What is react-spring?
react-spring is a spring-physics-based animation library for React applications. It allows developers to create fluid and natural animations with ease, leveraging the power of physics to create realistic motion. The library is highly flexible and can be used for a variety of animation needs, from simple transitions to complex interactive animations.
What are react-spring's main functionalities?
Basic Animations
This feature allows you to create basic animations such as fading in and out. The `useSpring` hook is used to define the animation properties, and the `animated` component is used to apply these properties to a React element.
import React from 'react';
import { useSpring, animated } from 'react-spring';
function BasicAnimation() {
const props = useSpring({
to: { opacity: 1 },
from: { opacity: 0 },
return <animated.div style={props}>I will fade in</animated.div>;
export default BasicAnimation;
Keyframe Animations
This feature allows you to create keyframe animations, where an element transitions through multiple states. The `to` property can be an async function that defines a sequence of animations.
import React from 'react';
import { useSpring, animated } from 'react-spring';
function KeyframeAnimation() {
const props = useSpring({
from: { transform: 'translate3d(0,0,0)' },
to: async (next) => {
await next({ transform: 'translate3d(100px,0,0)' });
await next({ transform: 'translate3d(0,0,0)' });
return <animated.div style={props}>I will move</animated.div>;
export default KeyframeAnimation;
Gesture-based Animations
This feature allows you to create gesture-based animations, such as dragging. The `useDrag` hook from `react-use-gesture` is used in combination with `useSpring` to create a draggable element.
import React from 'react';
import { useSpring, animated } from 'react-spring';
import { useDrag } from 'react-use-gesture';
function Draggable() {
const [props, set] = useSpring(() => ({ x: 0, y: 0 }));
const bind = useDrag(({ offset: [x, y] }) => set({ x, y }));
return <animated.div {...bind()} style={{ ...props, width: 100, height: 100, background: 'lightblue' }} />;
export default Draggable;
Other packages similar to react-spring
Framer Motion is a popular animation library for React that provides a simple API for creating animations and gestures. It is known for its ease of use and powerful features, such as layout animations and shared element transitions. Compared to react-spring, Framer Motion is more focused on providing a high-level API for common animation tasks, while react-spring offers more flexibility and control over the animation physics.
React Transition Group is a low-level animation library for React that provides more control over the transition states of components. It is often used for simple animations like fading, sliding, and collapsing. Compared to react-spring, React Transition Group is more focused on managing the lifecycle of animations and transitions, while react-spring provides more advanced physics-based animations.
React Move is an animation library for React that allows you to create complex animations using a declarative syntax. It is designed to work well with data-driven animations and provides a flexible API for creating custom animations. Compared to react-spring, React Move is more focused on data-driven animations and provides a different approach to defining animations using a declarative syntax.
npm install react-spring
import React, { PureComponent } from 'react'
import Spring from 'react-spring'
import '../global.pcss'
const Content = ({ toggle, number, scale, path, gradientStart, gradientEnd, ...style }) => (
width: '100%',
height: '100%',
display: 'flex',
justifyContent: 'center',
alignItems: 'center',
background: `linear-gradient(to bottom, ${gradientStart} 0%, ${gradientEnd} 100%)`,
width: 300,
height: 300,
tranformOrigin: 'center center',
transform: `scale(${scale})`,
viewBox="0 0 400 400"
<g className="path" fill={style.color} fillRule="evenodd">
<path id="path-1" d={path} />
<text fontSize="2em" textAnchor="middle" x="50%" y="50%" fill="#FFFFFF">
<tspan x="50%" dy="1em" textAnchor="middle">
Click me ...
const TRIANGLE = 'M20,380 L380,380 L380,380 L200,20 L20,380 Z'
const RECTANGLE = 'M20,20 L20,380 L380,380 L380,20 L20,20 Z'
export default class App extends React.Component {
state = { toggle: true }
toggle = () => this.setState(state => ({ toggle: !state.toggle }))
render() {
const toggle = this.state.toggle
const color = toggle ? '#c23369' : '#28d79f'
return (
from={{ opacity: 0 }}
opacity: 1,
gradientStart: toggle ? color : 'black',
gradientEnd: toggle ? 'black' : color,
number: toggle ? 100 : 0,
scale: toggle ? 1 : 2,
path: toggle ? TRIANGLE : RECTANGLE,
children={Content} // Render prop
toggle={this.toggle} // Additional props will be spread over the child