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Elegant and composable validations

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Elegant and composable validations.

Revalidate was originally created as a helper library for composing and reusing common validations to generate validate functions for Redux Form. It became evident that the validators that revalidate can generate are pretty agnostic about how they are used. They are just functions that take a value and return an error message if the value is invalid.

Table of Contents


$ npm install revalidate

:tada: Integrations :tada:

  • react-revalidate
    Validate React component props with revalidate validation functions.

  • redux-revalidate
    Validate your Redux store state with revalidate validation functions.

  • Redux Form
    Create validation functions for your form components out of the box. See the example below.


Revalidate provides functions for creating validation functions as well as composing and combining them. Think redux for validation functions.


The simplest function is createValidator which creates a value validation function. createValidator takes two arguments. The first argument is a curried function that takes an error message and the value. The curried function must return the message if the value is invalid. If the field value is valid, it's recommended that you return nothing, so a return value of undefined implies the field value was valid.

The second argument is a function that takes a field name and must return the error message. Optionally, you can just pass in a string as the second argument if you don't want to depend on the field name.

The returned validation function is also a curried function. The first argument is a field name string or a configuration object where you can specify the field or a custom error message. The second argument is the value. You can pass in both arguments at the same time too. We'll see why currying the function can be useful when we want to compose validators.

Here is an implementation of an isRequired validator with createValidator:

// ES2015 - import and define validator
import { createValidator } from 'revalidate';

const isRequired = createValidator(
  message => value => {
    if (value == null || value === '') {
      return message;

  field => `${field} is required`

// Or ES5 - require and define validator
var createValidator = require('revalidate').createValidator;

var isRequired = createValidator(
  function(message) {
    return function(value) {
      if (value == null || value === '') {
        return message;

  function(field) {
    field + ' is required'

// Using validator
isRequired('My Field')();     // 'My Field is required'
isRequired('My Field')('');   // 'My Field is required'
isRequired('My Field')('42'); // undefined, therefore assume valid

// With a custom message
isRequired({ message: 'Error' })(); // 'Error'

Validation functions can optionally accept a second parameter including all of the current values. This allows comparing one value to another as part of validation. For example:

// ES2015
import { createValidator } from 'revalidate';

// Or ES5
var createValidator = require('revalidate').createValidator;

export default function matchesField(otherField, otherFieldLabel) {
  return createValidator(
    message => (value, allValues) => {
      if (!allValues || value !== allValues[otherField]) {
        return message;

    field => `${field} must match ${otherFieldLabel}`

matchesField('password')('My Field')();
// 'My Field does not match'

matchesField('password')('My Field')('yes', { password: 'no' });
// 'My Field does not match'

matchesField('password')('My Field')('yes', { password: 'yes' });
// undefined, therefore assume valid

// With a custom message
  message: 'Passwords must match',
})('yes', { password: 'no' }); // 'Passwords must match'


Revalidate becomes really useful when you use the composeValidators function. As the name suggests, it allows you to compose validators into one. By default the composed validator will check each validator and return the first error message it encounters. Validators are checked in a left-to-right fashion to make them more readable. (Note: this is opposite most functional implementations of the compose function.)

The composed validator is also curried and takes the same arguments as an individual validator made with createValidator.

// ES2015
import {
} from 'revalidate';

// Or ES5
var r = require('revalidate');
var createValidator = r.createValidator;
var composeValidators = r.composeValidators;
var isRequired = r.isRequired;

// Usage
const isAlphabetic = createValidator(
  message => value => {
    if (value && !/^[A-Za-z]+$/.test(value)) {
      return message;

  field => `${field} must be alphabetic`

const validator = composeValidators(

  // You can still customize individual validators
  // because they're curried!
    message: 'Can only contain letters'
)('My Field');

validator();      // 'My Field is required'
validator('123'); // 'Can only contain letters'
validator('abc'); // undefined
Multiple Errors as an Array

You can supply an additional multiple: true option to return all errors as an array from your composed validators. This will run all composed validations instead of stopping at the first one that fails.

