active | number | index stepper active | undefined |
content | ReactElement[] | Component that render to stepper | undefined |
onNext | Function | Function called when the next step button is pressed | undefined |
onBack | Function | Function called when the back step button is pressed | undefined |
onFinish | Function | Function called when the finish step button is pressed | undefined |
wrapperStyle? | ViewStyle | Wrapper component style | {} |
stepStyle? | ViewStyle | Step component style | {backgroundColor: '#1976d2', width: 30, height: 30, borderRadius: 30, justifyContent: 'center', alignItems: 'center', opacity: 1} |
stepTextStyle? | TextStyle | Step Text component style | {color: 'white'} |
buttonStyle? | ViewStyle | Button component style | { padding: 10, borderRadius: 4, alignSelf: 'flex-start', marginRight: 10, backgroundColor: '#a1a1a1'} |
buttonTextStyle? | TextStyle | Button Text component style | {color: 'white'} |
showButton? | boolean | show button | true |