A convenient way to return a JSX fragment without the wrapping div
element and not worry about the version of React.
$ npm i --save render-fragment
With the introduction of React 16.2, you can now return a fragment
(i.e. multiple elements that are not under a single element).
In previous versions, you were required to return either a
single element (in version 15.x)
or an array (in version 16.0 and 16.1).
import Fragment from 'render-fragment';
const App = () => (
If you are running React 15.x, it will render a wrapping <div>
For React 16.0 and 16.1, it will render an array.
For React 16.2 and above, it will render a <React.Fragment>
This way you can use the same markup regardless of the version
of React that you are using.
This is really useful for component designers that have React
installed as a peerDependency.
See live example on CodeSandbox.