React Native Picker Modal View
React Native Module to select item picker modal.
An alternative to Picker and PickerIOS components with an unified API and consistent look & feel on both plaforms. It's fully configurable and includes built-in support for text search and alphabetical index. Ideal for longer lists not suitable for "wheel-pickers".
Stores Supported:
Apple App Store | Google Play |
✓ | ✓ |
| |
Getting started
$ npm install react-native-picker-modal-view --save
$ yarn add react-native-picker-modal-view
Live Demo with Expo
import * as React from 'react';
import { Button, SafeAreaView, Text, View } from 'react-native';
import PickerModal from 'react-native-picker-modal-view';
import data from '../../../top20.json';
export default class Main extends React.Component<{}, { selectedItem: {} }> {
constructor(props: {}) {
this.state = {
selectedItem: {}
public render(): JSX.Element {
const { selectedItem } = this.state;
return (
<SafeAreaView style={{ flex: 1, justifyContent: 'center', marginHorizontal: 20 }}>
renderSelectView={(disabled, selected, showModal) =>
<Button disabled={disabled} title={'Show me!'} onPress={showModal} />
selectPlaceholderText={'Choose one...'}
onEndReached={() => console.log('list ended...')}
<View style={{ padding: 10, alignItems: 'center', backgroundColor: '#ddd' }}>
<Text>Chosen: </Text>
private onClosed(): void {
console.log('close key pressed');
private onSelected(selected: any): void {
this.setState({ selectedItem: selected });
return selected;
private onBackButtonPressed(): void {
console.log('back key pressed');
Properties | Type | Description | Default |
modalAnimationType | string | The RN Modal show/hide animation type | "slide" |
showAlphabeticalIndex | string | Hides alphabetical index | "true" |
onClosed | Function | Fired when the modal is closed | |
onBackButtonPressed | Function | Fired when the back key is pressed | |
onSelected *required | Function | Returns selected item object | "{Id, Name, Value, [key: string]: any}" |
items *required | array | Array of list items | "[{Id, Name, Value, [key: string]: any}]" |
renderSelectView | Element | Render Select Component | <SelectBoxComponent (built-in)> |
renderListItem | Element | Render List item | <ListItemComponent (built-in)/> |
alphabeticalIndexChars | array | Chracters array for the alphabetical index | <Turkish alphabet chracters> |
searchInputTextColor | string | Search input placeholder text color | "#252525" |
keyExtractor | Function | Flatlist defined {key} function | <Predefined return map index> |
autoGenerateAlphabeticalIndex | boolean | Auto-generates alphabetical index from list items data | "false" |
sortingLanguage | string | Country ISO (Alpha 2) Code for localeCompare | "tr" |
showToTopButton | boolean | Button for scroll to offset 0 | "true" |
onEndReached | Function | Fired when the list reaches the end | |
selectPlaceholderText | string | Select box placeholder text | "Choose one..." |
searchPlaceholderText | string | Search input placeholder text | "Search..." |
selected | object | Default selected item | |
autoSort | boolean | Auto-sort data list | "false" |
disabled | boolean | Disable Select box | |
requireSelection | boolean | Require at least one list item is selected | "false" |
Core Props of React Native
Properties | Type | Description | Default |
ModalProps | object | React Native Modal Props | |
FlatListProps | object | React Native Flatlist Props | |
SearchInputProps | object | React Native TextInput Props | |
Running example project
You should have React Expo CLI to be installed in order to run example. Follow this instructions if you need to install Expo CLI.
Install the dependencies:
npm install
- Once the installation is done, you can run the following command:
npm start
You can also use:
expo start
expo start
- Auto-alphabetical index supported for Turkish and English languages.
- 1.2.2 - Fixed #5
- 1.2.0 - Added renderSelectView and renderListItem properties.
- 1.0.0 - Initial release