Higher order component capable of injecting RSS feed from any url into props.
So far this feed only supports standard RSS params defined in: https://validator.w3.org/feed/docs/rss2.html.
Example of usage
import React, { FunctionComponent } from 'react';
import rssEnhancer, { InjectionRSSProps } from 'react-rss';
const DefaultRSSComponent: FunctionComponent<{ label: string } & InjectionRSSProps> = props => (
<a href={props.rss.header.link}>
{props.rss.items.map(item => (
export default rssEnhancer(
class SourcedRSSComponent extends Component<{ label: string } & InjectionRSSProps> {
public render() {
const { props } = this;
return (
<a href={props.rss.header.link}>
{props.rss.items.map(item => (
export default rssEnhancer(
Resulting use
import React from "react";
import ReactDOM from "react-dom";
import DefaultRSSComponent from "./DefaultRSSComponent";
import SourcedRSSComponent from "./SourcedRSSComponent";
interface State {
value: string;
rssUrl: string;
class TestRSS extends React.Component<{}, State> {
state: State = {
value: '',
rssUrl: '',
public render() {
const { state } = this;
return (
<input value={state.value} onInput={e => this.setState({ value: (e.target as HTMLInputElement).value })} />
<button onClick={() => this.setState(prevState => ({ rssUrl: prevState.value }))}>Test component</button>
{state.rssUrl && (
loadingComponent={() => <div>Loading sourced</div>}
errorComponent={e => {
return <div>Failed to load this resource!</div>;
loadingComponent={() => <div>Loading default..</div>}
errorComponent={() => <div>Sadly, no default rss :(</div>}
<TestRSS />,
Changes since 1.0.0
Fixed typos in typings of this package. Added enhancers, which allow you to pick custom xml elements (using query selectors) out of RSS and add them to the component props.
Also, fixed default parsing of RSS XML document and added component update mechanism when passed url changes.
Example of use
class SourcedRSSComponent extends Component<{ label: string } & InjectionRSSProps<{ hasImage: boolean }, { mediaUrl?: string }>> {
public render() {
const { props } = this;
return (
<a href={props.rss.header.link}>
{props.rss.header.hasImage && ' Has image!'}
{props.rss.items.map(item => (
{item.mediaUrl && <span>Url: {item.mediaUrl}</span>}
export default rssEnhancer(
url => ({ input: url, init: { method: 'POST' } }),
(rss, header) => {
return { ...header, hasImage: Boolean(rss.image) };
(rssItem, item) => {
const mediaUrl = rssItem['media:content'].attributes.url;
if (mediaUrl) {
return { ...item, mediaUrl };
return item;
Changes since 2.0.0
Added no-dependency parser of xml into a JSON object. The parser can handle attributes, children in xml and text/c-data nodes.
For a simple example, see above. This parser stores child nodes under 'children' property. Children will either be objects or arrays, depending on whether there are duplicate children with the same tag name. Parsed attributes will be stored inside 'attributes' property. Text/c-data nodes will be stored under 'text' property and will be concatenated.
This was done to simplify object access inside enhancers.
You can either setup an URL in the enhancer, or in the resulting component. However, the url has to be set. You can rewrite default url with the one on component.
If you have any ideas on how to improve this package, do not hesitate to file in a pull request or an issue on github.