React Rangefilter
React UI component for filtering linearly arranged data. The layout is comprised of two areas of interest: the range-browser and the focus-tray. The bounds-sliders determine the start and end of the browsed range which is then displayed across the entire width of the focus-tray. The range is a colleciton of objects arranged by a sort-value, and is automatically sorted by string or number. The focus-tray is updated each time a bounds-slider position is changed.
Try it
See the demo at
not yet indexed with npm
- Full React/Flux pattern
- Minimal dependencies (lodash, react-draggable)
- Callbacks for onClick and onChange
- Fluid layout
- CSS Rich
import Rangefilter from "../rangefilter"
<Rangefilter {...props}/>
- Panel:{}
- Panelintervals:{}
- Scopetrack:{}
- Focustray:{}
- Leftbound:{}
- Rightbound:{}
- Change:=>
- Click:=>
- Range:[{},...{}]