npm i rest-router
How to use:
var restRouter = require('rest-router');
app.use('/users', restRouter('user')); // where user is name of mongo model
var UserSchema = Schema({
name: {type: String},
age: {type: Number},
friends: [{
type: ObjectId,
ref: 'user'
avatar: {type: String},
password: {
type: String,
secureIn: 1,
secureOut: 100
//All attributes are optional
UserSchema.options = {
defaultSortField: '_id',
defaultLimit: 10,
defaultSecureIn: 0,
defaultSecureOut: 0,
filterField: 'age', //string
searchFields: ['name', 'age'], //array or string
//calling before create, update or change model. Use it for save file or
//or change
init: function (req) {console.log('get files'); },
//calling before create, update or change model. model = req.body;
validate: function (model, isNew) {console.log(isNew); }
module.exports = mongoose.model('user', UserSchema);
And now you can use:
1. expand=friends&expand=otherObjectIdField
2. filter=someValue - filter by single field specified in schema options
3. sort, skip, limit to paginate your view
When you request collection in first (index 0) it element will be
attribute totalCount.
4. search=nameage - searching in all model's fields specified in options
5. Also module provide secure for record and read models.
secureIn and secureOut in model path attributes
if path has secureIn or secureOut upper than user role,
it have being deleted.
role = req.user.role || 0;