json-map at the very basic is a json data parser. It manipulates the structure of a json object or string, allowing you to Map parts "object, properties and values, of json with predefined
meta values.
JSON-map is made up of two important parts which includes the interface that describes the meta charactes and the entry point which runs the program
To run the module use
const jsonMap = require("jsonMap");
const jsonMapInterface = jsonMap.
const transform = require("./index").transformJson;
const transformInterface = require("./index").delimeterInterface;
const json = {
"sammy": {
"username": "SammyShark",
"location": "Indian Ocean",
"jesse": {
"username": "JesseOctopus",
"jamie": {
"username": "JamieMantisShrimp",
"jamie2": {
"username": "JamieMantisShrimp",
"location": "Pacific Ocean",
"online": true,
"followers": 654
const delimeter = Object.create(transformInterface);
delimeter.beoreNode = " <blockquote> ";
delimeter.afterNode = "</blockquote> ";
delimeter.beforeSuit = "<ul>";
delimeter.afterSuit = "</ul>";
delimeter.beforeProperty = " <li> ";
delimeter.afterProperty = " </li> ";
delimeter.beforeValue = "";
delimeter.afterValue = "";
console.log(transform(json, delimeter));
Ndifreke Ekim
##Change Log
v1.0 : Initial release
##MIT Licenced