Restriction Card
A community driven restriction of best practices for Home Assistant Lovelace custom cards
Name | Type | Requirement | Description | Default |
type | string | Required | custom:restriction-card | |
name | string | Optional | Card name | Restriction |
show_error | boolean | Optional | Show what an error looks like for the card | false |
show_warning | boolean | Optional | Show what a warning looks like for the card | false |
entity | string | Optional | Home Assistant entity ID. | none |
tap_action | object | Optional | Action to take on tap | action: more-info |
hold_action | object | Optional | Action to take on hold | none |
Action Options
Name | Type | Requirement | Description | Default |
action | string | Required | Action to perform (toggle-menu, more-info, toggle, call-service, navigate url, none) | toggle-menu for menu and more-info for items |
navigation_path | string | Optional | Path to navigate to (e.g. /lovelace/0/) when action defined as navigate | none |
url | string | Optional | URL to open on click when action is url. The URL will open in a new tab | none |
service | string | Optional | Service to call (e.g. media_player.media_play_pause) when action defined as call-service | none |
service_data | object | Optional | Service data to include (e.g. entity_id: media_player.bedroom) when action defined as call-service | none |
haptic | string | Optional | Haptic feedback for the Beta IOS App success, warning, failure, light, medium, heavy, selection | none |
Starting a new card from restriction-card
Step 1
Clone this repo
Step 2
Install necessary modules
yarn install
or npm install
Step 3
Do a test lint & build on the project. You can see available scripts in the package.json
npm run build
Step 4
Customize to suit your needs and contribute it back to the custom-cards org