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@@ -1,1320 +0,7 @@

'use strict';
var __create = Object.create;
var __defProp = Object.defineProperty;
var __getOwnPropDesc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor;
var __getOwnPropNames = Object.getOwnPropertyNames;
var __getProtoOf = Object.getPrototypeOf;
var __hasOwnProp = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
var __commonJS = (cb, mod) => function __require() {
return mod || (0, cb[__getOwnPropNames(cb)[0]])((mod = { exports: {} }).exports, mod), mod.exports;
var __copyProps = (to, from, except, desc) => {
if (from && typeof from === "object" || typeof from === "function") {
for (let key of __getOwnPropNames(from))
if (!, key) && key !== except)
__defProp(to, key, { get: () => from[key], enumerable: !(desc = __getOwnPropDesc(from, key)) || desc.enumerable });
return to;
var __toESM = (mod, isNodeMode, target) => (target = mod != null ? __create(__getProtoOf(mod)) : {}, __copyProps(
// If the importer is in node compatibility mode or this is not an ESM
// file that has been converted to a CommonJS file using a Babel-
// compatible transform (i.e. "__esModule" has not been set), then set
// "default" to the CommonJS "module.exports" for node compatibility.
isNodeMode || !mod || !mod.__esModule ? __defProp(target, "default", { value: mod, enumerable: true }) : target,
// node_modules/.pnpm/dlv@1.1.3/node_modules/dlv/dist/dlv.umd.js
var require_dlv_umd = __commonJS({
"node_modules/.pnpm/dlv@1.1.3/node_modules/dlv/dist/dlv.umd.js"(exports, module) {
!function(t, n) {
"object" == typeof exports && "undefined" != typeof module ? module.exports = function(t2, n2, e, i, o) {
for (n2 = n2.split ? n2.split(".") : n2, i = 0; i < n2.length; i++)
t2 = t2 ? t2[n2[i]] : o;
return t2 === o ? e : t2;
} : "function" == typeof define && define.amd ? define(function() {
return function(t2, n2, e, i, o) {
for (n2 = n2.split ? n2.split(".") : n2, i = 0; i < n2.length; i++)
t2 = t2 ? t2[n2[i]] : o;
return t2 === o ? e : t2;
}) : t.dlv = function(t2, n2, e, i, o) {
for (n2 = n2.split ? n2.split(".") : n2, i = 0; i < n2.length; i++)
t2 = t2 ? t2[n2[i]] : o;
return t2 === o ? e : t2;
// node_modules/.pnpm/dayjs@1.11.9/node_modules/dayjs/dayjs.min.js
var require_dayjs_min = __commonJS({
"node_modules/.pnpm/dayjs@1.11.9/node_modules/dayjs/dayjs.min.js"(exports, module) {
!function(t, e) {
"object" == typeof exports && "undefined" != typeof module ? module.exports = e() : "function" == typeof define && define.amd ? define(e) : (t = "undefined" != typeof globalThis ? globalThis : t || self).dayjs = e();
}(exports, function() {
var t = 1e3, e = 6e4, n = 36e5, r = "millisecond", i = "second", s = "minute", u = "hour", a = "day", o = "week", c = "month", f = "quarter", h = "year", d = "date", l = "Invalid Date", $ = /^(\d{4})[-/]?(\d{1,2})?[-/]?(\d{0,2})[Tt\s]*(\d{1,2})?:?(\d{1,2})?:?(\d{1,2})?[.:]?(\d+)?$/, y = /\[([^\]]+)]|Y{1,4}|M{1,4}|D{1,2}|d{1,4}|H{1,2}|h{1,2}|a|A|m{1,2}|s{1,2}|Z{1,2}|SSS/g, M = { name: "en", weekdays: "Sunday_Monday_Tuesday_Wednesday_Thursday_Friday_Saturday".split("_"), months: "January_February_March_April_May_June_July_August_September_October_November_December".split("_"), ordinal: function(t2) {
var e2 = ["th", "st", "nd", "rd"], n2 = t2 % 100;
return "[" + t2 + (e2[(n2 - 20) % 10] || e2[n2] || e2[0]) + "]";
} }, m = function(t2, e2, n2) {
var r2 = String(t2);
return !r2 || r2.length >= e2 ? t2 : "" + Array(e2 + 1 - r2.length).join(n2) + t2;
}, v = { s: m, z: function(t2) {
var e2 = -t2.utcOffset(), n2 = Math.abs(e2), r2 = Math.floor(n2 / 60), i2 = n2 % 60;
return (e2 <= 0 ? "+" : "-") + m(r2, 2, "0") + ":" + m(i2, 2, "0");
}, m: function t2(e2, n2) {
if ( <
return -t2(n2, e2);
var r2 = 12 * (n2.year() - e2.year()) + (n2.month() - e2.month()), i2 = e2.clone().add(r2, c), s2 = n2 - i2 < 0, u2 = e2.clone().add(r2 + (s2 ? -1 : 1), c);
return +(-(r2 + (n2 - i2) / (s2 ? i2 - u2 : u2 - i2)) || 0);
}, a: function(t2) {
return t2 < 0 ? Math.ceil(t2) || 0 : Math.floor(t2);
}, p: function(t2) {
return { M: c, y: h, w: o, d: a, D: d, h: u, m: s, s: i, ms: r, Q: f }[t2] || String(t2 || "").toLowerCase().replace(/s$/, "");
}, u: function(t2) {
return void 0 === t2;
} }, g = "en", D = {};
D[g] = M;
var p = function(t2) {
return t2 instanceof b;
}, S = function t2(e2, n2, r2) {
var i2;
if (!e2)
return g;
if ("string" == typeof e2) {
var s2 = e2.toLowerCase();
D[s2] && (i2 = s2), n2 && (D[s2] = n2, i2 = s2);
var u2 = e2.split("-");
if (!i2 && u2.length > 1)
return t2(u2[0]);
} else {
var a2 =;
D[a2] = e2, i2 = a2;
return !r2 && i2 && (g = i2), i2 || !r2 && g;
}, w = function(t2, e2) {
if (p(t2))
return t2.clone();
var n2 = "object" == typeof e2 ? e2 : {};
return = t2, n2.args = arguments, new b(n2);
}, O = v;
O.l = S, O.i = p, O.w = function(t2, e2) {
return w(t2, { locale: e2.$L, utc: e2.$u, x: e2.$x, $offset: e2.$offset });
var b = function() {
function M2(t2) {
this.$L = S(t2.locale, null, true), this.parse(t2);
var m2 = M2.prototype;
return m2.parse = function(t2) {
this.$d = function(t3) {
var e2 =, n2 = t3.utc;
if (null === e2)
return /* @__PURE__ */ new Date(NaN);
if (O.u(e2))
return /* @__PURE__ */ new Date();
if (e2 instanceof Date)
return new Date(e2);
if ("string" == typeof e2 && !/Z$/i.test(e2)) {
var r2 = e2.match($);
if (r2) {
var i2 = r2[2] - 1 || 0, s2 = (r2[7] || "0").substring(0, 3);
return n2 ? new Date(Date.UTC(r2[1], i2, r2[3] || 1, r2[4] || 0, r2[5] || 0, r2[6] || 0, s2)) : new Date(r2[1], i2, r2[3] || 1, r2[4] || 0, r2[5] || 0, r2[6] || 0, s2);
return new Date(e2);
}(t2), this.$x = t2.x || {}, this.init();
}, m2.init = function() {
var t2 = this.$d;
this.$y = t2.getFullYear(), this.$M = t2.getMonth(), this.$D = t2.getDate(), this.$W = t2.getDay(), this.$H = t2.getHours(), this.$m = t2.getMinutes(), this.$s = t2.getSeconds(), this.$ms = t2.getMilliseconds();
}, m2.$utils = function() {
return O;
}, m2.isValid = function() {
return !(this.$d.toString() === l);
}, m2.isSame = function(t2, e2) {
var n2 = w(t2);
return this.startOf(e2) <= n2 && n2 <= this.endOf(e2);
}, m2.isAfter = function(t2, e2) {
return w(t2) < this.startOf(e2);
}, m2.isBefore = function(t2, e2) {
return this.endOf(e2) < w(t2);
}, m2.$g = function(t2, e2, n2) {
return O.u(t2) ? this[e2] : this.set(n2, t2);
}, m2.unix = function() {
return Math.floor(this.valueOf() / 1e3);
}, m2.valueOf = function() {
return this.$d.getTime();
}, m2.startOf = function(t2, e2) {
var n2 = this, r2 = !!O.u(e2) || e2, f2 = O.p(t2), l2 = function(t3, e3) {
var i2 = O.w(n2.$u ? Date.UTC(n2.$y, e3, t3) : new Date(n2.$y, e3, t3), n2);
return r2 ? i2 : i2.endOf(a);
}, $2 = function(t3, e3) {
return O.w(n2.toDate()[t3].apply(n2.toDate("s"), (r2 ? [0, 0, 0, 0] : [23, 59, 59, 999]).slice(e3)), n2);
}, y2 = this.$W, M3 = this.$M, m3 = this.$D, v2 = "set" + (this.$u ? "UTC" : "");
switch (f2) {
case h:
return r2 ? l2(1, 0) : l2(31, 11);
case c:
return r2 ? l2(1, M3) : l2(0, M3 + 1);
case o:
var g2 = this.$locale().weekStart || 0, D2 = (y2 < g2 ? y2 + 7 : y2) - g2;
return l2(r2 ? m3 - D2 : m3 + (6 - D2), M3);
case a:
case d:
return $2(v2 + "Hours", 0);
case u:
return $2(v2 + "Minutes", 1);
case s:
return $2(v2 + "Seconds", 2);
case i:
return $2(v2 + "Milliseconds", 3);
return this.clone();
}, m2.endOf = function(t2) {
return this.startOf(t2, false);
}, m2.$set = function(t2, e2) {
var n2, o2 = O.p(t2), f2 = "set" + (this.$u ? "UTC" : ""), l2 = (n2 = {}, n2[a] = f2 + "Date", n2[d] = f2 + "Date", n2[c] = f2 + "Month", n2[h] = f2 + "FullYear", n2[u] = f2 + "Hours", n2[s] = f2 + "Minutes", n2[i] = f2 + "Seconds", n2[r] = f2 + "Milliseconds", n2)[o2], $2 = o2 === a ? this.$D + (e2 - this.$W) : e2;
