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rolldown - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 0.10.1-snapshot-f2c0b8a-20240413002405 to 0.10.1-snapshot-f71f993-20240415024007




@@ -1,2 +0,5 @@

interface RenderedModule$1 {
import { I as InputOptions, O as OutputOptions } from './shared/rolldown.71bea6e7.js';
export { D as DefineParallelPluginResult, P as Plugin, d as defineParallelPlugin } from './shared/rolldown.71bea6e7.js';
interface RenderedModule {

@@ -9,3 +12,3 @@

interface SourceMap$1 {
interface SourceMap {
file: string;

@@ -25,3 +28,3 @@ mappings: string;

modules: {
[id: string]: RenderedModule$1;
[id: string]: RenderedModule;

@@ -31,3 +34,3 @@ facadeModuleId: string | null;

moduleIds: string[];
map: SourceMap$1 | null;
map: SourceMap | null;
sourcemapFileName: string | null;

@@ -42,1203 +45,2 @@ }

// utils
type NullValue$1 = null | undefined | void
type MaybePromise$2<T> = T | Promise<T>
type PartialNull<T> = {
[P in keyof T]: T[P] | null
interface RollupError extends RollupLog {
name?: string
stack?: string
watchFiles?: string[]
interface RollupLog {
binding?: string
cause?: unknown
code?: string
exporter?: string
frame?: string
hook?: string
id?: string
ids?: string[]
loc?: {
column: number
file?: string
line: number
message: string
meta?: any
names?: string[]
plugin?: string
pluginCode?: unknown
pos?: number
reexporter?: string
stack?: string
url?: string
type LogLevel = 'warn' | 'info' | 'debug'
type LogLevelOption = LogLevel | 'silent'
type SourceMapSegment =
| [number]
| [number, number, number, number]
| [number, number, number, number, number]
interface ExistingDecodedSourceMap {
file?: string
readonly mappings: SourceMapSegment[][]
names: string[]
sourceRoot?: string
sources: string[]
sourcesContent?: (string | null)[]
version: number
x_google_ignoreList?: number[]
interface ExistingRawSourceMap {
file?: string
mappings: string
names: string[]
sourceRoot?: string
sources: string[]
sourcesContent?: (string | null)[]
version: number
x_google_ignoreList?: number[]
type DecodedSourceMapOrMissing =
| {
missing: true
plugin: string
| (ExistingDecodedSourceMap & { missing?: false })
interface SourceMap {
file: string
mappings: string
names: string[]
sources: string[]
sourcesContent: (string | null)[]
version: number
toString(): string
toUrl(): string
type SourceMapInput$1 =
| ExistingRawSourceMap
| string
| null
| { mappings: '' }
interface ModuleOptions {
assertions: Record<string, string>
meta: CustomPluginOptions
moduleSideEffects: boolean | 'no-treeshake'
syntheticNamedExports: boolean | string
interface SourceDescription extends Partial<PartialNull<ModuleOptions>> {
ast?: AcornNode
code: string
map?: SourceMapInput$1
interface TransformModuleJSON {
ast?: AcornNode
code: string
// note if plugins use new this.cache to opt-out auto transform cache
customTransformCache: boolean
originalCode: string
originalSourcemap: ExistingDecodedSourceMap | null
sourcemapChain: DecodedSourceMapOrMissing[]
transformDependencies: string[]
interface ModuleJSON extends TransformModuleJSON, ModuleOptions {
ast: AcornNode
dependencies: string[]
id: string
resolvedIds: ResolvedIdMap
transformFiles: EmittedFile[] | undefined
interface PluginCache {
delete(id: string): boolean
get<T = any>(id: string): T
has(id: string): boolean
set<T = any>(id: string, value: T): void
type LoggingFunction = (
log: RollupLog | string | (() => RollupLog | string),
) => void
interface MinimalPluginContext {
debug: LoggingFunction
error: (error: RollupError | string) => never
info: LoggingFunction
meta: PluginContextMeta
warn: LoggingFunction
interface EmittedAsset {
fileName?: string
name?: string
needsCodeReference?: boolean
source?: string | Uint8Array
type: 'asset'
interface EmittedChunk {
fileName?: string
id: string
implicitlyLoadedAfterOneOf?: string[]
importer?: string
name?: string
preserveSignature?: PreserveEntrySignaturesOption
type: 'chunk'
interface EmittedPrebuiltChunk {
code: string
exports?: string[]
fileName: string
map?: SourceMap
sourcemapFileName?: string
type: 'prebuilt-chunk'
type EmittedFile = EmittedAsset | EmittedChunk | EmittedPrebuiltChunk
type EmitFile = (emittedFile: EmittedFile) => string
interface ModuleInfo extends ModuleOptions {
