React Focus Trap
A react component to trap your focus for keyboard events.
It is as simple as wrapping your component with the FocusTrap and rest will be be taken care of.
Using npm:
$ npm i react-focus-trap
There are 2 ways in which you can use it.
1) Wrapping a component in it.
The default query selector is [role="button"]
but you can pass whatever your application sees fit.
// Do Something
<FocusTrap querySelector={'div.highlighted > p'}>
// Do something / wrap any component
2) Directly calling the method on keybaord events.
The package also exposes focusTrap = (event: KeyboardEvent, elements: HTMLElement[])
function which can be used directly on teh keyboard events.
Just pass the event and the elementList you need to be focus trapped.
const allButtonEls = document.querySelectorAll('[role="button"]')
const onKeyDown = event => focusTrap(event, allButtonEls)
return (
<div onKeyDown={onKeyDown}>
// Do something