if (o2 === c || o2 === h) {
var y2 = this.clone().set(d, 1);
y2.$d[l2]($2), y2.init(), this.$d = y2.set(d, Math.min(this.$D, y2.daysInMonth())).$d;
} else
l2 && this.$d[l2]($2);
return this.init(), this;
}, m2.set = function(t2, e2) {
return this.clone().$set(t2, e2);
}, m2.get = function(t2) {
return this[O.p(t2)]();
}, m2.add = function(r2, f2) {
var d2, l2 = this;
r2 = Number(r2);
var $2 = O.p(f2), y2 = function(t2) {
var e2 = w(l2);
return O.w( + Math.round(t2 * r2)), l2);
if ($2 === c)
return this.set(c, this.$M + r2);
if ($2 === h)
return this.set(h, this.$y + r2);
if ($2 === a)
return y2(1);
if ($2 === o)
return y2(7);
var M3 = (d2 = {}, d2[s] = e, d2[u] = n, d2[i] = t, d2)[$2] || 1, m3 = this.$d.getTime() + r2 * M3;
return O.w(m3, this);
}, m2.subtract = function(t2, e2) {
return this.add(-1 * t2, e2);
}, m2.format = function(t2) {
var e2 = this, n2 = this.$locale();
if (!this.isValid())
return n2.invalidDate || l;
var r2 = t2 || "YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssZ", i2 = O.z(this), s2 = this.$H, u2 = this.$m, a2 = this.$M, o2 = n2.weekdays, c2 = n2.months, f2 = n2.meridiem, h2 = function(t3, n3, i3, s3) {
return t3 && (t3[n3] || t3(e2, r2)) || i3[n3].slice(0, s3);
}, d2 = function(t3) {
return O.s(s2 % 12 || 12, t3, "0");
}, $2 = f2 || function(t3, e3, n3) {
var r3 = t3 < 12 ? "AM" : "PM";
return n3 ? r3.toLowerCase() : r3;
return r2.replace(y, function(t3, r3) {
return r3 || function(t4) {
switch (t4) {
case "YY":
return String(e2.$y).slice(-2);
case "YYYY":
return O.s(e2.$y, 4, "0");
case "M":
return a2 + 1;
case "MM":
return O.s(a2 + 1, 2, "0");
case "MMM":
return h2(n2.monthsShort, a2, c2, 3);
case "MMMM":
return h2(c2, a2);
case "D":
return e2.$D;
case "DD":
return O.s(e2.$D, 2, "0");
case "d":
return String(e2.$W);
case "dd":
return h2(n2.weekdaysMin, e2.$W, o2, 2);
case "ddd":
return h2(n2.weekdaysShort, e2.$W, o2, 3);
case "dddd":
return o2[e2.$W];
case "H":
return String(s2);
case "HH":
return O.s(s2, 2, "0");
case "h":
return d2(1);
case "hh":
return d2(2);
case "a":
return $2(s2, u2, true);
case "A":
return $2(s2, u2, false);
case "m":
return String(u2);
case "mm":
return O.s(u2, 2, "0");
case "s":
return String(e2.$s);
case "ss":
return O.s(e2.$s, 2, "0");
case "SSS":
return O.s(e2.$ms, 3, "0");
case "Z":
return i2;
return null;
}(t3) || i2.replace(":", "");
}, m2.utcOffset = function() {
return 15 * -Math.round(this.$d.getTimezoneOffset() / 15);
}, m2.diff = function(r2, d2, l2) {
var $2, y2 = this, M3 = O.p(d2), m3 = w(r2), v2 = (m3.utcOffset() - this.utcOffset()) * e, g2 = this - m3, D2 = function() {
return O.m(y2, m3);
switch (M3) {
case h:
$2 = D2() / 12;
case c:
$2 = D2();
case f:
$2 = D2() / 3;
case o:
$2 = (g2 - v2) / 6048e5;
case a:
$2 = (g2 - v2) / 864e5;
case u:
$2 = g2 / n;
case s:
$2 = g2 / e;
case i:
$2 = g2 / t;
$2 = g2;
return l2 ? $2 : O.a($2);
}, m2.daysInMonth = function() {
return this.endOf(c).$D;
}, m2.$locale = function() {
return D[this.$L];
}, m2.locale = function(t2, e2) {
if (!t2)
return this.$L;
var n2 = this.clone(), r2 = S(t2, e2, true);
return r2 && (n2.$L = r2), n2;
}, m2.clone = function() {
return O.w(this.$d, this);
}, m2.toDate = function() {
return new Date(this.valueOf());
}, m2.toJSON = function() {
return this.isValid() ? this.toISOString() : null;
}, m2.toISOString = function() {
return this.$d.toISOString();
}, m2.toString = function() {
return this.$d.toUTCString();
}, M2;
}(), _ = b.prototype;
return w.prototype = _, [["$ms", r], ["$s", i], ["$m", s], ["$H", u], ["$W", a], ["$M", c], ["$y", h], ["$D", d]].forEach(function(t2) {
_[t2[1]] = function(e2) {
return this.$g(e2, t2[0], t2[1]);
}), w.extend = function(t2, e2) {
return t2.$i || (t2(e2, b, w), t2.$i = true), w;
}, w.locale = S, w.isDayjs = p, w.unix = function(t2) {
return w(1e3 * t2);
}, w.en = D[g], w.Ls = D, w.p = {}, w;
// node_modules/.pnpm/dayjs@1.11.9/node_modules/dayjs/plugin/relativeTime.js
var require_relativeTime = __commonJS({
"node_modules/.pnpm/dayjs@1.11.9/node_modules/dayjs/plugin/relativeTime.js"(exports, module) {
!function(r, e) {
"object" == typeof exports && "undefined" != typeof module ? module.exports = e() : "function" == typeof define && define.amd ? define(e) : (r = "undefined" != typeof globalThis ? globalThis : r || self).dayjs_plugin_relativeTime = e();
}(exports, function() {
return function(r, e, t) {
r = r || {};
var n = e.prototype, o = { future: "in %s", past: "%s ago", s: "a few seconds", m: "a minute", mm: "%d minutes", h: "an hour", hh: "%d hours", d: "a day", dd: "%d days", M: "a month", MM: "%d months", y: "a year", yy: "%d years" };
function i(r2, e2, t2, o2) {
return n.fromToBase(r2, e2, t2, o2);
t.en.relativeTime = o, n.fromToBase = function(e2, n2, i2, d2, u) {
for (var f, a, s, l = i2.$locale().relativeTime || o, h = r.thresholds || [{ l: "s", r: 44, d: "second" }, { l: "m", r: 89 }, { l: "mm", r: 44, d: "minute" }, { l: "h", r: 89 }, { l: "hh", r: 21, d: "hour" }, { l: "d", r: 35 }, { l: "dd", r: 25, d: "day" }, { l: "M", r: 45 }, { l: "MM", r: 10, d: "month" }, { l: "y", r: 17 }, { l: "yy", d: "year" }], m = h.length, c = 0; c < m; c += 1) {
var y = h[c];
y.d && (f = d2 ? t(e2).diff(i2, y.d, true) : i2.diff(e2, y.d, true));
var p = (r.rounding || Math.round)(Math.abs(f));
if (s = f > 0, p <= y.r || !y.r) {
p <= 1 && c > 0 && (y = h[c - 1]);
var v = l[y.l];
u && (p = u("" + p)), a = "string" == typeof v ? v.replace("%d", p) : v(p, n2, y.l, s);
if (n2)
return a;
var M = s ? l.future : l.past;
return "function" == typeof M ? M(a) : M.replace("%s", a);
}, = function(r2, e2) {
return i(r2, e2, this, true);
}, n.from = function(r2, e2) {
return i(r2, e2, this);
var d = function(r2) {
return r2.$u ? t.utc() : t();
n.toNow = function(r2) {
return, r2);
}, n.fromNow = function(r2) {
return this.from(d(this), r2);
// node_modules/.pnpm/dayjs@1.11.9/node_modules/dayjs/plugin/localizedFormat.js
var require_localizedFormat = __commonJS({
"node_modules/.pnpm/dayjs@1.11.9/node_modules/dayjs/plugin/localizedFormat.js"(exports, module) {
!function(e, t) {
"object" == typeof exports && "undefined" != typeof module ? module.exports = t() : "function" == typeof define && define.amd ? define(t) : (e = "undefined" != typeof globalThis ? globalThis : e || self).dayjs_plugin_localizedFormat = t();
}(exports, function() {
var e = { LTS: "h:mm:ss A", LT: "h:mm A", L: "MM/DD/YYYY", LL: "MMMM D, YYYY", LLL: "MMMM D, YYYY h:mm A", LLLL: "dddd, MMMM D, YYYY h:mm A" };
return function(t, o, n) {
var r = o.prototype, i = r.format;
n.en.formats = e, r.format = function(t2) {
void 0 === t2 && (t2 = "YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssZ");
var o2 = this.$locale().formats, n2 = function(t3, o3) {
return t3.replace(/(\[[^\]]+])|(LTS?|l{1,4}|L{1,4})/g, function(t4, n3, r2) {
var i2 = r2 && r2.toUpperCase();
return n3 || o3[r2] || e[r2] || o3[i2].replace(/(\[[^\]]+])|(MMMM|MM|DD|dddd)/g, function(e2, t5, o4) {
return t5 || o4.slice(1);
}(t2, void 0 === o2 ? {} : o2);
return, n2);
// node_modules/.pnpm/dayjs@1.11.9/node_modules/dayjs/plugin/duration.js
var require_duration = __commonJS({
"node_modules/.pnpm/dayjs@1.11.9/node_modules/dayjs/plugin/duration.js"(exports, module) {
!function(t, s) {
"object" == typeof exports && "undefined" != typeof module ? module.exports = s() : "function" == typeof define && define.amd ? define(s) : (t = "undefined" != typeof globalThis ? globalThis : t || self).dayjs_plugin_duration = s();
}(exports, function() {