ast: AcornNode | null
code: string | null
dynamicImporters: readonly string[]
dynamicallyImportedIdResolutions: readonly ResolvedId[]
dynamicallyImportedIds: readonly string[]
exportedBindings: Record<string, string[]> | null
exports: string[] | null
hasDefaultExport: boolean | null
/** @deprecated Use `moduleSideEffects` instead */
hasModuleSideEffects: boolean | 'no-treeshake'
id: string
implicitlyLoadedAfterOneOf: readonly string[]
implicitlyLoadedBefore: readonly string[]
importedIdResolutions: readonly ResolvedId[]
importedIds: readonly string[]
importers: readonly string[]
isEntry: boolean
isExternal: boolean
isIncluded: boolean | null
type GetModuleInfo = (moduleId: string) => ModuleInfo | null
interface CustomPluginOptions {
[plugin: string]: any
type LoggingFunctionWithPosition = (
log: RollupLog | string | (() => RollupLog | string),
pos?: number | { column: number; line: number },
) => void
interface PluginContext$1 extends MinimalPluginContext {
addWatchFile: (id: string) => void
cache: PluginCache
debug: LoggingFunction
emitFile: EmitFile
error: (error: RollupError | string) => never
getFileName: (fileReferenceId: string) => string
getModuleIds: () => IterableIterator<string>
getModuleInfo: GetModuleInfo
getWatchFiles: () => string[]
info: LoggingFunction
load: (
options: { id: string; resolveDependencies?: boolean } & Partial<
) => Promise<ModuleInfo>
/** @deprecated Use `this.getModuleIds` instead */
moduleIds: IterableIterator<string>
parse: (input: string, options?: any) => AcornNode
resolve: (
source: string,
importer?: string,
options?: {
assertions?: Record<string, string>
custom?: CustomPluginOptions
isEntry?: boolean
skipSelf?: boolean
) => Promise<ResolvedId | null>
setAssetSource: (
assetReferenceId: string,
source: string | Uint8Array,
) => void
warn: LoggingFunction
interface PluginContextMeta {
rollupVersion: string
watchMode: boolean
interface ResolvedId extends ModuleOptions {
external: boolean | 'absolute'
id: string
resolvedBy: string
interface ResolvedIdMap {
[key: string]: ResolvedId
interface PartialResolvedId extends Partial<PartialNull<ModuleOptions>> {
external?: boolean | 'absolute' | 'relative'
id: string
resolvedBy?: string
type ResolveIdResult = string | NullValue$1 | false | PartialResolvedId
type ResolveIdHook = (
this: PluginContext$1,
source: string,
importer: string | undefined,
options: {
assertions: Record<string, string>
custom?: CustomPluginOptions
isEntry: boolean
) => ResolveIdResult
type ShouldTransformCachedModuleHook = (
this: PluginContext$1,
options: {
ast: AcornNode
code: string
id: string
meta: CustomPluginOptions
moduleSideEffects: boolean | 'no-treeshake'
resolvedSources: ResolvedIdMap
syntheticNamedExports: boolean | string
) => boolean | NullValue$1
type IsExternal = (
source: string,
importer: string | undefined,
isResolved: boolean,
) => boolean
type HasModuleSideEffects = (id: string, external: boolean) => boolean
type LoadResult = SourceDescription | string | NullValue$1
type LoadHook = (this: PluginContext$1, id: string) => LoadResult
interface TransformPluginContext extends PluginContext$1 {
debug: LoggingFunctionWithPosition
error: (
error: RollupError | string,
pos?: number | { column: number; line: number },
) => never
getCombinedSourcemap: () => SourceMap
info: LoggingFunctionWithPosition
warn: LoggingFunctionWithPosition
type TransformResult = string | NullValue$1 | Partial<SourceDescription>
type TransformHook = (
this: TransformPluginContext,
code: string,
id: string,
) => TransformResult
type ModuleParsedHook = (this: PluginContext$1, info: ModuleInfo) => void
type RenderChunkHook = (
this: PluginContext$1,
code: string,
chunk: RenderedChunk$1,
options: NormalizedOutputOptions$1,
meta: { chunks: Record<string, RenderedChunk$1> },
) => { code: string; map?: SourceMapInput$1 } | string | NullValue$1
type ResolveDynamicImportHook = (
this: PluginContext$1,
specifier: string | AcornNode,
importer: string,
options: { assertions: Record<string, string> },
) => ResolveIdResult
type ResolveImportMetaHook = (
this: PluginContext$1,
property: string | null,
options: { chunkId: string; format: InternalModuleFormat; moduleId: string },
) => string | NullValue$1
type ResolveFileUrlHook = (
this: PluginContext$1,
options: {
