Rehype Katex
KaTeX transformer plugin for rehype.
It transfroms html content of element
nodes with math
and inlineMath
class with KaTeX.
If you are trying to process from Markdown source, using remark-math
and remark-rehype
is highly recommended.
npm i -S katex remark remark-math remark-rehype rehype-stringify
npm i -S rehype-katex
const remark = require('remark')
const math = require('remark-math')
const remark2rehype = require('remark-rehype')
const katex = require('rehype-katex')
const stringify = require('rehype-stringify')
const processor = remark()
const rawString = `Lift($L$) can be determined by Lift Coeeficient ($C_L$) like the following equation.
L = \\frac{1}{2} \\rho v^2 S C_L
const result = processor.processSync(rawString).toString()
Don't forget to include the CSS file for Katex.
Check remark-math for more information.
MIT © Junyoung Choi