![NPM Version](https://img.shields.io/npm/v/react-native-networking-patch.svg?style=flat-square)
What is this for?
React Native uses 6 event listeners to process networking events. For each request, these 6 listeners are registered and removed whenever processing. This is not the most effective approach. This patch makes RN's networking module work more efficiently.
# Performance Improvement
It improves performance using only one event for each request. Because bridge communication is reduced, it's more efficient and improves overall app performance.
The following bridge communications occur for each fetch
JS->N : Networking.addListener(["didSendNetworkData"])
JS->N : Networking.addListener(["didReceiveNetworkResponse"])
JS->N : Networking.addListener(["didReceiveNetworkData"])
JS->N : Networking.addListener(["didReceiveNetworkIncrementalData"])
JS->N : Networking.addListener(["didReceiveNetworkDataProgress"])
JS->N : Networking.addListener(["didCompleteNetworkResponse"])
JS->N : Networking.sendRequest([{"method":"GET","url":"...."....])
N->JS : <callback for Networking.sendRequest>([2])
N->JS : RCTDeviceEventEmitter.emit(["didReceiveNetworkResponse", ....])
N->JS : RCTDeviceEventEmitter.emit(["didReceiveNetworkData", ...])
N->JS : RCTDeviceEventEmitter.emit(["didCompleteNetworkResponse", ...])
JS->N : Networking.removeListeners([1])
JS->N : Networking.removeListeners([1])
JS->N : Networking.removeListeners([1])
JS->N : Networking.removeListeners([1])
JS->N : Networking.removeListeners([1])
JS->N : Networking.removeListeners([1])
The patched version looks like this.
JS->N : Networking.addListener(["events"])
JS->N : Networking.sendRequest([{"method":"GET","url":"...."....])
N->JS : <callback for Networking.sendRequest>([2])
N->JS : RCTDeviceEventEmitter.emit(["events", ....])
N->JS : RCTDeviceEventEmitter.emit(["events", ...])
N->JS : RCTDeviceEventEmitter.emit(["events", ...])
JS->N : Networking.removeListeners([1])
Other optimizations are also included.
# Global Timeout
has no built-in timeout option. As you know, there are many workarounds such as using XMLHttpRequest
API, AbortController
and setTimeout
+ Promise
. I want a simple and easy way. Now, you can set a global timeout without these workarounds.
import { Networking } from 'react-native';
async function getItem() {
let item = null;
try {
const response = await fetch(....);
item = await response.json();
} catch (e) {
return item;
async function getLongItem() {
const instance = axios.create({
baseURL: '...',
timeout: 10000,
It works with v0.63.2 or higher of RN. If not, please upgrade to the latest version. Of course, it works on Expo
Once installed, react-native is automatically patched.
yarn add react-native-networking-patch --dev
If you're using RN v0.63.x or v0.64.2 or lower, You must use the version below.
yarn add react-native-networking-patch@1.1.8 --dev
yarn add react-native-networking-patch@1.1.7 --dev
yarn add react-native-networking-patch@1.1.6 --dev
should be added to prevent this patch from being restored whenever packages are changed.
"scripts": {
"prepare": "yarn rn-networking-patch"
If you were already using prepare
, you can add the patch script later.
"prepare": "yarn jetify; yarn rn-networking-patch"
Execute manually
You can execute the patch manually with the command below.
yarn rn-networking-patch
Just delete the command you added to prepare
and remove react-native-networking-patch