// ES2015
import { createValidator, composeValidators } from 'revalidate';

// Or ES5
var r = require('revalidate');
var createValidator = r.createValidator;
var composeValidators = r.composeValidators;

// Usage
const startsWithA = createValidator(
  message => value => {
    if (value && !/^A/.test(value)) {
      return message;
  field => `${field} must start with A`

const endsWithC = createValidator(
  message => value => {
    if (value && !/C$/.test(value)) {
      return message;
  field => `${field} must end with C`

const validator = composeValidators(
)({ field: 'My Field', multiple: true });

// [
//   'My Field must start with A',
//   'My Field must end with C'
// ]
Multiple Errors as an Object

Alternatively, if you want to be able to reference specific errors, you can return multiple errors as an object, thereby allowing you to name the errors. To return multiple errors as an object, pass in your validators as an object to composeValidators instead of a variadic number of arguments. The keys you use in your object will be the keys in the returned errors object. Don't forget to still supply the multiple: true option!

const validator = composeValidators({
  A: startsWithA,
  C: endsWithC
})({ field: 'My Field', multiple: true });

// {
//   A: 'My Field must start with A',
//   C: 'My Field must end with C'
// }


combineValidators is analogous to a function like combineReducers from redux. It allows you to validate multiple field values at once. It returns a function that takes an object with field names mapped to their values. combineValidators will run named validators you supplied it with their respective field values and return an object literal containing any error messages for each field value. An empty object return value implies no field values were invalid.

// ES2015
import {
} from 'revalidate';

// Or ES5
var r = require('revalidate');
var createValidator = r.createValidator;
var composeValidators = r.composeValidators;
var combineValidators = r.combineValidators;
var isRequired = r.isRequired;
var isAlphabetic = r.isAlphabetic;
var isNumeric = r.isNumeric;

// Usage
const dogValidator = combineValidators({
  // Use composeValidators too!
  name: composeValidators(

  // Don't forget to supply a field name if you
  // don't compose other validators
  age: isNumeric('Age')

dogValidator({}); // { name: 'Name is required' }

dogValidator({ name: '123', age: 'abc' });
// { name: 'Name must be alphabetic', age: 'Age must be numeric' }

dogValidator({ name: 'Tucker', age: '10' }); // {}

Nested Fields

combineValidators also works with deeply nested fields in objects and arrays.

To specify nested fields, just supply the path to the field with dots: 'contact.firstName'.

For arrays of values you can use brace syntax: 'phones[]'.

For nested fields of objects in arrays you can combine dots and braces: 'cars[].make'.

You can combine and traverse as deep as you want: 'deeply.nested.list[].of.cats[].name'!

// ES2015
import {
} from 'revalidate';

// Or ES5
var r = require('revalidate');
var composeValidators = r.composeValidators;
var combineValidators = r.combineValidators;
var isRequired = r.isRequired;
var isAlphabetic = r.isAlphabetic;
var isNumeric = r.isNumeric;
var isOneOf = r.isOneOf;
var matchesField = r.matchesField;

// Usage
const validate = combineValidators({
  // Shallow fields work with nested fields still
  'favoriteMeme': isAlphabetic('Favorite Meme'),

  // Specify fields of nested object
  '': composeValidators(
  )('Contact Name'),

  'contact.age': isNumeric('Contact Age'),

  // Specify array of string values
  'phones[]': isNumeric('Phone'),

  // Specify nested fields of arrays of objects
  'cars[].make': composeValidators(
    isOneOf(['Honda', 'Toyota', 'Ford'])
  )('Car Make'),

  // Match other nested field values
  '': matchesField(
    'Contact Name'
  )('Other Name'),

// Empty values

// Empty arrays for phones and cars because no nested fields or values
// to be invalid. Message for required name on contact still shows up.
// { contact: { name: 'Contact Name is required' },
//   phones: [],
//   cars: [],
//   otherContact: {} }

// Invalid/missing values
  contact: { name: 'Joe', age: 'thirty' }, // Invalid age
  phones: ['abc', '123'],                 // First phone invalid
  cars: [{ make: 'Toyota' }, {}],         // Second car missing make
  otherContact: { name: 'Jeremy' },       // Names don't match

// Notice that array error messages match by index. For valid
// nested objects in arrays, you get get back an empty object
// for the index. For valid string values in arrays, you get
// back undefined for the index.
// { contact: { age: 'Contact Age must be numeric' },
//   phones: ['Phone must be numeric', undefined],
//   cars: [{}, { make: 'Car Make is required' }],
//   otherContact: { name: 'Other Name must match Contact Name' } }

Redux Form

As mentioned, even though revalidate is pretty agnostic about how you use it, it does work out of the box for Redux Form. The validate function you might write for a Redux Form example like here can also be automatically generated with combineValidators. The function it returns will work perfectly for the validate option for your form components for React and Redux Form.

