Photosphere Viewer for React.JS
npm install @photo-sphere-viewer/core react-photo-sphere-viewer
Since v5.0.0-psv5.7.1, to use <ReactPhotoSphereViewer />
you have to manually install the JS library @photo-sphere-viewer/core
. This is a breaking change. The library is not included in the package anymore. You can install it using the command npm install @photo-sphere-viewer/core
or yarn add @photo-sphere-viewer/core
. I decided to remove the library from the package to reduce the size of the package and to avoid the need to update the package every time the original library is updated. In particular, from now on, to use a plugin or an adapter, you need to import it directly from the package. For example, to use the MarkersPlugin
you need to import it from the package import { MarkersPlugin } from '@photo-sphere-viewer/markers-plugin'
Library Version
Original Wrapped Library: PhotoSphereViewer used as Peer Dependency - Minimum Version: 5.7.1 [NEW]
This is a simple React component that allows you to display a 360° photo sphere.
It is based on PhotoSphereViewer by Mistic100.
This component is a well managed wrapper around the original JS library. It is easy to use and has a lot of features. It is also easy to customize. It is also easy to extend.
Addictional features are:
- Little Planet Mode: display the panorama like a little planet (Similar to the DJI drones exported panoramas)
Enjoy it in this sandbox
Using React
import "./App.css";
import { ReactPhotoSphereViewer } from "react-photo-sphere-viewer";
import React from "react";
function App() {
return (
<div className="App">
export default App;
Using Next.js
With App Router
"use client"
import React from "react";
import { ReactPhotoSphereViewer } from "react-photo-sphere-viewer";
import { MarkersPlugin } from '@photo-sphere-viewer/markers-plugin';
import { CompassPlugin } from '@photo-sphere-viewer/compass-plugin';
import '@photo-sphere-viewer/markers-plugin/index.css';
import '@photo-sphere-viewer/compass-plugin/index.css';
export default function Home() {
const imgSrc = ''
const plugins = [
markers: [
id: "image",
position: { yaw: "0.33deg", pitch: "0.1deg" },
image: "vercel.svg",
anchor: "bottom center",
size: { width: 128, height: 128 },
tooltip: "Marker Tooltip Test",
[CompassPlugin, {
hotspots: [
{ yaw: '0deg' },
{ yaw: '90deg' },
{ yaw: '180deg' },
{ yaw: '270deg' },
return (
plugins={plugins} ></ReactPhotoSphereViewer>
To use <ReactPhotoSphereViewer />
in Next.js with Page Router, you'll need to use some work-arounds in order to import correctly the CSS modules. Otherwise you will encounter the CSS Modules cannot be imported from within node_modules
error. See more here.
With Page Router
- Install
$ npm install --save-dev next-transpile-modules
- Update your
as shown below:
const withTM = require("next-transpile-modules")([
const nextConfig = {
reactStrictMode: true,
module.exports = withTM(nextConfig);
- Import the CSS manually into
import "@/styles/globals.css";
import "@photo-sphere-viewer/markers-plugin/index.css";
import "@photo-sphere-viewer/compass-plugin/index.css";
export default function App({ Component, pageProps }) {
return <Component {...pageProps} />;
- Import dynamicly
and import the plugins manually:
import dynamic from "next/dynamic";
const ReactPhotoSphereViewer = dynamic(
() =>
(mod) => mod.ReactPhotoSphereViewer
ssr: false,
import { MarkersPlugin } from "@photo-sphere-viewer/markers-plugin";
import { CompassPlugin } from "@photo-sphere-viewer/compass-plugin";
export default function Home() {
const imgSrc =
const plugins = [
markers: [
id: "image",
position: { yaw: "0.33deg", pitch: "0.1deg" },
image: "vercel.svg",
anchor: "bottom center",
size: { width: 128, height: 128 },
tooltip: "Marker Tooltip Test",
hotspots: [
{ yaw: "0deg" },
{ yaw: "90deg" },
{ yaw: "180deg" },
{ yaw: "270deg" },
return (
Little planet mode
I've added this custom effect that allows you to display the panorama like a little planet. To enable it, you need to pass the littlePlanet
prop to the component.
