![Dependency Status](https://david-dm.org/eush77/repl-here.png)
Node REPL that autoloads all modules in ./node_modules/
at startup, just like core libs.
Usage: repl-here
ee = replHere(repl, basedir)
Require all modules from $basedir/node_modules
into the repl (first argument).
Returns EventEmitter.
Event: fail
ee.on('fail', function(err, module))
Emitted whenever module fails to load.
Event: end
ee.on('end', function())
Emitted if repl
is done being populated with modules.
Event: error
ee.on('error', function(err))
Emitted if a fatal error occurred. At this point repl
may be half-way populated or left intact.
Why not X?
repl-it: works in the context of a project, hence walks up the directory tree, parses package.json
for dependencies and devDependencies, has options like loading main project files, etc.
scratchy: does not work quite as advertised because it also walks up the directory tree and so you can't npm install foo
and load it into the repl immediately afterwards (which is kind of a problem this module is trying to solve).
npm install -g repl-here