A library to log the HTTP requests coming to the server for debugging, testing and monitoring purposes.
It acts as a middleware and logs the request data in form of table in console and render it in form of bootstrap tables, everytime a request comes.
This solves the problem of debugging by console logging request data manually everytime a route doesn't work.
This is mostly useful for debugging purposes, so to install it as a dev-dependency you can simply install the npm package with dev flag.
npm install --save-dev reqlogs
How to use and configure
const express = require('express')
const app = express()
const PORT = process.env.PORT || 8081
// import the library
const {RequestLogger} = require('reqlogs')
// select the parameters you want to log from the HTTP request.
const parameters = {
time: true,
method: true,
path : true,
query : true,
body : true
// an array of paths you want the logger to ignore
const ignore_urls = ['/a', '/b']
// a boolean (optional) , for ordering of the data in table logs
const showLatestFirst = true
// create an object and pass the parameters
const RL = new RequestLogger({ignore_urls, parameters, showLatestFirst})
// essential middleware...
// put RL middlewares at the bottom just above the routes/api
// specify the url for the webview
const url = '/logs'
app.listen(PORT, () => {
console.log(`Server started at port : ${PORT}`)
Tip : This will work only if your server already has the required middlewares setup before the reqlogs middleware like cookies-parser for cookies and express.json() for body etc.
This will log your request data in form of tables in console and will render a webview as well.