The effect is this:
Standard props
type standardProps = {
src: string;
height: number;
width?: number;
containerClass?: string;
littlePlanet?: boolean;
hideNavbarButton?: boolean;
Original props
Currently all options of the original library are supported and exported as props.
type ViewerConfig = {
container: HTMLElement | string;
panorama?: any;
overlay?: any;
overlayOpacity?: number;
adapter?: AdapterConstructor | [AdapterConstructor, any];
plugins?: Array<PluginConstructor | [PluginConstructor, any]>;
caption?: string;
description?: string;
downloadUrl?: string;
downloadName?: string;
loadingImg?: string;
loadingTxt?: string;
size?: CssSize;
fisheye?: boolean | number;
minFov?: number;
maxFov?: number;
defaultZoomLvl?: number;
defaultYaw?: number | string;
defaultPitch?: number | string;
sphereCorrection?: SphereCorrection;
moveSpeed?: number;
zoomSpeed?: number;
moveInertia?: boolean;
mousewheel?: boolean;
mousemove?: boolean;
mousewheelCtrlKey?: boolean;
touchmoveTwoFingers?: boolean;
useXmpData?: boolean;
panoData?: PanoData | PanoDataProvider;
| Record<string, string>
| ((url: string) => Record<string, string>);
canvasBackground?: string;
rendererParameters?: WebGLRendererParameters;
withCredentials?: boolean;
navbar?: boolean | string | Array<string | NavbarCustomButton>;
lang?: {
zoom: string;
zoomOut: string;
zoomIn: string;
moveUp: string;
moveDown: string;
moveLeft: string;
moveRight: string;
download: string;
fullscreen: string;
menu: string;
close: string;
twoFingers: string;
ctrlZoom: string;
loadError: string;
littlePlanetButton: string;
littlePlanetIcon: string;
[K: string]: string;
| boolean
| "always"
| "fullscreen"
| Record<string, ACTIONS | ((viewer: Viewer) => void)>;
keyboardActions?: Record<string, ACTIONS | ((viewer: Viewer) => void)>;
This code is generated from the original library. Click here to see documentation.
To use the standard plugins provided by the original library, you need to pass the plugins
prop to the component. The prop is an array of plugins. Each plugin can be a constructor or an array of constructor and options. To include them in the component, you need to import them directly from the "@photo-sphere-viewer/" package.
The only "third-party" plugin that is supported at the moment is the "Lensflare" plugin. To use it, you need to import it from the "photo-sphere-viewer-lensflare-plugin" package. This plugin is made by me and it is not included in the original library.
import { ReactPhotoSphereViewer } from "react-photo-sphere-viewer";
import { LensflarePlugin } from "photo-sphere-viewer-lensflare-plugin";
import { CompassPlugin } from "@photo-sphere-viewer/compass-plugin";
import { MarkersPlugin } from "@photo-sphere-viewer/markers-plugin";
function App() {
const plugins = [
lensflares: [
id: "sun",
position: { yaw: "145deg", pitch: "2deg" },
type: 0,
hotspots: [
{ yaw: "0deg" },
{ yaw: "90deg" },
{ yaw: "180deg" },
{ yaw: "270deg" },
markers: [
id: "polygon",
polygonPx: [
2941, 1413, 3042, 1402, 3222, 1419, 3433, 1463, 3480, 1505, 3438,
1538, 3241, 1543, 3041, 1555, 2854, 1559, 2739, 1516, 2775, 1469,
2941, 1413,
svgStyle: {
fill: "rgba(255,0,0,0.2)",
stroke: "rgba(255, 0, 50, 0.8)",
strokeWidth: "2px",
data: { compass: "rgba(255, 0, 50, 0.8)" },
id: "polyline",
polylinePx: [
2478, 1635, 2184, 1747, 1674, 1953, 1166, 1852, 709, 1669, 301,
1519, 94, 1399, 34, 1356,
svgStyle: {
stroke: "rgba(80, 150, 50, 0.8)",
strokeLinecap: "round",
strokeLinejoin: "round",
strokeWidth: "20px",
data: { compass: "rgba(80, 150, 50, 0.8)" },
return (
<div className="App">
Calling plugin methods and handling events from outside the component NEW
To handle events from outside the component, you need to declare the callback function in the onReady(instance: Viewer)
prop. The instance
is the instance of the viewer. You can call the plugin methods using the instance.getPlugin()
method. The instance.getPlugin()
method returns the plugin instance. You can call the plugin methods using the plugin instance.
