The open source component library for RiotJS.
Find out more on the RiotGear website
If you'd like to suggest new components or enhancements to existing ones please raise an issue.
First of all, Pull Requests, suggestions or comments about RiotGear are all welcome and valued. To start contributing to the libraray please follow the below steps:
Step 1
If you haven't done so already please raise an issue. Stating what you would like and how you think it should work.
Step 2
We will review your suggestion and in the case of new components, we will create a new repo with a starter project.
Step 3
Fork the repo! - once we've created the new repo you'll have the ability to fork it and start work.
Step 4
Please work in the DEV branch, make PRs from your upto date dev branch to ours so that we can review your changes.
Sit back
At some point you're changes will get merged in and we'll publish a new version of RiotGear! Yay!