InAppBrowser for React Native
Getting started
$ npm install react-native-inappbrowser-reborn --save
Mostly automatic installation
Using React Native >= 0.60
Linking the package manually is not required anymore with Autolinking.
iOS Platform:
$ cd ios && pod install && cd ..
# CocoaPods on iOS needs this extra step
Android Platform with Android Support:
Using Jetifier tool for backward-compatibility.
Modify your android/build.gradle configuration:
buildscript {
ext {
buildToolsVersion = "28.0.3"
minSdkVersion = 16
compileSdkVersion = 28
targetSdkVersion = 28
# Only using Android Support libraries
supportLibVersion = "28.0.0"
Android Platform with AndroidX:
Modify your android/build.gradle configuration:
buildscript {
ext {
buildToolsVersion = "28.0.3"
minSdkVersion = 16
compileSdkVersion = 28
targetSdkVersion = 28
# Remove 'supportLibVersion' property and put specific versions for AndroidX libraries
androidXAnnotation = "1.1.0"
androidXBrowser = "1.0.0"
// Put here other AndroidX dependencies
Using React Native < 0.60
$ react-native link react-native-inappbrowser-reborn
Manual installation
- In XCode, in the project navigator, right click
➜ Add Files to [your project's name]
- Go to
➜ react-native-inappbrowser-reborn
and add RNInAppBrowser.xcodeproj
- In XCode, in the project navigator, select your project. Add
to your project's Build Phases
➜ Link Binary With Libraries
- Run your project (
iOS with Podfile
- Open up
- Add
pod 'RNInAppBrowser', :path => '../node_modules/react-native-inappbrowser-reborn'
- Run
pod install
- Open up
- Add
import com.proyecto26.inappbrowser.RNInAppBrowserPackage;
to the imports at the top of the file - Add
new RNInAppBrowserPackage()
to the list returned by the getPackages()
- Append the following lines to
include ':react-native-inappbrowser-reborn'
project(':react-native-inappbrowser-reborn').projectDir = new File(rootProject.projectDir, '../node_modules/react-native-inappbrowser-reborn/android')
- Insert the following lines inside the dependencies block in
implementation project(':react-native-inappbrowser-reborn')
- Update ProGuard config (Optional)
Methods | Action |
open | Opens the url with Safari in a modal on iOS using SFSafariViewController, and Chrome in a new custom tab on Android. On iOS, the modal Safari will not share cookies with the system Safari. |
close | Dismisses the system's presented web browser |
openAuth | Opens the url with Safari in a modal on iOS using SFAuthenticationSession/ASWebAuthenticationSession, and Chrome in a new custom tab on Android. On iOS, the user will be asked whether to allow the app to authenticate using the given url. |
closeAuth | Dismisses the current authentication session |
isAvailable | Detect if the device supports this plugin |
iOS Options
Property | Description |
dismissButtonStyle (String) | The style of the dismiss button. [done /close /cancel ] |
preferredBarTintColor (String) | The color to tint the background of the navigation bar and the toolbar. [white /#FFFFFF ] |
preferredControlTintColor (String) | The color to tint the control buttons on the navigation bar and the toolbar. [gray /#808080 ] |
readerMode (Boolean) | A value that specifies whether Safari should enter Reader mode, if it is available. [true /false ] |
animated (Boolean) | Animate the presentation. [true /false ] |
modalPresentationStyle (String) | The presentation style for modally presented view controllers. [automatic /none /fullScreen /pageSheet /formSheet /currentContext /custom /overFullScreen /overCurrentContext /popover ] |
modalTransitionStyle (String) | The transition style to use when presenting the view controller. [coverVertical /flipHorizontal /crossDissolve /partialCurl ] |
modalEnabled (Boolean) | Present the SafariViewController modally or as push instead. [true /false ] |
enableBarCollapsing (Boolean) | Determines whether the browser's tool bars will collapse or not. [true /false ] |
Android Options
Property | Description |
showTitle (Boolean) | Sets whether the title should be shown in the custom tab. [true /false ] |
toolbarColor (String) | Sets the toolbar color. [gray /#808080 ] |
secondaryToolbarColor (String) | Sets the color of the secondary toolbar. [white /#FFFFFF ] |
enableUrlBarHiding (Boolean) | Enables the url bar to hide as the user scrolls down on the page. [true /false ] |
enableDefaultShare (Boolean) | Adds a default share item to the menu. [true /false ] |