var t, s, n = 1e3, i = 6e4, e = 36e5, r = 864e5, o = /\[([^\]]+)]|Y{1,4}|M{1,4}|D{1,2}|d{1,4}|H{1,2}|h{1,2}|a|A|m{1,2}|s{1,2}|Z{1,2}|SSS/g, u = 31536e6, d = 2592e6, a = /^(-|\+)?P(?:([-+]?[0-9,.]*)Y)?(?:([-+]?[0-9,.]*)M)?(?:([-+]?[0-9,.]*)W)?(?:([-+]?[0-9,.]*)D)?(?:T(?:([-+]?[0-9,.]*)H)?(?:([-+]?[0-9,.]*)M)?(?:([-+]?[0-9,.]*)S)?)?$/, h = { years: u, months: d, days: r, hours: e, minutes: i, seconds: n, milliseconds: 1, weeks: 6048e5 }, c = function(t2) {
return t2 instanceof g;
}, f = function(t2, s2, n2) {
return new g(t2, n2, s2.$l);
}, m = function(t2) {
return s.p(t2) + "s";
}, l = function(t2) {
return t2 < 0;
}, $ = function(t2) {
return l(t2) ? Math.ceil(t2) : Math.floor(t2);
}, y = function(t2) {
return Math.abs(t2);
}, v = function(t2, s2) {
return t2 ? l(t2) ? { negative: true, format: "" + y(t2) + s2 } : { negative: false, format: "" + t2 + s2 } : { negative: false, format: "" };
}, g = function() {
function l2(t2, s2, n2) {
var i2 = this;
if (this.$d = {}, this.$l = n2, void 0 === t2 && (this.$ms = 0, this.parseFromMilliseconds()), s2)
return f(t2 * h[m(s2)], this);
if ("number" == typeof t2)
return this.$ms = t2, this.parseFromMilliseconds(), this;
if ("object" == typeof t2)
return Object.keys(t2).forEach(function(s3) {
i2.$d[m(s3)] = t2[s3];
}), this.calMilliseconds(), this;
if ("string" == typeof t2) {
var e2 = t2.match(a);
if (e2) {
var r2 = e2.slice(2).map(function(t3) {
return null != t3 ? Number(t3) : 0;
return this.$d.years = r2[0], this.$d.months = r2[1], this.$d.weeks = r2[2], this.$d.days = r2[3], this.$d.hours = r2[4], this.$d.minutes = r2[5], this.$d.seconds = r2[6], this.calMilliseconds(), this;
return this;
var y2 = l2.prototype;
return y2.calMilliseconds = function() {
var t2 = this;
this.$ms = Object.keys(this.$d).reduce(function(s2, n2) {
return s2 + (t2.$d[n2] || 0) * h[n2];
}, 0);
}, y2.parseFromMilliseconds = function() {
var t2 = this.$ms;
this.$d.years = $(t2 / u), t2 %= u, this.$d.months = $(t2 / d), t2 %= d, this.$d.days = $(t2 / r), t2 %= r, this.$d.hours = $(t2 / e), t2 %= e, this.$d.minutes = $(t2 / i), t2 %= i, this.$d.seconds = $(t2 / n), t2 %= n, this.$d.milliseconds = t2;
}, y2.toISOString = function() {
var t2 = v(this.$d.years, "Y"), s2 = v(this.$d.months, "M"), n2 = +this.$d.days || 0;
this.$d.weeks && (n2 += 7 * this.$d.weeks);
var i2 = v(n2, "D"), e2 = v(this.$d.hours, "H"), r2 = v(this.$d.minutes, "M"), o2 = this.$d.seconds || 0;
this.$d.milliseconds && (o2 += this.$d.milliseconds / 1e3);
var u2 = v(o2, "S"), d2 = t2.negative || s2.negative || i2.negative || e2.negative || r2.negative || u2.negative, a2 = e2.format || r2.format || u2.format ? "T" : "", h2 = (d2 ? "-" : "") + "P" + t2.format + s2.format + i2.format + a2 + e2.format + r2.format + u2.format;
return "P" === h2 || "-P" === h2 ? "P0D" : h2;
}, y2.toJSON = function() {
return this.toISOString();
}, y2.format = function(t2) {
var n2 = t2 || "YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss", i2 = { Y: this.$d.years, YY: s.s(this.$d.years, 2, "0"), YYYY: s.s(this.$d.years, 4, "0"), M: this.$d.months, MM: s.s(this.$d.months, 2, "0"), D: this.$d.days, DD: s.s(this.$d.days, 2, "0"), H: this.$d.hours, HH: s.s(this.$d.hours, 2, "0"), m: this.$d.minutes, mm: s.s(this.$d.minutes, 2, "0"), s: this.$d.seconds, ss: s.s(this.$d.seconds, 2, "0"), SSS: s.s(this.$d.milliseconds, 3, "0") };
return n2.replace(o, function(t3, s2) {
return s2 || String(i2[t3]);
}, = function(t2) {
return this.$ms / h[m(t2)];
}, y2.get = function(t2) {
var s2 = this.$ms, n2 = m(t2);
return "milliseconds" === n2 ? s2 %= 1e3 : s2 = "weeks" === n2 ? $(s2 / h[n2]) : this.$d[n2], 0 === s2 ? 0 : s2;
}, y2.add = function(t2, s2, n2) {
var i2;
return i2 = s2 ? t2 * h[m(s2)] : c(t2) ? t2.$ms : f(t2, this).$ms, f(this.$ms + i2 * (n2 ? -1 : 1), this);
}, y2.subtract = function(t2, s2) {
return this.add(t2, s2, true);
}, y2.locale = function(t2) {
var s2 = this.clone();
return s2.$l = t2, s2;
}, y2.clone = function() {
return f(this.$ms, this);
}, y2.humanize = function(s2) {
return t().add(this.$ms, "ms").locale(this.$l).fromNow(!s2);
}, y2.valueOf = function() {
return this.asMilliseconds();
}, y2.milliseconds = function() {
return this.get("milliseconds");
}, y2.asMilliseconds = function() {
}, y2.seconds = function() {
return this.get("seconds");
}, y2.asSeconds = function() {
}, y2.minutes = function() {
return this.get("minutes");
}, y2.asMinutes = function() {
}, y2.hours = function() {
return this.get("hours");
}, y2.asHours = function() {
}, y2.days = function() {
return this.get("days");
}, y2.asDays = function() {
}, y2.weeks = function() {
return this.get("weeks");
}, y2.asWeeks = function() {
}, y2.months = function() {
return this.get("months");
}, y2.asMonths = function() {
}, y2.years = function() {
return this.get("years");
}, y2.asYears = function() {
}, l2;
}(), p = function(t2, s2, n2) {
return t2.add(s2.years() * n2, "y").add(s2.months() * n2, "M").add(s2.days() * n2, "d").add(s2.hours() * n2, "h").add(s2.minutes() * n2, "m").add(s2.seconds() * n2, "s").add(s2.milliseconds() * n2, "ms");
return function(n2, i2, e2) {
t = e2, s = e2().$utils(), e2.duration = function(t2, s2) {
var n3 = e2.locale();
return f(t2, { $l: n3 }, s2);
}, e2.isDuration = c;
var r2 = i2.prototype.add, o2 = i2.prototype.subtract;
i2.prototype.add = function(t2, s2) {
return c(t2) ? p(this, t2, 1) : r2.bind(this)(t2, s2);
}, i2.prototype.subtract = function(t2, s2) {
return c(t2) ? p(this, t2, -1) : o2.bind(this)(t2, s2);
// node_modules/.pnpm/solid-js@1.8.5/node_modules/solid-js/dist/solid.js
var sharedConfig = {
context: void 0,
registry: void 0
function setHydrateContext(context) {
sharedConfig.context = context;
function nextHydrateContext() {
return {
id: `${}${sharedConfig.context.count++}-`,
count: 0
var equalFn = (a, b) => a === b;
var signalOptions = {
equals: equalFn
var ERROR = null;
var runEffects = runQueue;
var STALE = 1;
var PENDING = 2;
var UNOWNED = {
owned: null,
cleanups: null,
context: null,
owner: null
var Owner = null;
var Transition = null;
var Scheduler = null;
var ExternalSourceFactory = null;
var Listener = null;
var Updates = null;
var Effects = null;
var ExecCount = 0;
var [transPending, setTransPending] = /* @__PURE__ */ createSignal(false);
function createSignal(value, options) {
options = options ? Object.assign({}, signalOptions, options) : signalOptions;
const s = {
observers: null,
observerSlots: null,
comparator: options.equals || void 0
const setter = (value2) => {
if (typeof value2 === "function") {
if (Transition && Transition.running && Transition.sources.has(s))
value2 = value2(s.tValue);
value2 = value2(s.value);
return writeSignal(s, value2);
return [readSignal.bind(s), setter];
function createRenderEffect(fn, value, options) {
const c = createComputation(fn, value, false, STALE);
if (Scheduler && Transition && Transition.running)
function createMemo(fn, value, options) {
options = options ? Object.assign({}, signalOptions, options) : signalOptions;
const c = createComputation(fn, value, true, 0);
c.observers = null;
c.observerSlots = null;
c.comparator = options.equals || void 0;
if (Scheduler && Transition && Transition.running) {
c.tState = STALE;
} else
return readSignal.bind(c);
function untrack(fn) {
if (Listener === null)
return fn();
const listener = Listener;
Listener = null;
try {
return fn();
} finally {
Listener = listener;
function onCleanup(fn) {
if (Owner === null)
else if (Owner.cleanups === null)
Owner.cleanups = [fn];
return fn;
function startTransition(fn) {
if (Transition && Transition.running) {
return Transition.done;
const l = Listener;
const o = Owner;
return Promise.resolve().then(() => {
Listener = l;
Owner = o;
