Roadwork Authentication
This library adds Authentication supports to the Roadwork library. Note that this will automatically add 2 tables to your database called user
and user_session
id INT(10) unsigned PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
email VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
password VARCHAR(255),
first_name VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
middle_name VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT '',
last_name VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT '',
scope VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT 'user' NOT NULL,
avatar_url VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT '/images/avatar.png' NOT NULL,
email_verified TINYINT(1) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL COMMENT 'Is the user verified and can he/she login?',
email_verify_key VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,
email_date_sent VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00' NOT NULL,
forgot_password_token VARCHAR(255),
updated_at DATETIME
CREATE TABLE user_session
id INT(10) unsigned PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
user_id INT(10) unsigned NOT NULL,
token VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
user_agent TEXT,
ip VARCHAR(255),
updated_at DATETIME,
CONSTRAINT user_session_user_id_foreign FOREIGN KEY (user_id) REFERENCES user (id)
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX user_session_token_unique ON user_session (token);
CREATE INDEX user_session_user_id_foreign ON user_session (user_id);
The reason that it does this is so that we are able to provide the following features:
- Add ACL to the main roadwork library
- Allows us to specify which roles can access which routes
- Adds the $owner dynamic role which only allows access to a route if the user owns the resource behind it
- Add bearerAuthentication so that we can login with a session token and access a route if a role is specified
npm install roadwork-authentication --save
- Install the database connector:
npm install pg --save
npm install mysql --save
npm install mariasql --save
npm install sqlite3 --save
- Enable authentication in the main roadwork library:
roadwork.addAuthentication(require('roadwork-authentication'), dbConfig)
Note: the addAuthentication
call is a promise that will be resolved. This is needed since it will check if the required tables and columns exist and will create them when needed.
constructor(server, dbConfig)
Initiates the object with the server object and configuration to connect to the database. The database connection looks like this:
"database": {
"connection": {
"host": "",
"port": 3306,
"user": "root",
"password": "root",
"database": "roadwork-example"
"client": "mysql",
"pool": {
"min": 2,
"max": 10
with the following available clients:
npm install pg --save
npm install mysql --save
npm install mariasql --save
npm install sqlite3 --save
Check if the required tables and columns exist and create them if needed. This returns a promise since it happens async