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A modern-looking React Event Calendar component.
Very much inspired on Evo Calendar. If you're not using React on your project, I recommend this calendar plugin that runs on jQuery.
Demo 👀
Live Demo and Playground:
Install 📦
npm i revo-calendar
yarn add revo-calendar
Usage ✍️
import RevoCalendar from "revo-calendar";
const Index = () => {
return <RevoCalendar {...props} />;
Available Props 🎛️
Prop | Type | Default | Description | Options |
events | array | [] | List of events to be added to the calendar | See detailed explanation below |
date | Date | new Date() | Default current date | Any JS Date object |
className | string | '' | Adds extra CSS classes to the calendar | Any class name |
style | CSS-in-JS | {} | Adds extra CSS using CSS-in-JS | Any CSS-in-JS |
highlightToday | bool | true | If true , will show a ring around today's date on calendar | true or false |
lang | string | 'en' | Calendar's language | en , pt , fr , es , de , ru or any other if custom languages is used |
primaryColor | string | '#4F6995' | Background color for the side panels and text color for current month name | Hex, RGB, RGBA, CSS color name |
secondaryColor | string | '#4F6995' | Calendar background color and side panels text color | Hex, RGB, RGBA, CSS color name |
todayColor | string | '#4F6995' | Color of today's highlight ring (Will only be used if highlightToday is true | Hex, RGB, RGBA, CSS color name |
textColor | string | '#4F6995' | Text color for weekday names and day numbers | Hex, RGB, RGBA, CSS color name |
indicatorColor | string | 'orange' | Text color for event indicator | Hex, RGB, RGBA, CSS color name |
animationSpeed | number | 300 | Speed in milliseconds for all transitions and animations | Any number |
sidebarWidth | number | 180 | Size in pixels of the left panel (month/year selection) | Any number |
detailWidth | number | 280 | Size in pixels of the right panel (current day's events) | Any number |
showSidebarToggler | bool | true | If true , will show left panel's toggling button | true or false |
sidebarDefault | bool | true | If true , will have left panel open by default | true or false |
showDetailToggler | bool | true | If true , will show right panel's toggling button | true or false |
detailDefault | bool | true | If true , will have right panel open by default | true or false |
onePanelAtATime | bool | false | If true , won't allow two panels to be open simultaneously | true or false |
openDetailsOnDateSelection | bool | true | If true , will open right panel when date is selected | true or false |
timeFormat24 | bool | true | If true , will display dates in 24H format instead of 12 (21:41 instead of 9:41 PM) | true or false |
detailDateFormat | string | 'DD/MM/YYYY' | The way that current selected date will be displayed on right panel | Any string. See details below |
languages | object | translation object with en , pt , es , fr , ru and de | If the current supported languages are not enough or you want to modify one of the translations, you can add your own translations object. See details below | |
dateSelected | function | date => {} | Use this function to get current selected date on your parent component | Any function that receives an object with day , month and year keys |
eventSelected | function | index => {} | Use this function to get clicked event's index | Any function that receives a number parameter (event index on events array) |
allowDeleteEvent | bool | false | If true , will display delete button when event is clicked | true or false |
allowAddEvent | bool | false | If true , will display add event button on right panel | true or false |
addEvent | function | date => {} | Use this function to add Events to events array | Any function that receives an object with day , month and year keys |
deleteEvent | function | index => {} | Use this function to delete events from the events array | Any function that receives a number parameter (index to be deleted from events array) |
events Prop
should receive an array of event objects. Events have two mandatory parameters and two optionals
Event object:
Key | Type | Mandatory | Descrition |
name | string | ✔️ | Event name |
date | unix timestamp | ✔️ | 13 character timestamp. Can be obtained from adding operator + before JS Date object. |
allDay | bool | | If true , will ignore Date object's time and show allDay string from current language's translation object |
extra | object | | If exists, will add one extra event information next to time. The object needs to contain strings: icon and text . icon will be passed as an svg path d parameter. |
var events = [
name: "Buyout",
allDay: true,
name: "Reservation",
date: 1594422992000,
extra: {
icon: "M20.822 18.096c-3.439-.794-6.64-1.49-5.09-4.418 4.72-8.912 1.251-13.678-3.732-13.678-5.082 0-8.464 4.949-3.732 13.678 1.597 2.945-1.725 3.641-5.09 4.418-3.073.71-3.188 2.236-3.178 4.904l.004 1h23.99l.004-.969c.012-2.688-.092-4.222-3.176-4.935z",
text: "7 People",
The example's extra.icon
will render this: ![person icon](
languages Prop
You can create an object where each key is a language (key needs to match lang
atribute), each language needs to have the keys: days
, daysShort
, daysMin
, months
, monthsShort
, noEventForThisDay
and allDay
Here is an example of the Esperanto language:
const translations = {
esperanto: {
days: ["Dimanĉo", ..."Sabato"],
daysShort: ["Dim", ..."Sab"],
daysMin: ["Di", ..."Sa"],
months: ["Januaro", ..."Decembro"],
monthsShort: ["Jan", ..."Dec"],
noEventForThisDay: "Neniu evento por ĉi tiu tago ... do ripozu!",
allDay: "Tuta tago",
addEvent: "Aldoni eventon",
delete: "Forigi",
eventTime: "Tempo de evento",
previousYear: "Pasintjare",
nextYear: "Venonta jaro",
toggleSidebar: "Baskulu flanka kolumno",
toggleDetails: "Ŝaltu Detalojn",
To render the calendar using custom esperanto
language, pass the translations
object and the key to languages
and lang
<RevoCalendar languages={translations} lang="esperanto" />
detailDateFormat Prop
detailDateFormat can be any string, with the following placeholders being replaced:
placeholder | replacement | example |
MMMM | Full month name | November |
MMM | Short month name | Nov |
MM | Month number | 11 |
DD | Day number | 18 |
nth | Ordinal day number | 18th |
dddd | Weekday name | Thursday |
ddd | Short weekday name | Thu |
dd | Tiny weekday name | Th |
YYYY | Full year | 1997 |
YY | Year's last 2 digits | 97 |
"MMM nth, YYYY" => "Nov 18th, 1997"
MIT © gjmolter