chunkId: string
fileName: string
format: InternalModuleFormat
moduleId: string
referenceId: string
relativePath: string
) => string | NullValue$1
type AddonHookFunction = (
this: PluginContext$1,
chunk: RenderedChunk$1,
) => string | Promise<string>
type AddonHook = string | AddonHookFunction
type ChangeEvent = 'create' | 'update' | 'delete'
type WatchChangeHook = (
this: PluginContext$1,
id: string,
change: { event: ChangeEvent },
) => void
interface OutputBundle {
[fileName: string]: OutputAsset | OutputChunk
interface FunctionPluginHooks {
augmentChunkHash: (this: PluginContext$1, chunk: RenderedChunk$1) => string | void
buildEnd: (this: PluginContext$1, error?: Error) => void
buildStart: (this: PluginContext$1, options: NormalizedInputOptions) => void
closeBundle: (this: PluginContext$1) => void
closeWatcher: (this: PluginContext$1) => void
generateBundle: (
this: PluginContext$1,
options: NormalizedOutputOptions$1,
bundle: OutputBundle,
isWrite: boolean,
) => void
load: LoadHook
moduleParsed: ModuleParsedHook
onLog: (
this: MinimalPluginContext,
level: LogLevel,
log: RollupLog,
) => boolean | NullValue$1
options: (
this: MinimalPluginContext,
options: InputOptions$1,
) => InputOptions$1 | NullValue$1
outputOptions: (
this: PluginContext$1,
options: OutputOptions$1,
) => OutputOptions$1 | NullValue$1
renderChunk: RenderChunkHook
renderDynamicImport: (
this: PluginContext$1,
options: {
customResolution: string | null
format: InternalModuleFormat
moduleId: string
targetModuleId: string | null
) => { left: string; right: string } | NullValue$1
renderError: (this: PluginContext$1, error?: Error) => void
renderStart: (
this: PluginContext$1,
outputOptions: NormalizedOutputOptions$1,
inputOptions: NormalizedInputOptions,
) => void
resolveDynamicImport: ResolveDynamicImportHook
resolveFileUrl: ResolveFileUrlHook
resolveId: ResolveIdHook
resolveImportMeta: ResolveImportMetaHook
shouldTransformCachedModule: ShouldTransformCachedModuleHook
transform: TransformHook
watchChange: WatchChangeHook
writeBundle: (
this: PluginContext$1,
options: NormalizedOutputOptions$1,
bundle: OutputBundle,
) => void
type OutputPluginHooks =
| 'augmentChunkHash'
| 'generateBundle'
| 'outputOptions'
| 'renderChunk'
| 'renderDynamicImport'
| 'renderError'
| 'renderStart'
| 'resolveFileUrl'
| 'resolveImportMeta'
| 'writeBundle'
type SyncPluginHooks =
| 'augmentChunkHash'
| 'onLog'
| 'outputOptions'
| 'renderDynamicImport'
| 'resolveFileUrl'
| 'resolveImportMeta'
type AsyncPluginHooks = Exclude<
keyof FunctionPluginHooks,
type FirstPluginHooks =
| 'load'
| 'renderDynamicImport'
| 'resolveDynamicImport'
| 'resolveFileUrl'
| 'resolveId'
| 'resolveImportMeta'
| 'shouldTransformCachedModule'
type SequentialPluginHooks =
| 'augmentChunkHash'
| 'generateBundle'
| 'onLog'
| 'options'
| 'outputOptions'
| 'renderChunk'
| 'transform'
type ParallelPluginHooks = Exclude<
keyof FunctionPluginHooks | AddonHooks,
FirstPluginHooks | SequentialPluginHooks
type AddonHooks = 'banner' | 'footer' | 'intro' | 'outro'
type MakeAsync<Function_> = Function_ extends (
this: infer This,
...parameters: infer Arguments
) => infer Return
? (this: This, ...parameters: Arguments) => Return | Promise<Return>
: never
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/ban-types
type ObjectHook<T, O = {}> =
| T
| ({ handler: T; order?: 'pre' | 'post' | null } & O)
type PluginHooks = {
[K in keyof FunctionPluginHooks]: ObjectHook<
K extends AsyncPluginHooks
? MakeAsync<FunctionPluginHooks[K]>
: FunctionPluginHooks[K],
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/ban-types
K extends ParallelPluginHooks ? { sequential?: boolean } : {}
interface OutputPlugin
extends Partial<{ [K in OutputPluginHooks]: PluginHooks[K] }>,
Partial<{ [K in AddonHooks]: ObjectHook<AddonHook> }> {
cacheKey?: string
name: string
version?: string
interface Plugin$1<A = any> extends OutputPlugin, Partial<PluginHooks> {
// for inter-plugin communication
api?: A
type TreeshakingPreset = 'smallest' | 'safest' | 'recommended'
interface NormalizedTreeshakingOptions {
annotations: boolean
correctVarValueBeforeDeclaration: boolean
manualPureFunctions: readonly string[]
moduleSideEffects: HasModuleSideEffects
propertyReadSideEffects: boolean | 'always'
