A binding library for redux to react-i18nify-lite
First install the package.
Using yarn
yarn add react-redux-i18n-lite
Using npm
npm i react-redux-i18n-lite --save
is an implicit dependency, so you need it installed and included in your project.
To learn more about redux-thunk
, refer to it's GitHub page:
Next, load the translations to be used, for example in app.js
or in your apps entry point:
import { createStore, combineReducers, applyMiddleware } from 'redux';
import thunk from 'redux-thunk';
import { loadTranslations, setLocale, syncTranslationWithStore, i18nReducer } from 'react-redux-i18n-lite';
import reducers from './reducers';
const translationsObject = {
en: {
application: {
title: 'Awesome app with i18n!',
hello: 'Hello, %{name}!'
date: {
long: 'MMMM Do, YYYY'
export: 'Export %{count} items',
export_0: 'Nothing to export',
export_1: 'Export %{count} item',
two_lines: 'Line 1<br />Line 2',
literal_two_lines: 'Line 1\
Line 2'
nl: {
application: {
title: 'Toffe app met i18n!',
hello: 'Hallo, %{name}!'
date: {
long: 'D MMMM YYYY'
export: 'Exporteer %{count} dingen',
export_0: 'Niks te exporteren',
export_1: 'Exporteer %{count} ding',
two_lines: 'Regel 1<br />Regel 2',
literal_two_lines: 'Regel 1\
Regel 2'
const store = createStore(
i18n: i18nReducer
NB! Please note that reducer's name must be i18n
! Make sure your project's reducers don't clash with it.
The easiest way to translate copies in your React components is by using the Translate
directly exported from react-i18nify-lite
import React from 'react';
import { Translate } from 'react-redux-i18n-lite';
const AwesomeComponent = () => (
<Translate value="application.title"/>
// => returns '<span>Toffe app met i18n!</span>' for locale 'nl'
<Translate value="application.title" style={{ fontWeight: 'bold', fontSize: '14px' }} />
// => returns '<span style="font-weight:bold;font-size:14px;">Toffe app met i18n!</span>' for locale 'nl'
<Translate value="application.hello" name="Aad"/>
// => returns '<span>Hallo, Aad!</span>' for locale 'nl'
<Translate value="export" count={1} />
// => returns '<span>Exporteer 1 ding</span> for locale 'nl'
<Translate value="export" count={2} />
// => returns '<span>Exporteer 2 dingen</span> for locale 'nl'
<Translate value="two_lines" dangerousHTML />
// => returns '<span>Regel 1<br />Regel 2</span>'
Keeping components updated
When the translation object or locale values are set, all instances of Translate
will be re-rendered to
reflect the latest state. If you choose to use I18n.t
then it is up to you to handle any state changes.
If you'd rather not re-render components after setting locale or translations object, then pass false
as a second
argument to setLocale
and/or setTranslations
method call.
If for some reason, you cannot use the components, you can use the I18n.t
helper instead:
import { I18n } from 'react-redux-i18n-lite';
I18n.t('application.hello', {name: 'Aad'});
I18n.t('export', {count: 0});
I18n.t('application', {name: 'Aad'});