pageCount | Number | Required. The total number of pages. |
pageRangeDisplayed | Number | Required. The range of pages displayed. |
marginPagesDisplayed | Number | Required. The number of pages to display for margins. |
previousLabel | Node | Label for the previous button. |
nextLabel | Node | Label for the next button. |
breakLabel | Node | Label for ellipsis. |
breakClassName | String | The classname on tag li of the ellipsis element. |
breakLinkClassName | String | The classname on tag a of the ellipsis element. |
onPageChange | Function | The method to call when a page is clicked. Exposes the current page object as an argument. |
initialPage | Number | The initial page selected. |
forcePage | Number | To override selected page with parent prop. |
disableInitialCallback | boolean | Disable onPageChange callback with initial page. Default: false |
containerClassName | String | The classname of the pagination container. |
pageClassName | String | The classname on tag li of each page element. |
pageLinkClassName | String | The classname on tag a of each page element. |
activeClassName | String | The classname for the active page. |
activeLinkClassName | String | The classname on the active tag a . |
previousClassName | String | The classname on tag li of the previous button. |
nextClassName | String | The classname on tag li of the next button. |
previousLinkClassName | String | The classname on tag a of the previous button. |
nextLinkClassName | String | The classname on tag a of the next button. |
disabledClassName | String | The classname for disabled previous and next buttons. |
hrefBuilder | Function | The method is called to generate the href attribute value on tag a of each page element. |
extraAriaContext | String | DEPRECATED: Extra context to add to the aria-label HTML attribute. |
ariaLabelBuilder | Function | The method is called to generate the aria-label attribute value on each page link |
eventListener | String | The event to listen onto before changing the selected page. Default is: "onClick". |