let t;
if (Scheduler || SuspenseContext) {
t = Transition || (Transition = {
sources: /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(),
effects: [],
promises: /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(),
disposed: /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(),
queue: /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(),
running: true
t.done || (t.done = new Promise((res) => t.resolve = res));
t.running = true;
runUpdates(fn, false);
Listener = Owner = null;
return t ? t.done : void 0;
function createContext(defaultValue, options) {
const id = Symbol("context");
return {
Provider: createProvider(id),
function useContext(context) {
return Owner && Owner.context && Owner.context[] !== void 0 ? Owner.context[] : context.defaultValue;
function children(fn) {
const children2 = createMemo(fn);
const memo = createMemo(() => resolveChildren(children2()));
memo.toArray = () => {
const c = memo();
return Array.isArray(c) ? c : c != null ? [c] : [];
return memo;
var SuspenseContext;
function readSignal() {
const runningTransition = Transition && Transition.running;
if (this.sources && (runningTransition ? this.tState : this.state)) {
if ((runningTransition ? this.tState : this.state) === STALE)
else {
const updates = Updates;
Updates = null;
runUpdates(() => lookUpstream(this), false);
Updates = updates;
if (Listener) {
const sSlot = this.observers ? this.observers.length : 0;
if (!Listener.sources) {
Listener.sources = [this];
Listener.sourceSlots = [sSlot];
} else {
if (!this.observers) {
this.observers = [Listener];
this.observerSlots = [Listener.sources.length - 1];
} else {
this.observerSlots.push(Listener.sources.length - 1);
if (runningTransition && Transition.sources.has(this))
return this.tValue;
return this.value;
function writeSignal(node, value, isComp) {
let current = Transition && Transition.running && Transition.sources.has(node) ? node.tValue : node.value;
if (!node.comparator || !node.comparator(current, value)) {
if (Transition) {
const TransitionRunning = Transition.running;
if (TransitionRunning || !isComp && Transition.sources.has(node)) {
node.tValue = value;
if (!TransitionRunning)
node.value = value;
} else
node.value = value;
if (node.observers && node.observers.length) {
runUpdates(() => {
for (let i = 0; i < node.observers.length; i += 1) {
const o = node.observers[i];
const TransitionRunning = Transition && Transition.running;
if (TransitionRunning && Transition.disposed.has(o))
if (TransitionRunning ? !o.tState : !o.state) {
if (o.pure)
if (o.observers)
if (!TransitionRunning)
o.state = STALE;
o.tState = STALE;
if (Updates.length > 1e6) {
Updates = [];
if (false)
throw new Error();
}, false);
return value;
function updateComputation(node) {
if (!node.fn)
const owner = Owner, listener = Listener, time = ExecCount;
Listener = Owner = node;
runComputation(node, Transition && Transition.running && Transition.sources.has(node) ? node.tValue : node.value, time);
if (Transition && !Transition.running && Transition.sources.has(node)) {
queueMicrotask(() => {
runUpdates(() => {
Transition && (Transition.running = true);
Listener = Owner = node;
runComputation(node, node.tValue, time);
Listener = Owner = null;
}, false);
Listener = listener;
Owner = owner;
function runComputation(node, value, time) {
let nextValue;
try {
nextValue = node.fn(value);
} catch (err) {
if (node.pure) {
if (Transition && Transition.running) {
node.tState = STALE;
node.tOwned && node.tOwned.forEach(cleanNode);
node.tOwned = void 0;
} else {
node.state = STALE;
node.owned && node.owned.forEach(cleanNode);
node.owned = null;
node.updatedAt = time + 1;
return handleError(err);
if (!node.updatedAt || node.updatedAt <= time) {
if (node.updatedAt != null && "observers" in node) {
writeSignal(node, nextValue, true);
} else if (Transition && Transition.running && node.pure) {
node.tValue = nextValue;
} else
node.value = nextValue;
node.updatedAt = time;
function createComputation(fn, init, pure, state = STALE, options) {
const c = {
updatedAt: null,
owned: null,
sources: null,
sourceSlots: null,
cleanups: null,
value: init,
owner: Owner,
context: Owner ? Owner.context : null,
if (Transition && Transition.running) {
c.state = 0;
c.tState = state;
if (Owner === null)
else if (Owner !== UNOWNED) {
if (Transition && Transition.running && Owner.pure) {
if (!Owner.tOwned)
Owner.tOwned = [c];
} else {
if (!Owner.owned)
Owner.owned = [c];
if (ExternalSourceFactory) {
const [track, trigger] = createSignal(void 0, {
equals: false
const ordinary = ExternalSourceFactory(c.fn, trigger);
onCleanup(() => ordinary.dispose());
const triggerInTransition = () => startTransition(trigger).then(() => inTransition.dispose());
const inTransition = ExternalSourceFactory(c.fn, triggerInTransition);
c.fn = (x) => {
return Transition && Transition.running ? inTransition.track(x) : ordinary.track(x);
return c;
function runTop(node) {
const runningTransition = Transition && Transition.running;
if ((runningTransition ? node.tState : node.state) === 0)
if ((runningTransition ? node.tState : node.state) === PENDING)
return lookUpstream(node);
if (node.suspense && untrack(node.suspense.inFallback))
return node.suspense.effects.push(node);
const ancestors = [node];
while ((node = node.owner) && (!node.updatedAt || node.updatedAt < ExecCount)) {
if (runningTransition && Transition.disposed.has(node))
if (runningTransition ? node.tState : node.state)
for (let i = ancestors.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
node = ancestors[i];
if (runningTransition) {
let top = node, prev = ancestors[i + 1];
while ((top = top.owner) && top !== prev) {
if (Transition.disposed.has(top))
if ((runningTransition ? node.tState : node.state) === STALE) {
} else if ((runningTransition ? node.tState : node.state) === PENDING) {
const updates = Updates;
Updates = null;
runUpdates(() => lookUpstream(node, ancestors[0]), false);
Updates = updates;
function runUpdates(fn, init) {
if (Updates)
return fn();
let wait = false;
if (!init)
Updates = [];
if (Effects)
wait = true;
Effects = [];
try {
const res = fn();
return res;
} catch (err) {
if (!wait)
Effects = null;
Updates = null;
function completeUpdates(wait) {
if (Updates) {
if (Scheduler && Transition && Transition.running)
Updates = null;
if (wait)
let res;
if (Transition) {
if (!Transition.promises.size && !Transition.queue.size) {
const sources = Transition.sources;
const disposed = Transition.disposed;
Effects.push.apply(Effects, Transition.effects);
res = Transition.resolve;
for (const e2 of Effects) {
"tState" in e2 && (e2.state = e2.tState);
delete e2.tState;
Transition = null;
runUpdates(() => {
for (const d of disposed)
for (const v of sources) {
v.value = v.tValue;
if (v.owned) {
for (let i = 0, len = v.owned.length; i < len; i++)
if (v.tOwned)
v.owned = v.tOwned;
delete v.tValue;
delete v.tOwned;
v.tState = 0;
}, false);
} else if (Transition.running) {
Transition.running = false;
Transition.effects.push.apply(Transition.effects, Effects);
Effects = null;
const e = Effects;
Effects = null;
if (e.length)
runUpdates(() => runEffects(e), false);
if (res)
function runQueue(queue) {
for (let i = 0; i < queue.length; i++)
function scheduleQueue(queue) {
for (let i = 0; i < queue.length; i++) {
const item = queue[i];
const tasks = Transition.queue;
if (!tasks.has(item)) {
Scheduler(() => {
runUpdates(() => {
Transition.running = true;
}, false);
Transition && (Transition.running = false);
function lookUpstream(node, ignore) {
const runningTransition = Transition && Transition.running;
if (runningTransition)
node.tState = 0;