Here is that example from Redux Form rewritten to generate a validate function with revalidate.

import React, {Component, PropTypes} from 'react';
import {reduxForm} from 'redux-form';
import {
} from 'revalidate';

export const fields = ['username', 'email', 'age'];

const isValidEmail = createValidator(
  message => value => {
    if (value && !/^[A-Z0-9._%+-]+@[A-Z0-9.-]+\.[A-Z]{2,4}$/i.test(value)) {
      return message;
  'Invalid email address'

const isGreaterThan = (n) => createValidator(
  message => value => {
    if (value && Number(value) <= n) {
      return message;
  field => `${field} must be greater than ${n}`

const customIsRequired = isRequired({ message: 'Required' });

const validate = combineValidators({
  username: composeValidators(

      message: 'Must be 15 characters or less'

  email: composeValidators(

  age: composeValidators(

      message: 'Must be a number'

      message: 'Sorry, you must be at least 18 years old'

class SynchronousValidationForm extends Component {
  static propTypes = {
    fields: PropTypes.object.isRequired,
    handleSubmit: PropTypes.func.isRequired,
    resetForm: PropTypes.func.isRequired,
    submitting: PropTypes.bool.isRequired

  render() {
    const {fields: {username, email, age}, resetForm, handleSubmit, submitting} = this.props;
    return (<form onSubmit={handleSubmit}>
            <input type="text" placeholder="Username" {...username}/>
          {username.touched && username.error && <div>{username.error}</div>}
            <input type="text" placeholder="Email" {}/>
          {email.touched && email.error && <div>{email.error}</div>}
            <input type="text" placeholder="Age" {...age}/>
          {age.touched && age.error && <div>{age.error}</div>}
          <button type="submit" disabled={submitting}>
            {submitting ? <i/> : <i/>} Submit
          <button type="button" disabled={submitting} onClick={resetForm}>
            Clear Values

export default reduxForm({
  form: 'synchronousValidation',

Common Validators

Revalidate exports some common validations for your convenience. If you need something more complex, then you'll need to create your own validators with createValidator.


isRequired is pretty self explanatory. It determines that a value isn't valid if it's null, undefined or the empty string ''.

isRequired('My Field')();     // 'My Field is required'
isRequired('My Field')(null); // 'My Field is required'
isRequired('My Field')('');   // 'My Field is required'
isRequired('My Field')('42'); // undefined, therefore assume valid


hasLengthBetween tests that the value falls between a min and max inclusively. It wraps a call to createValidator, so you must first call it with the min and max arguments.

hasLengthBetween(1, 3)('My Field')('hello');
// 'My Field must be between 1 and 3 characters long'


hasLengthGreaterThan tests that the value is greater than a predefined length. It wraps a call to createValidator, so you must first call it with the min length.

hasLengthGreaterThan(3)('My Field')('foo');
// 'My Field must be longer than 3 characters'


hasLengthLessThan tests that the value is less than a predefined length. It wraps a call to createValidator, so you must first call it with the max length.

hasLengthLessThan(4)('My Field')('hello');
// 'My Field cannot be longer than 4 characters'


isAlphabetic simply tests that the value only contains any of the 26 letters in the English alphabet.

isAlphabetic('My Field')('1');
// 'My Field must be alphabetic'


isAlphaNumeric simply tests that the value only contains any of the 26 letters in the English alphabet or any numeric digit (i.e. 0-9).

isAlphaNumeric('My Field')('!@#$');
// 'My Field must be alphanumeric'


isNumeric simply tests that the string is comprised of only digits (i.e. 0-9).

isNumeric('My Field')('a');
// 'My Field must be numeric'


isOneOf tests that the value is contained in a predefined array of values. It wraps a call to createValidator, so you must first call it with the array of allowed values.

