React Native Places Input
Up to date working Google Places Input. Calling directly API not JS SDK.
Latest changes
Component is now fetching places if query prop is provided.
If query prop change it will also update a component state.
New configuration props:
- clearQueryOnSelect - Clear input query on place select
Adding loading indicator for a place details request.
New configuration props:
- query - Custom query value for a text field
yarn add react-native-places-input
npm install react-native-places-input
Fairly easy. Few required props but most of the work is already done in a component.
import PlacesInput from 'react-native-places-input';
And inside a component
onSelect={place => console.log(place)}
class InputWrapper extends React.Component {
render() {
return (
<View style={{ width: '100%' }}>
placeHolder={"Some Place holder"}
onSelect={place => {
this.props.goToPoint(get(place, ''), get(place, 'result.geometry.location.lng'))
iconResult={<Ionicons name="md-pin" size={25} style={styles.placeIcon}/>}
Configuration props
List of props supported by a component
Prop | Type | Default | Description |
googleApiKey | PropTypes.string.isRequired | | Google API key |
clearQueryOnSelect | bool | false | Clear input query on place select |
iconInput | any | | Icon added to an input |
iconResult | any | | Icon added to results |
language | string | en | Language for google API call |
placeHolder | string | Search places... | placeholder for an input |
query | string | | Custom text field value on init |
querySession | string | | A random string which identifies an autocomplete session for billing purposes. If this parameter is omitted from an autocomplete request, the request is billed independently. See the pricing sheet for details. |
queryTypes | string | | You may restrict results from a Place Autocomplete request to be of a certain type by passing a types parameter. Google docs |
queryFields | string | formatted_address,geometry,name | Fields requested from Google API |
queryCountries | array | | Array of country codes to limit results |
resultRender | func | place => place.description | Function to render results text |
searchLatitude | number | | Lat to limit results |
searchLongitude | number | | Lng to limit results |
searchRadius | number | | radius to limit results |
stylesContainer | object | {} | Custom styles for a container |
stylesInput | object | {} | Custom styles for an input |
stylesItem | object | {} | Custom styles for an item |
stylesItemText | object | {} | Custom styles for an item text |
stylesList | object | {} | Custom styles for a list |
stylesLoading | object, | {} | Custom styles for a loading indicator |
textInputProps | object | {} | Custom TextInput props |
requiredCharactersBeforeSearch | number | 2 | Component wont fetch places unless string length is equal this prop |
requiredTimeBeforeSearch | number | 1000 | Idle time on text input before component will fetch places |
onSelect | func | | Function called when you select a place |
onChangeText | func | | Method triggered when TextInput is changed. Returning query and this. |
placeHolder={'Some placeholder'}
position: 'relative',
alignSelf: 'stretch',
margin: 0,
top: 0,
left: 0,
right: 0,
bottom: 0,
shadowOpacity: 0,
borderColor: '#dedede',
borderWidth: 1,
marginBottom: 10
top: 50,
borderColor: '#dedede',
borderLeftWidth: 1,
borderRightWidth: 1,
borderBottomWidth: 1,
left: -1,
right: -1
onSelect={place => this.setState({place})}
Limit results to a country
placeHolder={'Some placeholder'}
queryCountries={['pl', 'fr']}
onSelect={place => this.setState({place})}
Limit results to a location
placeHolder={'Some placeholder'}
onSelect={place => this.setState({place})}
Place types
placeHolder={'Some placeholder'}
onSelect={place => this.setState({place})}
Common issues
If on click is not working and component is inside a ScrollView make sure to add keyboardShouldPersistTaps = always.