Request is a great client for NodeJS, but if you deal only with JSON, things
could be more straightforward. This lib aims to simplify Request usage for
JSON only requests.
Add it to your package json or run:
npm install request-json
How it works
Client = require('request-json').JsonClient
client = new Client 'http://localhost:8888/'
data = title: 'my title', content: 'my content'
client.post 'posts/', data, (err, res, body) ->
print response.statusCode
client.get 'posts/', (err, res, body) ->
print body.rows[0].title
data = title: "my new title"
client.put 'posts/123/', (err, res, body) ->
print response.statusCode
client.del 'posts/123/', (err, res, body) ->
print response.statusCode
data = name: "test"
client.sendFile 'attachments/', './test.png', data, (err, res, body) ->
console.log err if err
client.saveFile 'attachments/test.png', './test-get.png', (err, res, body) ->
console.log err if err
resultStats = fs.statSync('./test-get.png')
client.setBasicAuth('john', 'secret')
client.get 'private/posts/', (err, res, body) ->
print body.rows[0].title