tryCatchDeoptimization: boolean
unknownGlobalSideEffects: boolean
interface TreeshakingOptions
extends Partial<Omit<NormalizedTreeshakingOptions, 'moduleSideEffects'>> {
moduleSideEffects?: ModuleSideEffectsOption
preset?: TreeshakingPreset
interface ManualChunkMeta {
getModuleIds: () => IterableIterator<string>
getModuleInfo: GetModuleInfo
type GetManualChunk = (
id: string,
meta: ManualChunkMeta,
) => string | NullValue$1
type ExternalOption =
| (string | RegExp)[]
| string
| RegExp
| ((
source: string,
importer: string | undefined,
isResolved: boolean,
) => boolean | NullValue$1)
type GlobalsOption =
| { [name: string]: string }
| ((name: string) => string)
type InputOption = string | string[] | { [entryAlias: string]: string }
type ManualChunksOption =
| { [chunkAlias: string]: string[] }
| GetManualChunk
type LogHandlerWithDefault = (
level: LogLevel,
log: RollupLog,
defaultHandler: LogOrStringHandler,
) => void
type LogOrStringHandler = (
level: LogLevel | 'error',
log: RollupLog | string,
) => void
type LogHandler = (level: LogLevel, log: RollupLog) => void
type ModuleSideEffectsOption =
| boolean
| 'no-external'
| string[]
| HasModuleSideEffects
type PreserveEntrySignaturesOption =
| false
| 'strict'
| 'allow-extension'
| 'exports-only'
type SourcemapPathTransformOption = (
relativeSourcePath: string,
sourcemapPath: string,
) => string
type SourcemapIgnoreListOption = (
relativeSourcePath: string,
sourcemapPath: string,
) => boolean
type InputPluginOption = MaybePromise$2<
Plugin$1 | NullValue$1 | false | InputPluginOption[]
interface InputOptions$1 {
acorn?: Record<string, unknown>
| ((...arguments_: any[]) => unknown)[]
| ((...arguments_: any[]) => unknown)
cache?: boolean | RollupCache
context?: string
experimentalCacheExpiry?: number
experimentalLogSideEffects?: boolean
external?: ExternalOption
/** @deprecated Use the "inlineDynamicImports" output option instead. */
inlineDynamicImports?: boolean
input?: InputOption
logLevel?: LogLevelOption
makeAbsoluteExternalsRelative?: boolean | 'ifRelativeSource'
/** @deprecated Use the "manualChunks" output option instead. */
manualChunks?: ManualChunksOption
maxParallelFileOps?: number
/** @deprecated Use the "maxParallelFileOps" option instead. */
maxParallelFileReads?: number
| ((id: string) => string | NullValue$1)
| { [id: string]: string }
onLog?: LogHandlerWithDefault
onwarn?: WarningHandlerWithDefault
perf?: boolean
plugins?: InputPluginOption
preserveEntrySignatures?: PreserveEntrySignaturesOption
/** @deprecated Use the "preserveModules" output option instead. */
preserveModules?: boolean
preserveSymlinks?: boolean
shimMissingExports?: boolean
strictDeprecations?: boolean
treeshake?: boolean | TreeshakingPreset | TreeshakingOptions
watch?: WatcherOptions | false
interface NormalizedInputOptions {
acorn: Record<string, unknown>
acornInjectPlugins: (() => unknown)[]
cache: false | undefined | RollupCache
context: string
experimentalCacheExpiry: number
experimentalLogSideEffects: boolean
external: IsExternal
/** @deprecated Use the "inlineDynamicImports" output option instead. */
inlineDynamicImports: boolean | undefined
input: string[] | { [entryAlias: string]: string }
logLevel: LogLevelOption
makeAbsoluteExternalsRelative: boolean | 'ifRelativeSource'
/** @deprecated Use the "manualChunks" output option instead. */
manualChunks: ManualChunksOption | undefined
maxParallelFileOps: number
/** @deprecated Use the "maxParallelFileOps" option instead. */
maxParallelFileReads: number
moduleContext: (id: string) => string
onLog: LogHandler
onwarn: (warning: RollupLog) => void
perf: boolean
plugins: Plugin$1[]
preserveEntrySignatures: PreserveEntrySignaturesOption
/** @deprecated Use the "preserveModules" output option instead. */
preserveModules: boolean | undefined
preserveSymlinks: boolean
shimMissingExports: boolean
strictDeprecations: boolean
treeshake: false | NormalizedTreeshakingOptions
type InternalModuleFormat =
| 'amd'
| 'cjs'
| 'es'
| 'iife'
| 'system'
| 'umd'
type ModuleFormat =
| InternalModuleFormat
| 'commonjs'
| 'esm'
| 'module'
| 'systemjs'
type GeneratedCodePreset = 'es5' | 'es2015'
interface NormalizedGeneratedCodeOptions {
arrowFunctions: boolean
constBindings: boolean
objectShorthand: boolean
reservedNamesAsProps: boolean