node.state = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < node.sources.length; i += 1) {
const source = node.sources[i];
if (source.sources) {
const state = runningTransition ? source.tState : source.state;
if (state === STALE) {
if (source !== ignore && (!source.updatedAt || source.updatedAt < ExecCount))
} else if (state === PENDING)
lookUpstream(source, ignore);
function markDownstream(node) {
const runningTransition = Transition && Transition.running;
for (let i = 0; i < node.observers.length; i += 1) {
const o = node.observers[i];
if (runningTransition ? !o.tState : !o.state) {
if (runningTransition)
o.tState = PENDING;
o.state = PENDING;
if (o.pure)
o.observers && markDownstream(o);
function cleanNode(node) {
let i;
if (node.sources) {
while (node.sources.length) {
const source = node.sources.pop(), index = node.sourceSlots.pop(), obs = source.observers;
if (obs && obs.length) {
const n = obs.pop(), s = source.observerSlots.pop();
if (index < obs.length) {
n.sourceSlots[s] = index;
obs[index] = n;
source.observerSlots[index] = s;
if (Transition && Transition.running && node.pure) {
if (node.tOwned) {
for (i = node.tOwned.length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
delete node.tOwned;
reset(node, true);
} else if (node.owned) {
for (i = node.owned.length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
node.owned = null;
if (node.cleanups) {
for (i = node.cleanups.length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
node.cleanups = null;
if (Transition && Transition.running)
node.tState = 0;
node.state = 0;
function reset(node, top) {
if (!top) {
node.tState = 0;
if (node.owned) {
for (let i = 0; i < node.owned.length; i++)
function castError(err) {
if (err instanceof Error)
return err;
return new Error(typeof err === "string" ? err : "Unknown error", {
cause: err
function runErrors(err, fns, owner) {
try {
for (const f of fns)
} catch (e) {
handleError(e, owner && owner.owner || null);
function handleError(err, owner = Owner) {
const fns = ERROR && owner && owner.context && owner.context[ERROR];
const error = castError(err);
if (!fns)
throw error;
if (Effects)
fn() {
runErrors(error, fns, owner);
state: STALE
runErrors(error, fns, owner);
function resolveChildren(children2) {
if (typeof children2 === "function" && !children2.length)
return resolveChildren(children2());
if (Array.isArray(children2)) {
const results = [];
for (let i = 0; i < children2.length; i++) {
const result = resolveChildren(children2[i]);
Array.isArray(result) ? results.push.apply(results, result) : results.push(result);
return results;
return children2;
function createProvider(id, options) {
return function provider(props) {
let res;
createRenderEffect(() => res = untrack(() => {
Owner.context = {
[id]: props.value
return children(() => props.children);
}), void 0);
return res;
var hydrationEnabled = false;
function createComponent(Comp, props) {
if (hydrationEnabled) {
if (sharedConfig.context) {
const c = sharedConfig.context;
const r = untrack(() => Comp(props || {}));
return r;
return untrack(() => Comp(props || {}));
// node_modules/.pnpm/solid-js@1.8.5/node_modules/solid-js/web/dist/web.js
var booleans = ["allowfullscreen", "async", "autofocus", "autoplay", "checked", "controls", "default", "disabled", "formnovalidate", "hidden", "indeterminate", "ismap", "loop", "multiple", "muted", "nomodule", "novalidate", "open", "playsinline", "readonly", "required", "reversed", "seamless", "selected"];
/* @__PURE__ */ new Set(["className", "value", "readOnly", "formNoValidate", "isMap", "noModule", "playsInline", ...booleans]);
// node_modules/.pnpm/rosetta@1.1.0/node_modules/rosetta/dist/index.mjs
var import_dlv = __toESM(require_dlv_umd(), 1);
// node_modules/.pnpm/templite@1.2.0/node_modules/templite/dist/templite.mjs
var RGX = /{{(.*?)}}/g;
function templite_default(str, mix) {
return str.replace(RGX, (x, key, y) => {
x = 0;
y = mix;
key = key.trim().split(".");
while (y && x < key.length) {
y = y[key[x++]];
return y != null ? y : "";
// node_modules/.pnpm/rosetta@1.1.0/node_modules/rosetta/dist/index.mjs
function dist_default(obj) {
var locale = "", tree = obj || {};
return {
set(lang, table) {
tree[lang] = Object.assign(tree[lang] || {}, table);
locale(lang) {
return locale = lang || locale;
table(lang) {
return tree[lang];
t(key, params, lang) {
var val = (0, import_dlv.default)(tree[lang || locale], key, "");
if (typeof val === "function")
return val(params);
if (typeof val === "string")
return templite_default(val, params);
return val;
// node_modules/.pnpm/rosetty@2.0.0/node_modules/rosetty/dist/rosetty.esm.js
var import_dayjs = __toESM(require_dayjs_min());
var import_relativeTime = __toESM(require_relativeTime());
var import_localizedFormat = __toESM(require_localizedFormat());
var import_duration = __toESM(require_duration());
function _extends() {
_extends = Object.assign || function(target) {
for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) {
var source = arguments[i];
for (var key in source) {
if (, key)) {
target[key] = source[key];
return target;
return _extends.apply(this, arguments);
var dayjs = import_dayjs.default;
var rosetty = function rosetty2(initialConfig, defaultLang, translateFallback) {
var _Object$entries, _Object$entries$map;
var config = initialConfig;
var actualConfig;
var actualLang;
if (typeof initialConfig !== "object") {
throw new Error("rosetty: data must be an object with at least one language");
config = Object.keys(config).reduce(function(acc, lang) {
if (typeof config[lang] === "object" && typeof config[lang].dict === "object" && typeof config[lang].locale === "object") {
acc[lang] = config[lang];
return acc;
}, {});
var rosettaInstance = dist_default((_Object$entries = Object.entries(config)) == null ? void 0 : (_Object$entries$map = _Object$ {
var key = _ref[0], value = _ref[1];
return [key, value.dict];
})) == null ? void 0 : _Object$entries$map.reduce(function(prev, _ref2) {
var _extends2;
var key = _ref2[0], value = _ref2[1];
return _extends({}, prev, (_extends2 = {}, _extends2[key] = value, _extends2));
}, {}));
var changeLang = function changeLang2(lang) {
var langConfig = config[lang];
if (!langConfig) {
throw new Error("rosetty: language " + lang + " not found");
actualConfig = config[lang];
actualLang = lang;
if (defaultLang) {
return {
languages: Object.keys(config),
getCurrentLang: function getCurrentLang() {
return actualLang;
t: function t(key, params) {
return actualLang ? rosettaInstance.t(key, params) || (translateFallback ? key : void 0) : (
// eslint-disable-next-line prettier/prettier
translateFallback ? key : void 0
//Intl Polyfill
displayNames: function displayNames(langCode, options) {
var _actualConfig;
return new Intl.DisplayNames(
[(_actualConfig = actualConfig) == null ? void 0 :],
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/ban-ts-comment
listFormat: function listFormat(list, options) {
var _actualConfig2;
return new Intl.ListFormat((_actualConfig2 = actualConfig) == null ? void 0 :, options).format(list);
numberFormat: function numberFormat(value, options) {
var _actualConfig3;
return new Intl.NumberFormat((_actualConfig3 = actualConfig) == null ? void 0 :, options).format(value);
pluralRules: function pluralRules(value, options) {
var _actualConfig4;
return new Intl.PluralRules((_actualConfig4 = actualConfig) == null ? void 0 :, options).select(value);
//Date FNS i18n
format: function format(date, stringFormat) {
return dayjs(date).locale(actualConfig.locale).format(stringFormat);
* @deprecated Since version 2.0. Will be deleted in version 3.0. Use formatDistance instead.
