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Carousel component built with React. It is a react port of slick carousel
npm install react-slick-rtl
yarn add react-slick-rtl
⚠️ Also install slick-carousel for css and font
npm install slick-carousel
@import "~slick-carousel/slick/slick.css";
@import "~slick-carousel/slick/slick-theme.css";
or add cdn link in your html
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="" />
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="" />
Use jsfiddle template to try react-slick with different settings.
Filing issues
Please replicate your issue with jsfiddle template and post it along with issue to make it easy for me to debug.
Starter Kit
Checkout yeoman generator to quickly
get started with react-slick.
var React = require('react');
var Slider = require('react-slick');
class SimpleSlider extends React.Component {
render: function () {
var settings = {
dots: true,
infinite: true,
speed: 500,
slidesToShow: 1,
slidesToScroll: 1
return (
<Slider {...settings}>
Props | Type | Default Value | Description | Working |
accessibility | bool | true | Enable tabbing and arrow key navigation | Yes |
className | string | '' | CSS class for inner slider div | Yes |
adaptiveHeight | bool | false | Adjust the slide's height automatically | Yes |
arrows | bool | true | | Yes |
nextArrow | React Element | null | React element for next arrow. Example | Yes |
prevArrow | React Element | null | React element for prev arrow. Example | Yes |
autoplay | bool | false | | Yes |
autoplaySpeed | int | 3000 | Delay between each auto scroll (in milliseconds) | Yes |
centerMode | bool | false | Center current slide | Yes |
centerPadding | | '50px' | | |
cssEase | | 'ease' | | |
customPaging | func | i => <button>{i + 1}</button> | Custom paging templates. Example | Yes |
dots | bool | Default | | Yes |
dotsClass | string | 'slick-dots' | CSS class for dots | Yes |
draggable | bool | true | Enable scrollable via dragging on desktop | Yes |
easing | string | 'linear' | | |
fade | bool | Default | | Yes |
focusOnSelect | bool | false | Go to slide on click | Yes |
infinite | bool | true | Infinitely wrap around contents | Yes |
initialSlide | int | 0 | Index of first slide | Yes |
lazyLoad | bool | false | Load images or render components on demand | Yes |
pauseOnHover | bool | true | Prevents autoplay while hovering | Yes |
responsive | array | null | Customize based on breakpoints (detailed explanation below) | Yes |
rtl | bool | false | Reverses the slide order | Yes |
slide | string | 'div' | | |
slidesToShow | int | 1 | Yes | Yes |
slidesToScroll | int | 1 | | |
speed | int | 500 | | |
swipe | bool | true | | |
swipeToSlide | bool | false | Enable drag/swpie irrespective of slidesToScroll | Yes |
touchMove | bool | true | | |
touchThreshold | int | 5 | | |
variableWidth | bool | false | | |
useCSS | bool | true | Enable/Disable CSS Transitions | Yes |
vertical | bool | false | | Yes |
afterChange | func | Default | Index change callback. index => ... | Yes |
beforeChange | func | null | Index change callback. (oldIndex, newIndex) => ... | Yes |
slickGoTo | int | Default | Go to the specified slide number | |
Array of objects in the form of { breakpoint: int, settings: { ... } }
The breakpoint int is the maxWidth
so the settings will be applied when resolution is below this value. Breakpoints in the array should be ordered from smallest to greatest. Use 'unslick' in place of the settings object to disable rendering the carousel at that breakpoint. Example: [ { breakpoint: 768, settings: { slidesToShow: 3 } }, { breakpoint: 1024, settings: { slidesToShow: 5 } }, { breakpoint: 100000, settings: 'unslick' } ]
- function called to change current slide on next slide (Example)slickPrev()
- function called to change current slide on previous slide (Example)slickGoTo(slideNumber)
- function called to change current slide to given slide number (Example)
Custom next/prev arrows
To customize the next/prev arrow elements, simply create new React components and set them
as the values of nextArrow and prevArrow.
class LeftNavButton extends React.Component {
render() {
return <button {...this.props}>Next</button>
Important: be sure that you pass your component's props to your clickable element
like the example above. If you don't, your custom component won't trigger the click handler.
You can also set onClick={this.props.onClick}
if you only want to set the click handler.
Flexbox support
If you have flex property on container div of slider, add below css
* {
min-height: 0;
min-width: 0;
Test Setup
If you try to run tests with jest in a project that uses react-slick, you may run into this error
matchMedia not present, legacy browsers require a polyfill
To fix this issue add below snippet in test-setup.js
window.matchMedia = window.matchMedia || function() {
return {
matches : false,
addListener : function() {},
removeListener: function() {}
and add below jest config in package.json
"jest": {
"setupFiles": ["test-setup.js"]
Want to run demos locally
git clone
npm install
npm start
open http://localhost:8080
Polyfills for old IE support
support from media-match