symbols: boolean
interface GeneratedCodeOptions extends Partial<NormalizedGeneratedCodeOptions> {
preset?: GeneratedCodePreset
type OptionsPaths = Record<string, string> | ((id: string) => string)
type InteropType =
| 'compat'
| 'auto'
| 'esModule'
| 'default'
| 'defaultOnly'
type GetInterop = (id: string | null) => InteropType
type AmdOptions = (
| {
autoId?: false
id: string
| {
autoId: true
basePath?: string
id?: undefined
| {
autoId?: false
id?: undefined
) & {
define?: string
forceJsExtensionForImports?: boolean
type NormalizedAmdOptions = (
| {
autoId: false
id?: string
| {
autoId: true
basePath: string
) & {
define: string
forceJsExtensionForImports: boolean
type AddonFunction = (chunk: RenderedChunk$1) => string | Promise<string>
type OutputPluginOption = MaybePromise$2<
OutputPlugin | NullValue$1 | false | OutputPluginOption[]
interface OutputOptions$1 {
amd?: AmdOptions
assetFileNames?: string | ((chunkInfo: PreRenderedAsset) => string)
banner?: string | AddonFunction
chunkFileNames?: string | ((chunkInfo: PreRenderedChunk) => string)
compact?: boolean
// only required for bundle.write
dir?: string
/** @deprecated Use the "renderDynamicImport" plugin hook instead. */
dynamicImportFunction?: string
dynamicImportInCjs?: boolean
entryFileNames?: string | ((chunkInfo: PreRenderedChunk) => string)
esModule?: boolean | 'if-default-prop'
/** @deprecated This option is no longer needed and ignored. */
experimentalDeepDynamicChunkOptimization?: boolean
experimentalMinChunkSize?: number
exports?: 'default' | 'named' | 'none' | 'auto'
extend?: boolean
externalImportAssertions?: boolean
externalLiveBindings?: boolean
// only required for bundle.write
file?: string
footer?: string | AddonFunction
format?: ModuleFormat
freeze?: boolean
generatedCode?: GeneratedCodePreset | GeneratedCodeOptions
globals?: GlobalsOption
hoistTransitiveImports?: boolean
indent?: string | boolean
inlineDynamicImports?: boolean
interop?: InteropType | GetInterop
intro?: string | AddonFunction
manualChunks?: ManualChunksOption
minifyInternalExports?: boolean
name?: string
/** @deprecated Use "generatedCode.symbols" instead. */
namespaceToStringTag?: boolean
noConflict?: boolean
outro?: string | AddonFunction
paths?: OptionsPaths
plugins?: OutputPluginOption
/** @deprecated Use "generatedCode.constBindings" instead. */
preferConst?: boolean
preserveModules?: boolean
preserveModulesRoot?: string
sanitizeFileName?: boolean | ((fileName: string) => string)
sourcemap?: boolean | 'inline' | 'hidden'
sourcemapBaseUrl?: string
sourcemapExcludeSources?: boolean
sourcemapFile?: string
sourcemapFileNames?: string | ((chunkInfo: PreRenderedChunk) => string)
sourcemapIgnoreList?: boolean | SourcemapIgnoreListOption
sourcemapPathTransform?: SourcemapPathTransformOption
strict?: boolean
systemNullSetters?: boolean
validate?: boolean
interface NormalizedOutputOptions$1 {
amd: NormalizedAmdOptions
assetFileNames: string | ((chunkInfo: PreRenderedAsset) => string)
banner: AddonFunction
chunkFileNames: string | ((chunkInfo: PreRenderedChunk) => string)
compact: boolean
dir: string | undefined
/** @deprecated Use the "renderDynamicImport" plugin hook instead. */
dynamicImportFunction: string | undefined
dynamicImportInCjs: boolean
entryFileNames: string | ((chunkInfo: PreRenderedChunk) => string)
esModule: boolean | 'if-default-prop'
/** @deprecated This option is no longer needed and ignored. */
experimentalDeepDynamicChunkOptimization: boolean
experimentalMinChunkSize: number
exports: 'default' | 'named' | 'none' | 'auto'
extend: boolean
externalImportAssertions: boolean
externalLiveBindings: boolean
file: string | undefined
footer: AddonFunction
format: InternalModuleFormat
freeze: boolean
generatedCode: NormalizedGeneratedCodeOptions
globals: GlobalsOption
hoistTransitiveImports: boolean
indent: true | string
inlineDynamicImports: boolean
interop: GetInterop
intro: AddonFunction
manualChunks: ManualChunksOption
minifyInternalExports: boolean
name: string | undefined
/** @deprecated Use "generatedCode.symbols" instead. */
namespaceToStringTag: boolean
noConflict: boolean
outro: AddonFunction
paths: OptionsPaths
plugins: OutputPlugin[]
/** @deprecated Use "generatedCode.constBindings" instead. */
preferConst: boolean