formatRelative: function formatRelative(date, baseDate) {
return dayjs(date).locale(actualConfig.locale).from(dayjs(baseDate), true);
formatDistance: function formatDistance(date, baseDate) {
return dayjs(date).locale(actualConfig.locale).from(dayjs(baseDate), true);
formatDistanceToNow: function formatDistanceToNow(date) {
return dayjs(date).locale(actualConfig.locale).fromNow(true);
formatDuration: function formatDuration(duration2) {
return dayjs.duration(duration2).locale(;
// src/index.tsx
exports.RosettyContext = createContext();
exports.RosettyProvider = (props) => {
import { createComponent as _$createComponent } from "solid-js/web";
import { rosetty } from "rosetty";
import { createContext, createMemo, createSignal, useContext } from "solid-js";
var RosettyContext = createContext();
var RosettyProvider = (props) => {
const r = createMemo(() => rosetty(props.languages, props.defaultLanguage, props.translateFallback), []);

@@ -1326,3 +13,3 @@ const [actualLang, setActualLang] = createSignal(props.defaultLanguage);

return createComponent(exports.RosettyContext.Provider, {
return _$createComponent(RosettyContext.Provider, {
get value() {

@@ -1341,3 +28,3 @@ return {

function useRosetty() {
const client = useContext(exports.RosettyContext);
const client = useContext(RosettyContext);
if (!client) {

@@ -1348,3 +35,6 @@ throw new Error("No RosettyClient set, use RosettyProvider to set one");

exports.useRosetty = useRosetty;
export {

@@ -1,1299 +0,9 @@

var __create = Object.create;
var __defProp = Object.defineProperty;
var __getOwnPropDesc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor;
var __getOwnPropNames = Object.getOwnPropertyNames;
var __getProtoOf = Object.getPrototypeOf;
var __hasOwnProp = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
var __commonJS = (cb, mod) => function __require() {
return mod || (0, cb[__getOwnPropNames(cb)[0]])((mod = { exports: {} }).exports, mod), mod.exports;
var __copyProps = (to, from, except, desc) => {
if (from && typeof from === "object" || typeof from === "function") {
for (let key of __getOwnPropNames(from))
if (!, key) && key !== except)
__defProp(to, key, { get: () => from[key], enumerable: !(desc = __getOwnPropDesc(from, key)) || desc.enumerable });
return to;
var __toESM = (mod, isNodeMode, target) => (target = mod != null ? __create(__getProtoOf(mod)) : {}, __copyProps(
// If the importer is in node compatibility mode or this is not an ESM
// file that has been converted to a CommonJS file using a Babel-
// compatible transform (i.e. "__esModule" has not been set), then set
// "default" to the CommonJS "module.exports" for node compatibility.
isNodeMode || !mod || !mod.__esModule ? __defProp(target, "default", { value: mod, enumerable: true }) : target,
// node_modules/.pnpm/dlv@1.1.3/node_modules/dlv/dist/dlv.umd.js
var require_dlv_umd = __commonJS({
"node_modules/.pnpm/dlv@1.1.3/node_modules/dlv/dist/dlv.umd.js"(exports, module) {
"use strict";
!function(t, n) {
"object" == typeof exports && "undefined" != typeof module ? module.exports = function(t2, n2, e, i, o) {
for (n2 = n2.split ? n2.split(".") : n2, i = 0; i < n2.length; i++)
t2 = t2 ? t2[n2[i]] : o;
return t2 === o ? e : t2;
} : "function" == typeof define && define.amd ? define(function() {
return function(t2, n2, e, i, o) {
for (n2 = n2.split ? n2.split(".") : n2, i = 0; i < n2.length; i++)
t2 = t2 ? t2[n2[i]] : o;
return t2 === o ? e : t2;
}) : t.dlv = function(t2, n2, e, i, o) {
for (n2 = n2.split ? n2.split(".") : n2, i = 0; i < n2.length; i++)
t2 = t2 ? t2[n2[i]] : o;
return t2 === o ? e : t2;
// node_modules/.pnpm/dayjs@1.11.9/node_modules/dayjs/dayjs.min.js
var require_dayjs_min = __commonJS({
"node_modules/.pnpm/dayjs@1.11.9/node_modules/dayjs/dayjs.min.js"(exports, module) {
"use strict";
!function(t, e) {
"object" == typeof exports && "undefined" != typeof module ? module.exports = e() : "function" == typeof define && define.amd ? define(e) : (t = "undefined" != typeof globalThis ? globalThis : t || self).dayjs = e();
}(exports, function() {
"use strict";
var t = 1e3, e = 6e4, n = 36e5, r = "millisecond", i = "second", s = "minute", u = "hour", a = "day", o = "week", c = "month", f = "quarter", h = "year", d = "date", l = "Invalid Date", $ = /^(\d{4})[-/]?(\d{1,2})?[-/]?(\d{0,2})[Tt\s]*(\d{1,2})?:?(\d{1,2})?:?(\d{1,2})?[.:]?(\d+)?$/, y = /\[([^\]]+)]|Y{1,4}|M{1,4}|D{1,2}|d{1,4}|H{1,2}|h{1,2}|a|A|m{1,2}|s{1,2}|Z{1,2}|SSS/g, M = { name: "en", weekdays: "Sunday_Monday_Tuesday_Wednesday_Thursday_Friday_Saturday".split("_"), months: "January_February_March_April_May_June_July_August_September_October_November_December".split("_"), ordinal: function(t2) {
var e2 = ["th", "st", "nd", "rd"], n2 = t2 % 100;
return "[" + t2 + (e2[(n2 - 20) % 10] || e2[n2] || e2[0]) + "]";
} }, m = function(t2, e2, n2) {
var r2 = String(t2);
return !r2 || r2.length >= e2 ? t2 : "" + Array(e2 + 1 - r2.length).join(n2) + t2;
}, v = { s: m, z: function(t2) {
var e2 = -t2.utcOffset(), n2 = Math.abs(e2), r2 = Math.floor(n2 / 60), i2 = n2 % 60;
return (e2 <= 0 ? "+" : "-") + m(r2, 2, "0") + ":" + m(i2, 2, "0");
}, m: function t2(e2, n2) {
if ( <
return -t2(n2, e2);
var r2 = 12 * (n2.year() - e2.year()) + (n2.month() - e2.month()), i2 = e2.clone().add(r2, c), s2 = n2 - i2 < 0, u2 = e2.clone().add(r2 + (s2 ? -1 : 1), c);
return +(-(r2 + (n2 - i2) / (s2 ? i2 - u2 : u2 - i2)) || 0);
}, a: function(t2) {
return t2 < 0 ? Math.ceil(t2) || 0 : Math.floor(t2);
}, p: function(t2) {
return { M: c, y: h, w: o, d: a, D: d, h: u, m: s, s: i, ms: r, Q: f }[t2] || String(t2 || "").toLowerCase().replace(/s$/, "");
}, u: function(t2) {
return void 0 === t2;
} }, g = "en", D = {};
D[g] = M;
var p = function(t2) {
return t2 instanceof b;
}, S = function t2(e2, n2, r2) {
var i2;
if (!e2)
return g;
if ("string" == typeof e2) {
var s2 = e2.toLowerCase();
D[s2] && (i2 = s2), n2 && (D[s2] = n2, i2 = s2);
var u2 = e2.split("-");
if (!i2 && u2.length > 1)
return t2(u2[0]);
} else {
var a2 =;
D[a2] = e2, i2 = a2;
return !r2 && i2 && (g = i2), i2 || !r2 && g;
}, w = function(t2, e2) {
if (p(t2))
return t2.clone();
var n2 = "object" == typeof e2 ? e2 : {};
return = t2, n2.args = arguments, new b(n2);
}, O = v;
O.l = S, O.i = p, O.w = function(t2, e2) {
return w(t2, { locale: e2.$L, utc: e2.$u, x: e2.$x, $offset: e2.$offset });
var b = function() {
function M2(t2) {
this.$L = S(t2.locale, null, true), this.parse(t2);
var m2 = M2.prototype;
return m2.parse = function(t2) {
this.$d = function(t3) {
var e2 =, n2 = t3.utc;
if (null === e2)
return /* @__PURE__ */ new Date(NaN);
if (O.u(e2))
return /* @__PURE__ */ new Date();
if (e2 instanceof Date)
return new Date(e2);
if ("string" == typeof e2 && !/Z$/i.test(e2)) {
var r2 = e2.match($);
if (r2) {
var i2 = r2[2] - 1 || 0, s2 = (r2[7] || "0").substring(0, 3);
return n2 ? new Date(Date.UTC(r2[1], i2, r2[3] || 1, r2[4] || 0, r2[5] || 0, r2[6] || 0, s2)) : new Date(r2[1], i2, r2[3] || 1, r2[4] || 0, r2[5] || 0, r2[6] || 0, s2);
return new Date(e2);
}(t2), this.$x = t2.x || {}, this.init();
}, m2.init = function() {
