An animated floating button that reveal and hide actions buttons on click.
It comes with a built-in TypeScript typings and is compatible with all popular JavaScript frameworks. You can use it directly or leverage well-maintained wrapper packages that allow for a more native integration with your frameworks of choice.
How to use:
id: 0,
icon: () => <MaterialIcons name="create" size={30} color="#FFFF" />,
id: 1,
icon: () => (
<Ionicons name="create-outline" size={30} color="#FFFF" />
// closeButton={{
// id: 0,
// icon: () => <AntDesign name="plus" size={30} color="#FFFF" />,
// }}
#ActionButton Props -
Name | Type | Default |
id | number | |
icon | () => JSX.Element | |
style | ViewStyle | |
onClick | () => void | |
#ActionsFloatingButton Props -
Name | Type | Default |
actionButtons | ActionButton[] | |
closeButton | ActionButton | |