preserveModules: boolean
preserveModulesRoot: string | undefined
sanitizeFileName: (fileName: string) => string
sourcemap: boolean | 'inline' | 'hidden'
sourcemapBaseUrl: string | undefined
sourcemapExcludeSources: boolean
sourcemapFile: string | undefined
| string
| ((chunkInfo: PreRenderedChunk) => string)
| undefined
sourcemapIgnoreList: SourcemapIgnoreListOption
sourcemapPathTransform: SourcemapPathTransformOption | undefined
strict: boolean
systemNullSetters: boolean
validate: boolean
type WarningHandlerWithDefault = (
warning: RollupLog,
defaultHandler: LoggingFunction,
) => void
interface PreRenderedAsset {
name: string | undefined
source: string | Uint8Array
type: 'asset'
interface OutputAsset extends PreRenderedAsset {
fileName: string
needsCodeReference: boolean
interface RenderedModule {
readonly code: string | null
originalLength: number
removedExports: string[]
renderedExports: string[]
renderedLength: number
interface PreRenderedChunk {
exports: string[]
facadeModuleId: string | null
isDynamicEntry: boolean
isEntry: boolean
isImplicitEntry: boolean
moduleIds: string[]
name: string
type: 'chunk'
interface RenderedChunk$1 extends PreRenderedChunk {
dynamicImports: string[]
fileName: string
implicitlyLoadedBefore: string[]
importedBindings: {
[imported: string]: string[]
imports: string[]
modules: {
[id: string]: RenderedModule
referencedFiles: string[]
interface OutputChunk extends RenderedChunk$1 {
code: string
map: SourceMap | null
sourcemapFileName: string | null
preliminaryFileName: string
interface SerializablePluginCache {
[key: string]: [number, any]
interface RollupCache {
modules: ModuleJSON[]
plugins?: Record<string, SerializablePluginCache>
interface ChokidarOptions {
alwaysStat?: boolean
atomic?: boolean | number
| {
pollInterval?: number
stabilityThreshold?: number
| boolean
binaryInterval?: number
cwd?: string
depth?: number
disableGlobbing?: boolean
followSymlinks?: boolean
ignoreInitial?: boolean
ignorePermissionErrors?: boolean
ignored?: any
interval?: number
persistent?: boolean
useFsEvents?: boolean
usePolling?: boolean
interface WatcherOptions {
buildDelay?: number
chokidar?: ChokidarOptions
clearScreen?: boolean
exclude?: string | RegExp | (string | RegExp)[]
include?: string | RegExp | (string | RegExp)[]
skipWrite?: boolean
interface AcornNode {
end: number
start: number
type: string
type MaybePromise$1<T> = T | Promise<T>
type Nullable<T> = T | null | undefined
type VoidNullable<T = void> = T | null | undefined | void
declare class BindingOutputAsset {
get fileName(): string
get source(): string
declare class BindingOutputChunk {
get isEntry(): boolean
get isDynamicEntry(): boolean
get facadeModuleId(): string | null
get moduleIds(): Array<string>
get exports(): Array<string>
get fileName(): string
get modules(): Record<string, BindingRenderedModule>
get code(): string
get map(): string | null
get sourcemapFileName(): string | null
declare class BindingOutputs {
get chunks(): Array<BindingOutputChunk>
get assets(): Array<BindingOutputAsset>
declare class BindingPluginContext {
specifier: string,
importer: string | undefined | null,
extraOptions: BindingPluginContextResolveOptions,
): void
interface AliasItem {
find: string
replacements: Array<string>
interface BindingHookLoadOutput {
code: string
map?: string
interface BindingHookRenderChunkOutput {
code: string
map?: string
interface BindingHookResolveIdExtraOptions {
isEntry: boolean
kind: string
interface BindingHookResolveIdOutput {
id: string
external?: boolean
interface BindingInputItem {
name?: string
import: string
interface BindingInputOptions {
| undefined
| ((
source: string,
importer: string | undefined,
isResolved: boolean,
) => boolean)
input: Array<BindingInputItem>
plugins: Array<BindingPluginOptions>
resolve?: BindingResolveOptions
shimMissingExports?: boolean
platform?: 'node' | 'browser' | 'neutral'
cwd: string
interface BindingOutputOptions {
entryFileNames?: string
chunkFileNames?: string
| Nullable<string>
| ((chunk: RenderedChunk) => MaybePromise$1<VoidNullable<string>>)
dir?: string
exports?: 'default' | 'named' | 'none' | 'auto'
| Nullable<string>
| ((chunk: RenderedChunk) => MaybePromise$1<VoidNullable<string>>)
format?: 'es' | 'cjs'
plugins: Array<BindingPluginOptions>