var t2 = this.$d;
this.$y = t2.getFullYear(), this.$M = t2.getMonth(), this.$D = t2.getDate(), this.$W = t2.getDay(), this.$H = t2.getHours(), this.$m = t2.getMinutes(), this.$s = t2.getSeconds(), this.$ms = t2.getMilliseconds();
}, m2.$utils = function() {
return O;
}, m2.isValid = function() {
return !(this.$d.toString() === l);
}, m2.isSame = function(t2, e2) {
var n2 = w(t2);
return this.startOf(e2) <= n2 && n2 <= this.endOf(e2);
}, m2.isAfter = function(t2, e2) {
return w(t2) < this.startOf(e2);
}, m2.isBefore = function(t2, e2) {
return this.endOf(e2) < w(t2);
}, m2.$g = function(t2, e2, n2) {
return O.u(t2) ? this[e2] : this.set(n2, t2);
}, m2.unix = function() {
return Math.floor(this.valueOf() / 1e3);
}, m2.valueOf = function() {
return this.$d.getTime();
}, m2.startOf = function(t2, e2) {
var n2 = this, r2 = !!O.u(e2) || e2, f2 = O.p(t2), l2 = function(t3, e3) {
var i2 = O.w(n2.$u ? Date.UTC(n2.$y, e3, t3) : new Date(n2.$y, e3, t3), n2);
return r2 ? i2 : i2.endOf(a);
}, $2 = function(t3, e3) {
return O.w(n2.toDate()[t3].apply(n2.toDate("s"), (r2 ? [0, 0, 0, 0] : [23, 59, 59, 999]).slice(e3)), n2);
}, y2 = this.$W, M3 = this.$M, m3 = this.$D, v2 = "set" + (this.$u ? "UTC" : "");
switch (f2) {
case h:
return r2 ? l2(1, 0) : l2(31, 11);
case c:
return r2 ? l2(1, M3) : l2(0, M3 + 1);
case o:
var g2 = this.$locale().weekStart || 0, D2 = (y2 < g2 ? y2 + 7 : y2) - g2;
return l2(r2 ? m3 - D2 : m3 + (6 - D2), M3);
case a:
case d:
return $2(v2 + "Hours", 0);
case u:
return $2(v2 + "Minutes", 1);
case s:
return $2(v2 + "Seconds", 2);
case i:
return $2(v2 + "Milliseconds", 3);
return this.clone();
}, m2.endOf = function(t2) {
return this.startOf(t2, false);
}, m2.$set = function(t2, e2) {
var n2, o2 = O.p(t2), f2 = "set" + (this.$u ? "UTC" : ""), l2 = (n2 = {}, n2[a] = f2 + "Date", n2[d] = f2 + "Date", n2[c] = f2 + "Month", n2[h] = f2 + "FullYear", n2[u] = f2 + "Hours", n2[s] = f2 + "Minutes", n2[i] = f2 + "Seconds", n2[r] = f2 + "Milliseconds", n2)[o2], $2 = o2 === a ? this.$D + (e2 - this.$W) : e2;
if (o2 === c || o2 === h) {
var y2 = this.clone().set(d, 1);
y2.$d[l2]($2), y2.init(), this.$d = y2.set(d, Math.min(this.$D, y2.daysInMonth())).$d;
} else
l2 && this.$d[l2]($2);
return this.init(), this;
}, m2.set = function(t2, e2) {
return this.clone().$set(t2, e2);
}, m2.get = function(t2) {
return this[O.p(t2)]();
}, m2.add = function(r2, f2) {
var d2, l2 = this;
r2 = Number(r2);
var $2 = O.p(f2), y2 = function(t2) {
var e2 = w(l2);
return O.w( + Math.round(t2 * r2)), l2);
if ($2 === c)
return this.set(c, this.$M + r2);
if ($2 === h)
return this.set(h, this.$y + r2);
if ($2 === a)
return y2(1);
if ($2 === o)
return y2(7);
var M3 = (d2 = {}, d2[s] = e, d2[u] = n, d2[i] = t, d2)[$2] || 1, m3 = this.$d.getTime() + r2 * M3;
return O.w(m3, this);
}, m2.subtract = function(t2, e2) {
return this.add(-1 * t2, e2);
}, m2.format = function(t2) {
var e2 = this, n2 = this.$locale();
if (!this.isValid())
return n2.invalidDate || l;
var r2 = t2 || "YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssZ", i2 = O.z(this), s2 = this.$H, u2 = this.$m, a2 = this.$M, o2 = n2.weekdays, c2 = n2.months, f2 = n2.meridiem, h2 = function(t3, n3, i3, s3) {
return t3 && (t3[n3] || t3(e2, r2)) || i3[n3].slice(0, s3);
}, d2 = function(t3) {
return O.s(s2 % 12 || 12, t3, "0");
}, $2 = f2 || function(t3, e3, n3) {
var r3 = t3 < 12 ? "AM" : "PM";
return n3 ? r3.toLowerCase() : r3;
return r2.replace(y, function(t3, r3) {
return r3 || function(t4) {
switch (t4) {
case "YY":
return String(e2.$y).slice(-2);
case "YYYY":
return O.s(e2.$y, 4, "0");
case "M":
return a2 + 1;
case "MM":
return O.s(a2 + 1, 2, "0");
case "MMM":
return h2(n2.monthsShort, a2, c2, 3);
case "MMMM":
return h2(c2, a2);
case "D":
return e2.$D;
case "DD":
return O.s(e2.$D, 2, "0");
case "d":
return String(e2.$W);
case "dd":
return h2(n2.weekdaysMin, e2.$W, o2, 2);
case "ddd":
return h2(n2.weekdaysShort, e2.$W, o2, 3);
case "dddd":
return o2[e2.$W];
case "H":
return String(s2);
case "HH":
return O.s(s2, 2, "0");
case "h":
return d2(1);
case "hh":
return d2(2);
case "a":
return $2(s2, u2, true);
case "A":
return $2(s2, u2, false);
case "m":
return String(u2);
case "mm":
return O.s(u2, 2, "0");
case "s":
return String(e2.$s);
case "ss":
return O.s(e2.$s, 2, "0");
case "SSS":
return O.s(e2.$ms, 3, "0");
case "Z":
return i2;
return null;
}(t3) || i2.replace(":", "");
}, m2.utcOffset = function() {
return 15 * -Math.round(this.$d.getTimezoneOffset() / 15);
}, m2.diff = function(r2, d2, l2) {
var $2, y2 = this, M3 = O.p(d2), m3 = w(r2), v2 = (m3.utcOffset() - this.utcOffset()) * e, g2 = this - m3, D2 = function() {
return O.m(y2, m3);
switch (M3) {
case h:
$2 = D2() / 12;
case c:
$2 = D2();
case f:
$2 = D2() / 3;
case o:
$2 = (g2 - v2) / 6048e5;
case a:
$2 = (g2 - v2) / 864e5;
case u:
$2 = g2 / n;
case s:
$2 = g2 / e;
case i:
$2 = g2 / t;
$2 = g2;
return l2 ? $2 : O.a($2);
}, m2.daysInMonth = function() {
return this.endOf(c).$D;
}, m2.$locale = function() {
return D[this.$L];
}, m2.locale = function(t2, e2) {
if (!t2)
return this.$L;
var n2 = this.clone(), r2 = S(t2, e2, true);
return r2 && (n2.$L = r2), n2;
}, m2.clone = function() {
return O.w(this.$d, this);
}, m2.toDate = function() {
return new Date(this.valueOf());
}, m2.toJSON = function() {
return this.isValid() ? this.toISOString() : null;
}, m2.toISOString = function() {
return this.$d.toISOString();
}, m2.toString = function() {
return this.$d.toUTCString();
}, M2;
}(), _ = b.prototype;
return w.prototype = _, [["$ms", r], ["$s", i], ["$m", s], ["$H", u], ["$W", a], ["$M", c], ["$y", h], ["$D", d]].forEach(function(t2) {
_[t2[1]] = function(e2) {
return this.$g(e2, t2[0], t2[1]);
}), w.extend = function(t2, e2) {
return t2.$i || (t2(e2, b, w), t2.$i = true), w;
}, w.locale = S, w.isDayjs = p, w.unix = function(t2) {
return w(1e3 * t2);
}, w.en = D[g], w.Ls = D, w.p = {}, w;
// node_modules/.pnpm/dayjs@1.11.9/node_modules/dayjs/plugin/relativeTime.js
var require_relativeTime = __commonJS({
"node_modules/.pnpm/dayjs@1.11.9/node_modules/dayjs/plugin/relativeTime.js"(exports, module) {
"use strict";
!function(r, e) {
"object" == typeof exports && "undefined" != typeof module ? module.exports = e() : "function" == typeof define && define.amd ? define(e) : (r = "undefined" != typeof globalThis ? globalThis : r || self).dayjs_plugin_relativeTime = e();
}(exports, function() {
"use strict";
return function(r, e, t) {
r = r || {};
var n = e.prototype, o = { future: "in %s", past: "%s ago", s: "a few seconds", m: "a minute", mm: "%d minutes", h: "an hour", hh: "%d hours", d: "a day", dd: "%d days", M: "a month", MM: "%d months", y: "a year", yy: "%d years" };
function i(r2, e2, t2, o2) {
return n.fromToBase(r2, e2, t2, o2);
t.en.relativeTime = o, n.fromToBase = function(e2, n2, i2, d2, u) {
for (var f, a, s, l = i2.$locale().relativeTime || o, h = r.thresholds || [{ l: "s", r: 44, d: "second" }, { l: "m", r: 89 }, { l: "mm", r: 44, d: "minute" }, { l: "h", r: 89 }, { l: "hh", r: 21, d: "hour" }, { l: "d", r: 35 }, { l: "dd", r: 25, d: "day" }, { l: "M", r: 45 }, { l: "MM", r: 10, d: "month" }, { l: "y", r: 17 }, { l: "yy", d: "year" }], m = h.length, c = 0; c < m; c += 1) {