isOneOf(['foo', 'bar'])('My Field')('baz');
// 'My Field must be one of ["foo","bar"]'

isOneOf(['foo', 'bar'])('My Field')('FOO');
// 'My Field must be one of ["foo","bar"]'

By default it does a sameness equality (i.e. ===) with case sensitivity for determining if a value is valid. You can supply an optional second argument function to define how values should be compared. The comparer function takes the field value as the first argument and each valid value as the second argument. You could use this to make values case insensitive. Returning a truthy value in a comparison means that the field value is valid.

const validator = isOneOf(
  ['foo', 'bar'],

  (value, validValue) => (
    value && value.toLowerCase() === validValue.toLowerCase()

validator('My Field')('FOO'); // undefined, so valid


matchesField checks that a field matches another field's value. This is perfect for password confirmation fields.

matchesField takes the name of the other field as the first argument and an optional second argument for the other field's label. The returned functions are like the other validation functions.

// Example 1
// =========
  'password', // other field name
  'Password'  // other field label - optional
)('Password Confirmation')('yes', { password: 'no' });
//         ▲                 ▲                 ▲
//         |                 |                 |
//         |                 |                 |
//  this field name     this field value   other field value

// returns 'Password Confirmation does not match Password'

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

// Example 2
// =========
matchesField('password')('Password Confirmation')('yes', { password: 'yes' });
// undefined, so valid

With combineValidators:

// ES2015
import {
} from 'revalidate';

// Or ES5
var r = require('revalidate');
var combineValidators = r.combineValidators;
var isRequired = r.isRequired;
var matchesField = r.matchesField;

// Usage
const validate = combineValidators({
  password: isRequired('Password'),

  confirmPassword: matchesField('password')({
    message: 'Passwords do not match',

  password: 'helloworld',
  confirmPassword: 'helloworld',
}); // {}, so valid

  password: 'helloworld',
  confirmPassword: 'holamundo',
}); // { confirmPassword: 'Passwords do not match' }


isRequiredIf allows you to conditionally require a value based on the result of a predicate function. As long as your predicate function returns a truthy value, the field value will be required.

This is perfect if you want to require a field if another field value is present:

const validator = combineValidators({
  username: isRequiredIf(
    values => values && !values.useEmailAsUsername

validator(); // { username: 'Username is required' }

  useEmailAsUsername: false,
}); // { username: 'Username is required' }

  username: 'jfairbank',
  useEmailAsUsername: false,
}); // {}

  useEmailAsUsername: true,
}); // {}, so valid

If you compose isRequiredIf with composeValidators, your other validations will still run even if your field isn't required:

const validator = combineValidators({
  username: composeValidators(
    isRequiredIf(values => values && !values.useEmailAsUsername),

// Field is required
  username: '123',
  useEmailAsUsername: false,
}); // { username: 'Username must be alphabetic' }

// Field is not required
  username: '123',
  useEmailAsUsername: true,
}); // { username: 'Username must be alphabetic' }


matchesPattern is a general purpose validator for validating values against arbitrary regex patterns.

const isAlphabetic = matchesPattern(/^[A-Za-z]+$/)('Username');

isAlphabetic('abc'); // undefined, so valid
isAlphabetic('123'); // 'Username must match pattern /^[A-Za-z]+$/'

Note: matchesPattern does not require a value, so falsy values will pass.

isAlphabetic();      // undefined because not required, so valid
isAlphabetic(null);  // undefined because not required, so valid
isAlphabetic('');    // undefined because not required, so valid

Test Helpers

Revalidate includes some test helpers to make testing your validation functions easier. You can import the helpers from revalidate/assertions. All helpers return booleans.


Use hasError to assert that a validation result has at least one error. Negate to assert there are no errors. The only argument is the validation result from your validate function.