sourcemap?: 'file' | 'inline' | 'hidden'
interface BindingPluginContextResolveOptions {
importKind: string
interface BindingPluginOptions {
name: string
buildStart?: (ctx: BindingPluginContext) => MaybePromise$1<VoidNullable>
resolveId?: (
specifier: string,
importer: Nullable<string>,
options: BindingHookResolveIdExtraOptions,
) => MaybePromise$1<VoidNullable<BindingHookResolveIdOutput>>
load?: (id: string) => MaybePromise$1<VoidNullable<BindingHookLoadOutput>>
transform?: (
id: string,
code: string,
) => MaybePromise$1<VoidNullable<BindingHookLoadOutput>>
buildEnd?: (error: Nullable<string>) => MaybePromise$1<VoidNullable>
renderChunk?: (
code: string,
chunk: RenderedChunk,
) => MaybePromise$1<VoidNullable<BindingHookRenderChunkOutput>>
renderStart?: () => void
generateBundle?: (
bundle: BindingOutputs,
isWrite: boolean,
) => MaybePromise$1<VoidNullable>
writeBundle?: (bundle: BindingOutputs) => MaybePromise$1<VoidNullable>
interface BindingRenderedModule {
code?: string
interface BindingResolveOptions {
alias?: Array<AliasItem>
aliasFields?: Array<Array<string>>
conditionNames?: Array<string>
exportsFields?: Array<Array<string>>
extensions?: Array<string>
mainFields?: Array<string>
mainFiles?: Array<string>
modules?: Array<string>
symlinks?: boolean
tsconfigFilename?: string
interface RenderedChunk {
isEntry: boolean
isDynamicEntry: boolean
facadeModuleId?: string
moduleIds: Array<string>
exports: Array<string>
fileName: string
modules: Record<string, BindingRenderedModule>
interface AnyFn {
(...args: any[]): any;
interface AnyObj {
type NullValue<T = void> = T | undefined | null | void;
interface SourceMapInputObject {
file?: string;
mappings: string;
names?: string[];
sources?: (string | null)[];
sourcesContent?: (string | null)[];
sourceRoot?: string;
version: number;
type SourceMapInput = SourceMapInputObject | string | null;
interface OutputOptions {
dir?: OutputOptions$1['dir'];
format?: 'es';
exports?: OutputOptions$1['exports'];
sourcemap?: OutputOptions$1['sourcemap'];
banner?: OutputOptions$1['banner'];
footer?: OutputOptions$1['footer'];
entryFileNames?: string;
chunkFileNames?: string;
type NormalizedOutputOptions = BindingOutputOptions;
type MaybePromise<T> = T | Promise<T>;
type PluginContext = BindingPluginContext;
type FormalHook<Handler extends AnyFn, HookOptions extends AnyObj = AnyObj> = {
handler: Handler;
} & HookOptions;
type Hook<Handler extends AnyFn, HookOptions extends AnyObj = AnyObj> = FormalHook<Handler, HookOptions> | Handler;
interface Plugin {
name?: string;
buildStart?: Hook<(this: PluginContext, options: RolldownNormalizedInputOptions) => MaybePromise<NullValue>>;
resolveId?: Hook<(this: null, source: string, importer: string | undefined, extraOptions: BindingHookResolveIdExtraOptions) => MaybePromise<string | NullValue | false | {
id: string;
external?: boolean;
load?: Hook<(this: null, id: string) => MaybePromise<NullValue | string | {
code: string;
map?: SourceMapInput;
transform?: Hook<(this: null, code: string, id: string) => MaybePromise<NullValue | string | {
code: string;
map?: string | null | SourceMapInput;
renderChunk?: Hook<(this: null, code: string, chunk: RenderedChunk, outputOptions: NormalizedOutputOptions) => MaybePromise<NullValue | string | {
code: string;
map?: string | null | SourceMapInput;
buildEnd?: Hook<(this: null, err?: string) => MaybePromise<NullValue>>;
renderStart?: Hook<(outputOptions: BindingOutputOptions, inputOptions: RolldownNormalizedInputOptions) => MaybePromise<NullValue>>;
generateBundle?: Hook<(bundle: BindingOutputs, isWrite: boolean) => MaybePromise<NullValue>>;
writeBundle?: Hook<(bundle: BindingOutputs) => MaybePromise<NullValue>>;
interface InputOptions {
input?: InputOptions$1['input'];
plugins?: Plugin[];
external?: InputOptions$1['external'];
resolve?: RolldownResolveOptions;
cwd?: string;
platform?: BindingInputOptions['platform'];
shimMissingExports?: BindingInputOptions['shimMissingExports'];
type RolldownResolveOptions = Omit<BindingResolveOptions, 'alias'> & {
alias?: Record<string, string>;
type RolldownNormalizedInputOptions = NormalizedInputOptions & {
resolve?: BindingResolveOptions;
platform?: BindingInputOptions['platform'];
interface RolldownOptions extends InputOptions {

