Custom colors
npm install react-switch-selector --save
yarn add react-switch-selector
SwitchSelector will stretch to fill it's parent size (both width and height), so it's required create dedicated div container.
import SwitchSelector from "react-switch-selector";
const options = [
label: "Foo",
value: {
foo: "bar"
selectedBackgroundColor: "#0097e6",
label: "Bar",
value: null,
selectedBackgroundColor: "#fbc531"
const onChange = (newValue) => {
const initialSelectedIndex = options.findIndex(({value}) => value === null);
return (
<div style={{width: 100, height: 30}}>
Prop name | Type | Default | Required | Note |
options | Array of OptionType | [] | true | Options array to render. Each item has a label value and optional styling props |
onChange | Function | (v) => (console.log(v)) | true | onChange callback that returns selected Option's value |
initialSelectedIndex | number | 0 | false | Initially selected index of options array |
border | string/number | 0 | false | Border of wrapping div |
backgroundColor | string | #ecf0f1 | false | Background color of wrapping div |
selectedBackgroundColor | string | #2ecc71 | false | Background of selected Option |
wrapperBorderRadius | number | 20 | false | Border radius of wrapping div |
optionBorderRadius | number | 18 | false | Border radius of Option component |
fontSize | number | 14 | false | Font size of Option's label |
fontColor | string | #000 | false | Font color of Option's label |
selectedFontColor | string | #fff | false | Font color of selected Option's label |
selectionIndicatorMargin | number | 2 | false | Inner margin of selection indicator |
Property name | Type | Default | Required | Note |
label | string | undefined | true | Option's text label |
value | any | undefined | true | Option's value that is returned by onChange callback |
selectedBackgroundColor | string | undefined | false | Background of this selected Option |
fontColor | string | undefined | false | Font color of this Option's label |
selectedFontColor | string | undefined | false | Font color of this selected Option's label |
Overriding styles by pure css classes is available with react-switch-selector prefix:
- react-switch-selector-wrapper - component root div
- react-switch-selector-option - each option
- react-switch-selector-option-label - each option item's label