// ES2015
import { hasError } from 'revalidate/assertions';

// ES5
var hasError = require('revalidate/assertions').hasError;

// Single validators
// =================
const validateName = isRequired('Name');

hasError(validateName(''));       // true
hasError(validateName('Tucker')); // false

// Composed validators
// ===================
const validateAge = composeValidators(

hasError(validateAge(''));    // true
hasError(validateAge('abc')); // true
hasError(validateAge('10'));  // false

// Composed validators with multiple errors
// ========================================
const validateAge = composeValidators(

hasError(validateAge(''));            // true
hasError(validateAge('abc'));         // true
hasError(validateAge('100'));         // true
hasError(validateAge('one hundred')); // true
hasError(validateAge('10'));          // false

// Combined validators
// ===================
const validateDog = combineValidators({
  'name:' isRequired('Name'),

  'age:' composeValidators(

  '': isRequired('Favorite Meme'),

// Missing name, returns true
  age: '10',
  favorite: { meme: 'Doge' },

// Error with age, returns true
  name: 'Tucker',
  age: 'abc',
  favorite: { meme: 'Doge' },

// Missing name and age, returns true
  favorite: { meme: 'Doge' },

// Missing nested field '', returns true
  name: 'Tucker',
  age: '10',

// All fields valid, returns false
  name: 'Tucker',
  age: '10',
  favorite: { meme: 'Doge' },


Use hasErrorAt with combined validators to assert a specific field has an error. It takes two arguments, the validation result and the field key to check. (Note: hasErrorAt only works with validators created from combineValidators.)

// ES2015
import { hasErrorAt } from 'revalidate/assertions';

// ES5
var hasErrorAt = require('revalidate/assertions').hasErrorAt;

// Missing name
const result = validateDog({
  age: '10',
  favorite: { meme: 'Doge' },

hasErrorAt(result, 'name');           // true
hasErrorAt(result, 'age');            // false
hasErrorAt(result, '');  // false

// Error with age
const result = validateDog({
  name: 'Tucker',
  age: 'abc',
  favorite: { meme: 'Doge' },

hasErrorAt(result, 'name');           // false
hasErrorAt(result, 'age');            // true
hasErrorAt(result, '');  // false

// Missing name and age
const result = validateDog({
  favorite: { meme: 'Doge' },

hasErrorAt(result, 'name');           // true
hasErrorAt(result, 'age');            // true
hasErrorAt(result, '');  // false

// Missing nested field ''
const result = validateDog({
  name: 'Tucker',
  age: '10',

hasErrorAt(result, 'name');           // false
hasErrorAt(result, 'age');            // false
hasErrorAt(result, '');  // true

// All fields valid
const result = validateDog({
  name: 'Tucker',
  age: '10',
  favorite: { meme: 'Doge' },

hasErrorAt(result, 'name');           // false
hasErrorAt(result, 'age');            // false
hasErrorAt(result, '');  // false


Use hasErrorOnlyAt with combined validators to assert a specific field is the ONLY error in the validation result. It takes two arguments, the validation result and the field key to check. (Note: hasErrorOnlyAt only works with validators created from combineValidators.)

// ES2015
import { hasErrorOnlyAt } from 'revalidate/assertions';

// ES5
var hasErrorOnlyAt = require('revalidate/assertions').hasErrorOnlyAt;

// Missing name
const result = validateDog({
  age: '10',
  favorite: { meme: 'Doge' },

hasErrorOnlyAt(result, 'name');           // true
hasErrorOnlyAt(result, 'age');            // false
hasErrorOnlyAt(result, '');  // false

// Error with age
const result = validateDog({
  name: 'Tucker',
  age: 'abc',
  favorite: { meme: 'Doge' },

hasErrorOnlyAt(result, 'name');           // false
hasErrorOnlyAt(result, 'age');            // true
hasErrorOnlyAt(result, '');  // false

// Missing name and age
// Notice here that all checks return false because
// there are 2 errors
const result = validateDog({
  favorite: { meme: 'Doge' },

hasErrorOnlyAt(result, 'name');           // false
hasErrorOnlyAt(result, 'age');            // false
hasErrorOnlyAt(result, '');  // false

// Missing nested field ''
const result = validateDog({
  name: 'Tucker',
  age: '10',

hasErrorOnlyAt(result, 'name');           // false
hasErrorOnlyAt(result, 'age');            // false
hasErrorOnlyAt(result, '');  // true

// All fields valid
const result = validateDog({
  name: 'Tucker',
  age: '10',
  favorite: { meme: 'Doge' },

hasErrorOnlyAt(result, 'name');           // false
hasErrorOnlyAt(result, 'age');            // false
hasErrorOnlyAt(result, '');  // false



Package last updated on 28 Sep 2016

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