npm i rest-router
How to use:
var restRouter = require('rest-router');
app.use('/users', restRouter('user')); // where user is name of mongo model
var UserSchema = Schema({
name: {type: String},
age: {type: Number},
friends: [{
type: ObjectId,
ref: 'user'
avatar: {type: String},
password: {
type: String,
secureIn: 1,
secureOut: 100
UserSchema.options = {
defaultSortField: '_id',
defaultLimit: 10,
filterField: 'name',
defaultSecureIn: 0,
defaultSecureOut: 0,
//calling before create, update or change model. Use it for save file. model = req.body;
init: function (req) {console.log(req); },
//calling before create, update or change model.
validate: function (model, isNew) {console.log(isNew); }
module.exports = mongoose.model('user', UserSchema);
And now you can use:
Also module provide secure for record and read models.
role = req.user.role || 0;
if path has secureIn or secureOut upper then user role, it have being deleted.
When you request collection in first (index 0) it element will be attribute totalCount.