animations (Object) | Sets the start and exit animations. [{ startEnter, startExit, endEnter, endExit } ] |
headers (Object) | The data are key/value pairs, they will be sent in the HTTP request headers for the provided url. [{ 'Authorization': 'Bearer ...' } ] |
forceCloseOnRedirection (Boolean) | Open Custom Tab in a new task to avoid issues redirecting back to app scheme. [true /false ] |
import { Linking } from 'react-native'
import InAppBrowser from 'react-native-inappbrowser-reborn'
async openLink() {
try {
const url = ''
if (await InAppBrowser.isAvailable()) {
const result = await, {
dismissButtonStyle: 'cancel',
preferredBarTintColor: '#453AA4',
preferredControlTintColor: 'white',
readerMode: false,
animated: true,
modalPresentationStyle: 'overFullScreen',
modalTransitionStyle: 'partialCurl',
modalEnabled: true,
enableBarCollapsing: false,
showTitle: true,
toolbarColor: '#6200EE',
secondaryToolbarColor: 'black',
enableUrlBarHiding: true,
enableDefaultShare: true,
forceCloseOnRedirection: false,
animations: {
startEnter: 'slide_in_right',
startExit: 'slide_out_left',
endEnter: 'slide_in_left',
endExit: 'slide_out_right'
headers: {
'my-custom-header': 'my custom header value'
else Linking.openURL(url)
} catch (error) {
Authentication Flow using Deep Linking
import { Platform } from 'react-native'
export const getDeepLink = (path = "") => {
const scheme = 'my-scheme'
const prefix = Platform.OS == 'android' ? `${scheme}://my-host/` : `${scheme}://`
return prefix + path
import { Root } from 'native-base'
import { getDeepLink } from './utilities'
import { createStackNavigator } from 'react-navigation'
const Main = createStackNavigator(
LoginComponent: { screen: LoginComponent },
HomeComponent: { screen: HomeComponent },
SplashComponent: {
screen: SplashComponent,
path: 'callback/'
index: 0,
initialRouteName: 'SplashComponent',
headerMode: 'none'
render() {
return (
<Main uriPrefix={getDeepLink()} />
import { Linking } from 'react-native'
import InAppBrowser from 'react-native-inappbrowser-reborn'
import { getDeepLink } from './utilities'
async onLogin() {
const deepLink = getDeepLink("callback")
const url = `${deepLink}`
try {
if (await InAppBrowser.isAvailable()) {
InAppBrowser.openAuth(url, deepLink, {
dismissButtonStyle: 'cancel',
showTitle: false,
enableUrlBarHiding: true,
enableDefaultShare: true
}).then((response) => {
if (response.type === 'success' &&
response.url) {
} else Linking.openURL(url)
} catch (error) {
componentWillMount() {
const { navigation } = this.props
const { state: { params } } = navigation
const { access_token } = params || {}
if (access_token) {
else {
The StatusBar will keep the last one provided in your app. So if the StatusBar is dark-content
before you open the browser this will keep it.
Starting with React Native 0.59 onwards, there is a simpler way of handling this update, without the need of patching StatusBar.
async openInBrowser(url) {
try {
const oldStyle = StatusBar.pushStackEntry({ barStyle: 'dark-content', animate: false });
} catch (error) {
For previous versions, you can still apply the method described below.
If you want to change before opening you can do something like
async openInBrowser(url) {
try {
} catch (error) {
If you need to restore the old bar style, after the browser is dismissed, you can try and patch the StatusBar.setBarStyle function to store the old value like so:
const _setBarStyle = StatusBar.setBarStyle
StatusBar.setBarStyle = (style) => {
StatusBar.currentStyle = style
You can than restore the old bar style after the browser has been dismissed like this:
async openInBrowser(url) {
try {
const oldStyle = StatusBar.currentStyle
if(oldStyle) StatusBar.setBarStyle(oldStyle)
} catch (error) {
Credits 👍
Contributors ✨
Please do contribute! Issues and pull requests are welcome.
Code Contributors
This project exists thanks to all the people who contribute. [Contribute].
Financial Contributors
Become a financial contributor and help us sustain our community. [Contribute]
Support this project with your organization. Your logo will show up here with a link to your website. [Contribute]
Supporting 🍻
I believe in Unicorns 🦄
Support me, if you do too.
Professionally supported react-native-inappbrowser-reborn is coming soon
Security contact information 🚨
To report a security vulnerability, please use the Tidelift security contact. Tidelift will coordinate the fix and disclosure.
Happy coding 💯
Made with ❤️