show | false | yes | Controller whether or not show it |
height | 120 | yes | The height of the container,you have to change it for your requirement |
title | '' | no | The title text of the container |
titleRight | null | no | The compoment on the right hand of title |
data | [] | no | The data you give users to picker |
renderItem | ({item,index})=>{} | no | Function that shows data |
onCancel | ()=>{} | no | Function that is called when user cancels it |
onSubmit | (text)=>{} | no | Function that is called when user submits it |
cancelText | 'cancel' | no | The string that is displayed on the cancel button |
submitText | 'submit' | no | The string that is displayed on the submit button |
shadowClick | 'submit' | no | The string that is 'cancel' or 'submit' when shadow is clicked |