@@ -1257,2 +59,3 @@ output?: OutputOptions;

write(outputOptions?: OutputOptions): Promise<RolldownOutput>;
destroy(): Promise<void>;

@@ -1268,2 +71,2 @@

export { type InputOptions, type OutputOptions, type Plugin, type RolldownOptions, type RolldownOutput, type RolldownOutputChunk, type RolldownOptions as RollupOptions, type RolldownOutput as RollupOutput, defineConfig, experimental_scan, rolldown };
export { InputOptions, OutputOptions, type RolldownOptions, type RolldownOutput, type RolldownOutputChunk, type RolldownOptions as RollupOptions, type RolldownOutput as RollupOutput, defineConfig, experimental_scan, rolldown };
"name": "rolldown",
"version": "0.10.1-snapshot-f2c0b8a-20240413002405",
"version": "0.10.1-snapshot-f71f993-20240415024007",
"description": "Fast JavaScript/TypeScript bundler in Rust with Rollup-compatible API.",

@@ -36,4 +36,12 @@ "homepage": "",

"import": "./dist/index.mjs"
"./parallel-plugin": {
"types": "./dist/parallel-plugin.d.mts",
"require": "./dist/parallel-plugin.cjs",
"import": "./dist/parallel-plugin.mjs"
"imports": {
"#parallel-plugin-worker": "./dist/parallel-plugin-worker.mjs"
"publishConfig": {

@@ -70,15 +78,15 @@ "registry": "",

"vitest": "^1.3.1",
"rolldown": "0.10.1-snapshot-f2c0b8a-20240413002405"
"rolldown": "0.10.1-snapshot-f71f993-20240415024007"
"optionalDependencies": {
"@rolldown/binding-darwin-arm64": "0.10.1-snapshot-f2c0b8a-20240413002405",
"@rolldown/binding-darwin-x64": "0.10.1-snapshot-f2c0b8a-20240413002405",
"@rolldown/binding-linux-arm-gnueabihf": "0.10.1-snapshot-f2c0b8a-20240413002405",
"@rolldown/binding-linux-arm64-musl": "0.10.1-snapshot-f2c0b8a-20240413002405",
"@rolldown/binding-linux-x64-gnu": "0.10.1-snapshot-f2c0b8a-20240413002405",
"@rolldown/binding-linux-arm64-gnu": "0.10.1-snapshot-f2c0b8a-20240413002405",
"@rolldown/binding-linux-x64-musl": "0.10.1-snapshot-f2c0b8a-20240413002405",
"@rolldown/binding-win32-ia32-msvc": "0.10.1-snapshot-f2c0b8a-20240413002405",
"@rolldown/binding-win32-x64-msvc": "0.10.1-snapshot-f2c0b8a-20240413002405",
"@rolldown/binding-win32-arm64-msvc": "0.10.1-snapshot-f2c0b8a-20240413002405"
"@rolldown/binding-linux-arm-gnueabihf": "0.10.1-snapshot-f71f993-20240415024007",
"@rolldown/binding-linux-arm64-gnu": "0.10.1-snapshot-f71f993-20240415024007",
"@rolldown/binding-darwin-arm64": "0.10.1-snapshot-f71f993-20240415024007",
"@rolldown/binding-linux-arm64-musl": "0.10.1-snapshot-f71f993-20240415024007",
"@rolldown/binding-darwin-x64": "0.10.1-snapshot-f71f993-20240415024007",
"@rolldown/binding-linux-x64-gnu": "0.10.1-snapshot-f71f993-20240415024007",
"@rolldown/binding-win32-arm64-msvc": "0.10.1-snapshot-f71f993-20240415024007",
"@rolldown/binding-linux-x64-musl": "0.10.1-snapshot-f71f993-20240415024007",
"@rolldown/binding-win32-ia32-msvc": "0.10.1-snapshot-f71f993-20240415024007",
"@rolldown/binding-win32-x64-msvc": "0.10.1-snapshot-f71f993-20240415024007"

@@ -85,0 +93,0 @@ "scripts": {

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Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

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