It makes easy to publish networks on Web pages and allows developers to integrate network exploration in rich Web applications. Use JSX for graph configuration, including asynchronous graph loading, so no callback is needed. Library is lightweight and modular, so you can bundle only what you use. Easy to extend with additional components.
Table of Contents
npm install --save react-sigmajs
yarn add react-sigmajs
bower install
If you don't want to use webpack or browserify, you could always reference the single file distribution:
<script src=""/>
Simple use case with embedded graph
import {Sigma, RandomizeNodePositions, RelativeSize} from 'react-sigmajs';
<Sigma graph={{nodes:[{id:"n1", label:"Alice"}, {id:"n2", label:"Rabbit"}], edges:[{id:"e1",source:"n1",target:"n2",label:"SEES"}]}} settings={{drawEdges:true}}>
<RelativeSize initialSize={15}/>
Note that graph nodes require x, y and size defined in order to be displayed, plugins like RelativeSize and RandomizeNodePositions might help to generate those.
Simple use case with graph loaded from external file
import {Sigma, LoadJSON} from 'react-sigmajs'
<Sigma style={{width:"200px", height:"200px"}}>
<LoadJSON path="/public/data.json">
Advanced use case
<Sigma renderer="canvas">
<EdgeShapes default="tapered"/>
<NodeShapes default="star"/>
<LoadGEXF path={String(process.env.PUBLIC_URL) + "/arctic.gexf"}>
<Filter neighborsOf={ this.state.filterNeighbours } />
<ForceAtlas2 worker barnesHutOptimize barnesHutTheta={0.6} iterationsPerRender={10} linLogMode timeout={3000}/>
<RelativeSize initialSize={15}/>
See storybook for detailed usage examples.
Minimizing bundle
Minimized sigma with minimum required functionality is 76kb, more when plugins added.
Using webpack2 or rollup nothing need to be done to minimize bundle code, though previous generation of bundlers which does not support tree shaking, like webpack1, require explicit submodules import to be able to optimize, e.g.:
import Sigma from 'react-sigmajs/lib/Sigma'
import LoadJSON from 'react-sigmajs/lib/LoadJSON'
Components reference
Please see react-sigma reference for details. Below is a brief concept.
Sigma is the main component which reserves
area with a given style (default is full width, 500px height),
initializes renderer and camera in the given area and starts rendering graph.
be composed with sigma plugins using JSX syntax, e.g.:
<Sigma renderer="webgl" style={{maxWidth:"inherit", height:"400px"}}
onOverNode={e => console.log("Mouse over node: " +}>
graph={{nodes:["id0", "id1"], edges:[{id:"e0",source:"id0",target:"id1"}]}}>
<RelativeSize initialSize={8} />
By default sigma package includes only canvas rendering functions, though it can be easily extended with WebGL.
Importing SigmaEnableWebGL enables WebGL renderer, setting it as default renderer if WebGL is supported by browser.
import {Sigma, SigmaEnableWebGL} from './react-sigmajs'
<Sigma /> // will use webgl renderer if supported by browser
Extending sigma components
Sigma container will mount any child component with sigma instance under props.sigma. This way you can write custom sigma-aware components:
class MyCustomSigma extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
props.sigma.graph.addNode({id:"n3", label:props.label});
return <Sigma>
<MyCustomSigma label="Label">
Components composition
Component which initialize or provide graph changes asynchronously are supposed to mount children
after initialized. For instance LoadJSON will render child subcomponents only after loading. This makes possible to build sequential composition in the pure JSX without any callbacks or handlers. In the following example RelativeSize will be instantiated only after loading from arctic.json file.
<LoadJSON url="/arctic.json">
<RelativeSize initialSize={8}/>
All defined Sigma types stored under /types/sigma.js, can be used as a reference for objects and parameters.
TODO: move to flow-typed