A library for authenticating against Twitter API
Rettiwt-Auth is a library that can be used to to get the necessary authentication tokens that can be used to authenticate against Twitter API.
- Initialize a new npm project using the command npm init
- Install the package either via npm or yarn
- For npm, use the command npm install --save rettiwt-auth
- For yarn, use the command yarn add rettiwt-auth
Types of authentication
Before getting started, it is important to know what are the different authentcation options available and what type of data can be accessed using each authentication method.
The following are the two types of authentcation methods available:
- Guest Authentication, with which, the following can be achieved:
- Initiation of login process
- User Authentication, with which, the following data can be accessed:
- Tweet Details
- Tweet Likes
- Tweet Retweets
- Tweet Search
- User Details
- User Followers
- User Following
- User Likes
- User Tweets
Additional information
To learn more, please refer to the full documentation of the Auth class.
Getting started
The following examples will help you to get started with using the library:
1. Authenticating as a guest user
import { Auth } from 'rettiwt-auth';
new Auth().getGuestCredential().then(credential => {
- credential is the generated guest credential.
2. Authenticating as a logged-in user
import { Auth } from 'rettiwt-auth';
new Auth().getUserCredential({
email: 'account_email',
userName: 'account_username',
password: 'account_password
}).then(credential => {
- account_email is the email id associated with your Twitter account.
- account_username is the username associated with your Twitter account.
- account_password is the password to your Twitter account.
- credential is the generated user credential.
After the credentials have been generated:
- Generate the credential using any one of the two methods given above.
- Use the toHeader() method on the returned credential, which converts the credential into HTTP headers.
- Add the returned HTTP headers to the headers of the requests made to Twitter API.
CLI Usage
You may also use it from the CLI, without using library functions. This is the recommended approach when using this with Rettiwt-API for fetching data from Twitter. To login:
- Install the package globally using the command:
npm -g install rettiwt-auth
yarn global add rettiwt-auth
- Open a commandline/shell and use the command:
login <email> <username> <password>
- <email> is the email to the Twitter account.
- <username> is the username associated with the Twitter account.
- <password> is the password to the Twitter account.
The generated credentials can then be used to authenticate requests to Twitter by passing in the respective headers.