
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import { StyleSheet, Text, View, ScrollView } from 'react-native';
import Icon from 'react-native-vector-icons/FontAwesome';
import { FlatHeader, Group } from 'react-native-flat-header';
export default class App extends Component {
render() {
return (
<View style={styles.container}>
leftIcon={<Icon name="arrow-left" size={30} color="#FFF" />}
leftTextStyle={{ color: 'yellow' }}
leftContentHandler={() => {
console.warn('Left both icon and text pressed-Left Content');
<Icon name="comment" size={30} color="#FFF" />
<Text style={{ color: '#FFF', paddingHorizontal: 5 }}></Text>FAQ</Text>
centerContentHandler={() => console.warn('center content pressed')}
rightIcon={<Icon name="star" size={30} color="#FFF" />}
rightTextStyle={{ color: 'yellow' }}
rightContentHandler={() => {
console.warn('right both icon and text pressed-Right Content');
style={{ backgroundColor: '#6200EA' }}
const styles = StyleSheet.create({
container: {
flex: 1,
backgroundColor: '#F5FCFF'