Request-is-better is a TypeScript library which makes it easier to use request-response calls on any channel that implements a send-receive message interface.
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- Easy to use: just provide a way to send messages and receive messages and you can write requests
- Works with any messaging channel: As long as your messaging channel has a send function and a way to hook in a message receive callback, you can use this library
- Timeout support: Optionally set a timeout duration for each request
- Supports both async and sync channels. I.e. if your channel handles messages syncroniously that is when recieving a message it calls
immediatly than this library will also return the result immediatly.
npm i request-is-better
pnpm i request-is-better
yarn i request-is-better
Assuming your channel implements the send(MESSAGE)
and on("message", CALLBACK)
This is useful if your messaging channel does not use the standard send and on function signatures:
WebSocket example
import { expect } from "chai";
import WebSocket, { Server } from "ws";
import { messagingToRequestResponse } from "./index.js";
describe("ws_for_readme.test.ts", () => {
it("client requests server", async () => {
let server = new Server({ port: 8080 });
let client: WebSocket | undefined;
try {
server.on("connection", async (ws) => {
ws.on("message", (message) => ws.send(message));
client = new WebSocket("ws://localhost:8080");
const { request, onReceive } = messagingToRequestResponse({ send: (m: unknown) => client!.send(JSON.stringify(m)) });
client.on("message", (m: unknown) => onReceive(JSON.parse(m as string)));
await new Promise((resolve) => {
client!.on("open", async () => {
const response = await request({ msg: "message1" });
expect(response).to.eql({ msg: "message1" });
} finally {
For examples
See *.test.ts
files in git repository src
send: (m: unknown) => Promise<void> | void
A function that sends a message through your messaging system.
ignoreUnknownResponses?: boolean
If set to true, the library will ignore responses that do not match a known request ID. Defaults to false.
timeout?: number
If provided, each request will automatically be rejected after this duration (in milliseconds) if no response is received.
noWrap?: boolean
If true, than message should always be an object. And in that object field __r
will be used by request-is-better
to store requestId, so this field name shouldn't be occupied by the caller.
uniqualizer?: object
- if passed should be an object. A hidden field will be created in this object, so multiple calls to request-is-better
will yield to only one object avoiding common error #1. uniqualizer
isn't used by library for anything but this.
Common errors
1. Multiple calls to messagingToRequestResponse
- Symptoms:
- Error
Unknown response. There is no request with id = 1
- Common causes:
- Most likely you have called to messagingToRequestResponse more than once
- Or maybe you have called on('message', onReceive) more than once
- Solutions:
- Use opts.attachTo with channel itself. Be sure to pass initial object, not derived ones (which could be dublicated somewhere).
- Store resulting 'request' on a channel itself and check if it's there before calling to messagingToRequestResponse
- Use any other method to avoid multiple calls
Please submit an issue or pull request on our GitHub repository.
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