Beacon and GPS location support for React Native. The API is very similar to the CoreLocation Objective-C one with the only major difference that regions are plain JavaScript objects.
NOTE: Beacons don't work in the iOS simulator.
Install using npm with npm install --save react-native-location
You then need to add the Objective C part to your XCode project. Drag RNLocation.xcodeproj
from the node_modules/react-native-location
folder into your XCode project. Click on the your project in XCode, goto Build Phases then Link Binary With Libraries and add libRNLocation.a
and CoreLocation.framework
NOTE: Make sure you don't have the RNLocation
project open separately in XCode otherwise it won't work.
var React = require('react-native');
var {DeviceEventEmitter} = React;
var Location = require('react-native-location');
var region = {
identifier: 'Estimotes',
uuid: 'B9407F30-F5F8-466E-AFF9-25556B57FE6D'
var subscription = DeviceEventEmitter.addListener(
(data) => {
It is recommended to set NSWhenInUseUsageDescription
in your Info.plist
Background mode
For background mode to work, a few things need to be configured:
In the Xcode project, go to Capabilities, switch on "Background Modes" and check both "Location updates" and "Uses Bluetooth LE accessories".
Then, instead of using requestWhenInUseAuthorization
the method requestAlwaysAuthorization
Here, it's also recommended to set NSLocationAlwaysUsageDescription
in your Info.plist
To access the methods, you need import the react-native-location
module. This is done through var Beacons = require('react-native-location')
This method should be called before anything else is called. It handles to request the use of beacons while the application is open. If the application is in the background, you will not get a signal from beacons. Either this method or Beacons.requestAlwaysAuthorization
needs to be called to receive data from beacons.
This method should be called before anything else is called. It handles to request the use of beacons while the application is open or in the background. Either this method or Beacons.requestWhenInUseAuthorization
needs to be called to receive data from beacons.
Beacons.getAuthorizationStatus(function(authorization) {
This methods gets the current authorization status. While this methods provides a callback, it is not executed asynchronously. The values authorizedAlways
and authorizedWhenInUse
correspond to the methods requestWhenInUseAuthorization
and requestAlwaysAuthorization
var region = {
identifier: 'Estimotes',
uuid: 'B9407F30-F5F8-466E-AFF9-25556B57FE6D'
When starting monitoring for beacons, we need to define a region as the parameter. The region is an object, which needs to have at least two values: identifier
and uuid
. Additionally, it can also have a major
, minor
version or both. Make sure to not re-use the same identifier. In that case, we won't get the data for the beacons. The corresponding events are regionDidEnter
and regionDidExit
var region = {
identifier: 'Estimotes',
uuid: 'B9407F30-F5F8-466E-AFF9-25556B57FE6D'
When ranging for beacons, we need to define a region as the parameter. The region is an object, which needs to have at least two values: identifier
and uuid
. Additionally, it can also have a major
, minor
version or both. Make sure to not re-use the same identifier. In that case, we won't get the data for the beacons. The corresponding events are beaconsDidRange
. The event will fire in every interval the beacon sends a signal, which is one second in most cases.
If we are monitoring and ranging for beacons, it is best to first call startMonitoringForRegion
and then call startRangingBeaconsInRegion
This call is needed for monitoring beacons and gets the initial position of the device.
This method should be called when you don't need to receive location-based information and want to save battery power.
To listen to events we need to call DeviceEventEmitter.addListener
(var {DeviceEventEmitter} = require('react-native')
) where the first parameter is the event we want to listen to and the second is a callback function that will be called once the event is triggered.
This event will be called for every region in every beacon interval. If you have three regions you get three events every second (which is the default interval beacons send their signal).
When we take a closer look at the parameter of the callback, we get information on both the region and the beacons.
region: {
identifier: String,
uuid: String
beacons: Array<Beacon>
A Beacon
is an object that follows this structure:
uuid: String,
major: Number,
minor: Number,
rssi: Number,
proximity: String,
accuracy: Number
By default, the array is sorted by the rssi
value of the beacons.
If the device entered a region, regionDidEnter
is being called.
Inside the callback the paramter we can use returns an object with a property region
that contains the region identifier value as a string. Additionally, we get the UUID of the region through its uuid
region: String,
uuid: String
In the same regionDidEnter
is called if the device entered a region, regionDidExit
will be called if the device exited a region and we can't get any signal from any of the beacons inside the region.
As for the payload, we get a property called region
that represents the region identifier and is a string as well as the uuid
region: String,
uuid: String
When the user permissions change, for example the user allows to always use beacons, this event will be called. The same applies when the user revokes the permission to use beacons.
In the beaconsDidRange
event, the beacons
property is just an empty array.
There are several things that trigger that behavior, so it's best to follow these steps:
- Don't use the same identifier for multiple regions
- Check if your beacon batteries aren't empty
- If monitoring and ranging for beacons, make sure to first monitor and then range
Style guide
This repository uses the Geniux code style guide (based on the AirBnB style guide), for more information see:
For commit messages, we are following the commit guide from
MIT, for more information see LICENSE