const handleReady = (instance) => {
const markersPlugs = instance.getPlugin(MarkersPlugin);
if (!markersPlugs) return;
id: "imageLayer2",
image: "drone.png",
size: { width: 220, height: 220 },
position: { yaw: "130.5deg", pitch: "-0.1deg" },
tooltip: "Image embedded in the scene",
markersPlugs.addEventListener("select-marker", () => {
return (
<div className="App">
Click here to see plugins documentation.
Note for Virtual Tour Plugin
Please follow this Sandbox template to see how to use the original plugin: Sandbox
Please remember to set the 'src' prop of the ReactPhotoSphereViewer component to a placeholder image, it colud be for example the first picture of the virtual tour. #36
If you want to use virtual tour functions, you can store them to a React state: #69
const handleReady = useCallback((instance) => {
const animate = instance.animate.bind(instance);
setAnimateFunction(() => animate);
}, []);
This quick tip can be used to call every library method.
Adapters (NEW - 3.1.0-psv5.0.1)
To use the standard library adapters provided by the original library, you need to pass the adapter
prop to the component. The prop is an array of adapters. Each adapter can be a constructor or an array of constructor and options. To include them in the component, you need to import them directly from the "react-photo-sphere-viewer" package.
import {
} from "@photo-sphere-viewer/cubemap-adapter";
Click here to see adapters documentation.
All documented events are exported as props (function names).
type ViewerEvents = {
onPositionChange?(lat: number, lng: number, instance: Viewer): any;
data: events.ZoomUpdatedEvent & { type: "zoom-updated" },
instance: Viewer
): any;
onClick?(data: events.ClickEvent & { type: "click" }, instance: Viewer): void;
data: events.ClickEvent & { type: "dblclick" },
instance: Viewer
): void;
onReady?(instance: Viewer): void;
You can declare an event callback:
const handleClick = (data: events.ClickEvent & { type: "click" }) => {
and then:
To see the original events, click here.
To trigger a method you need to pass a reference to the component and access the method directly.
const photoSphereRef = React.createRef<ReactPhotoSphereViewer>();
React.useEffect(() => {
if (!photoSphereRef.current)
yaw: 0,
pitch: 0,
zoom: 55,
speed: '10rpm',
}, [photoSphereRef]);
And then:
Currently managed methods are:
- animate(options: AnimateOptions): utils.Animation;
- destroy(): void;
- createTooltip(config: TooltipConfig): Tooltip;
- needsContinuousUpdate(enabled: boolean): void;
- observeObjects(userDataKey: string): void;
- unobserveObjects(userDataKey: string): void;
- setCursor(cursor: string): void;
- stopAnimation(): PromiseLike;
- rotate(position: ExtendedPosition): void;
- setOption(option: keyof UpdatableViewerConfig, value: unknown): void;
- setOptions(options: Partial): void;
- getCurrentNavbar(): (string | object)[] | void;
- zoom(value: number): void;
- zoomIn(step: number): void;
- zoomOut(step: number): void;
- resize(size: CssSize): void;
- enterFullscreen(): void;
- exitFullscreen(): void;
- toggleFullscreen(): void;
- isFullscreenEnabled(): boolean | void;
- startAutoRotate(): void;
- stopAutoRotate(): void;
- getPlugin(pluginId: string | PluginConstructor): T;
- getPosition(): Position; // Specify the return type
- getZoomLevel(): number; // Specify the return type
- getSize(): Size; // Specify the return type
- needsUpdate(): void;
- autoSize(): void;
- setPanorama(path: any, options?: PanoramaOptions): Promise;
- toggleAutorotate(): void;
- showError(message: string): void;
- hideError(): void;
- startKeyboardControl(): void;
- stopKeyboardControl(): void;
To see the original methods, click here.
MIT © elius94