Redux Test Action Log Middleware
Why Does This Exist?
I found myself using redux-mock-store a lot when writing
semi-integrated tests, where I was testing a connected component inside a react-redux
This works great when you're interacting with the store directly, but is less useful when you're
writing tests that set up more than one connected component and want to test their interaction
with at least partial isolation.
The benefit of this middleware is that it lets you use your actual store configuration, updating
state, and re-rendering connected components with new props, but also assert on sync or async
npm install redux-test-action-log --save-dev
While this module provides a redux middleware, it exists as a constructor with a few extra features. This gives you
access to the assertion functions and encapsulates the action log between tests.
import {createStore, applyMiddleware} from 'redux'
import ActionAsserter from 'redux-action-asserter'
const actionAsserter = new ActionAsserter()
const myReducer = state => state
const store = createStore(myReducer, applyMiddleware(actionAsserter.middleware()))
If you're using the redux-thunk middleware, you can also use resolve
create a thennable that will resolve when all dispatched thunks have resolved. Note to use this feature, your thunk
must return a Promise.
import {createStore, applyMiddleware} from 'redux'
import thunk from 'redux-thunk'
import ActionAsserter from 'redux-action-asserter'
const actionAsserter = new ActionAsserter()
const myReducer = state => state
const store = createStore(myReducer, applyMiddleware(thunk, actionAsserter.middleware()))
const afterAsyncAction = {type: 'after-async'}
const myThunk = () => dispatch => {
return Promise.resolve().then(() => {
actionAsserter.resolve().then(() => {