var y = h[c];
y.d && (f = d2 ? t(e2).diff(i2, y.d, true) : i2.diff(e2, y.d, true));
var p = (r.rounding || Math.round)(Math.abs(f));
if (s = f > 0, p <= y.r || !y.r) {
p <= 1 && c > 0 && (y = h[c - 1]);
var v = l[y.l];
u && (p = u("" + p)), a = "string" == typeof v ? v.replace("%d", p) : v(p, n2, y.l, s);
if (n2)
return a;
var M = s ? l.future : l.past;
return "function" == typeof M ? M(a) : M.replace("%s", a);
}, = function(r2, e2) {
return i(r2, e2, this, true);
}, n.from = function(r2, e2) {
return i(r2, e2, this);
var d = function(r2) {
return r2.$u ? t.utc() : t();
n.toNow = function(r2) {
return, r2);
}, n.fromNow = function(r2) {
return this.from(d(this), r2);
// node_modules/.pnpm/dayjs@1.11.9/node_modules/dayjs/plugin/localizedFormat.js
var require_localizedFormat = __commonJS({
"node_modules/.pnpm/dayjs@1.11.9/node_modules/dayjs/plugin/localizedFormat.js"(exports, module) {
"use strict";
!function(e, t) {
"object" == typeof exports && "undefined" != typeof module ? module.exports = t() : "function" == typeof define && define.amd ? define(t) : (e = "undefined" != typeof globalThis ? globalThis : e || self).dayjs_plugin_localizedFormat = t();
}(exports, function() {
"use strict";
var e = { LTS: "h:mm:ss A", LT: "h:mm A", L: "MM/DD/YYYY", LL: "MMMM D, YYYY", LLL: "MMMM D, YYYY h:mm A", LLLL: "dddd, MMMM D, YYYY h:mm A" };
return function(t, o, n) {
var r = o.prototype, i = r.format;
n.en.formats = e, r.format = function(t2) {
void 0 === t2 && (t2 = "YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssZ");
var o2 = this.$locale().formats, n2 = function(t3, o3) {
return t3.replace(/(\[[^\]]+])|(LTS?|l{1,4}|L{1,4})/g, function(t4, n3, r2) {
var i2 = r2 && r2.toUpperCase();
return n3 || o3[r2] || e[r2] || o3[i2].replace(/(\[[^\]]+])|(MMMM|MM|DD|dddd)/g, function(e2, t5, o4) {
return t5 || o4.slice(1);
}(t2, void 0 === o2 ? {} : o2);
return, n2);
// node_modules/.pnpm/dayjs@1.11.9/node_modules/dayjs/plugin/duration.js
var require_duration = __commonJS({
"node_modules/.pnpm/dayjs@1.11.9/node_modules/dayjs/plugin/duration.js"(exports, module) {
"use strict";
!function(t, s) {
"object" == typeof exports && "undefined" != typeof module ? module.exports = s() : "function" == typeof define && define.amd ? define(s) : (t = "undefined" != typeof globalThis ? globalThis : t || self).dayjs_plugin_duration = s();
}(exports, function() {
"use strict";
var t, s, n = 1e3, i = 6e4, e = 36e5, r = 864e5, o = /\[([^\]]+)]|Y{1,4}|M{1,4}|D{1,2}|d{1,4}|H{1,2}|h{1,2}|a|A|m{1,2}|s{1,2}|Z{1,2}|SSS/g, u = 31536e6, d = 2592e6, a = /^(-|\+)?P(?:([-+]?[0-9,.]*)Y)?(?:([-+]?[0-9,.]*)M)?(?:([-+]?[0-9,.]*)W)?(?:([-+]?[0-9,.]*)D)?(?:T(?:([-+]?[0-9,.]*)H)?(?:([-+]?[0-9,.]*)M)?(?:([-+]?[0-9,.]*)S)?)?$/, h = { years: u, months: d, days: r, hours: e, minutes: i, seconds: n, milliseconds: 1, weeks: 6048e5 }, c = function(t2) {
return t2 instanceof g;
}, f = function(t2, s2, n2) {
return new g(t2, n2, s2.$l);
}, m = function(t2) {
return s.p(t2) + "s";
}, l = function(t2) {
return t2 < 0;
}, $ = function(t2) {
return l(t2) ? Math.ceil(t2) : Math.floor(t2);
}, y = function(t2) {
return Math.abs(t2);
}, v = function(t2, s2) {
return t2 ? l(t2) ? { negative: true, format: "" + y(t2) + s2 } : { negative: false, format: "" + t2 + s2 } : { negative: false, format: "" };
}, g = function() {
function l2(t2, s2, n2) {
var i2 = this;
if (this.$d = {}, this.$l = n2, void 0 === t2 && (this.$ms = 0, this.parseFromMilliseconds()), s2)
return f(t2 * h[m(s2)], this);
if ("number" == typeof t2)
return this.$ms = t2, this.parseFromMilliseconds(), this;
if ("object" == typeof t2)
return Object.keys(t2).forEach(function(s3) {
i2.$d[m(s3)] = t2[s3];
}), this.calMilliseconds(), this;
if ("string" == typeof t2) {
var e2 = t2.match(a);
if (e2) {
var r2 = e2.slice(2).map(function(t3) {
return null != t3 ? Number(t3) : 0;
return this.$d.years = r2[0], this.$d.months = r2[1], this.$d.weeks = r2[2], this.$d.days = r2[3], this.$d.hours = r2[4], this.$d.minutes = r2[5], this.$d.seconds = r2[6], this.calMilliseconds(), this;
return this;
var y2 = l2.prototype;
return y2.calMilliseconds = function() {
var t2 = this;
this.$ms = Object.keys(this.$d).reduce(function(s2, n2) {
return s2 + (t2.$d[n2] || 0) * h[n2];
}, 0);
}, y2.parseFromMilliseconds = function() {
var t2 = this.$ms;
this.$d.years = $(t2 / u), t2 %= u, this.$d.months = $(t2 / d), t2 %= d, this.$d.days = $(t2 / r), t2 %= r, this.$d.hours = $(t2 / e), t2 %= e, this.$d.minutes = $(t2 / i), t2 %= i, this.$d.seconds = $(t2 / n), t2 %= n, this.$d.milliseconds = t2;
}, y2.toISOString = function() {
var t2 = v(this.$d.years, "Y"), s2 = v(this.$d.months, "M"), n2 = +this.$d.days || 0;
this.$d.weeks && (n2 += 7 * this.$d.weeks);
var i2 = v(n2, "D"), e2 = v(this.$d.hours, "H"), r2 = v(this.$d.minutes, "M"), o2 = this.$d.seconds || 0;
this.$d.milliseconds && (o2 += this.$d.milliseconds / 1e3);
var u2 = v(o2, "S"), d2 = t2.negative || s2.negative || i2.negative || e2.negative || r2.negative || u2.negative, a2 = e2.format || r2.format || u2.format ? "T" : "", h2 = (d2 ? "-" : "") + "P" + t2.format + s2.format + i2.format + a2 + e2.format + r2.format + u2.format;
return "P" === h2 || "-P" === h2 ? "P0D" : h2;
}, y2.toJSON = function() {
return this.toISOString();
}, y2.format = function(t2) {
var n2 = t2 || "YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss", i2 = { Y: this.$d.years, YY: s.s(this.$d.years, 2, "0"), YYYY: s.s(this.$d.years, 4, "0"), M: this.$d.months, MM: s.s(this.$d.months, 2, "0"), D: this.$d.days, DD: s.s(this.$d.days, 2, "0"), H: this.$d.hours, HH: s.s(this.$d.hours, 2, "0"), m: this.$d.minutes, mm: s.s(this.$d.minutes, 2, "0"), s: this.$d.seconds, ss: s.s(this.$d.seconds, 2, "0"), SSS: s.s(this.$d.milliseconds, 3, "0") };
return n2.replace(o, function(t3, s2) {
return s2 || String(i2[t3]);
}, = function(t2) {
return this.$ms / h[m(t2)];
}, y2.get = function(t2) {
var s2 = this.$ms, n2 = m(t2);
return "milliseconds" === n2 ? s2 %= 1e3 : s2 = "weeks" === n2 ? $(s2 / h[n2]) : this.$d[n2], 0 === s2 ? 0 : s2;
}, y2.add = function(t2, s2, n2) {
var i2;
return i2 = s2 ? t2 * h[m(s2)] : c(t2) ? t2.$ms : f(t2, this).$ms, f(this.$ms + i2 * (n2 ? -1 : 1), this);
}, y2.subtract = function(t2, s2) {
return this.add(t2, s2, true);
}, y2.locale = function(t2) {
var s2 = this.clone();
return s2.$l = t2, s2;
}, y2.clone = function() {
return f(this.$ms, this);
}, y2.humanize = function(s2) {
return t().add(this.$ms, "ms").locale(this.$l).fromNow(!s2);
}, y2.valueOf = function() {
return this.asMilliseconds();
}, y2.milliseconds = function() {
return this.get("milliseconds");
}, y2.asMilliseconds = function() {
}, y2.seconds = function() {
return this.get("seconds");
}, y2.asSeconds = function() {
}, y2.minutes = function() {
return this.get("minutes");
}, y2.asMinutes = function() {
}, y2.hours = function() {
return this.get("hours");
}, y2.asHours = function() {
}, y2.days = function() {
return this.get("days");
}, y2.asDays = function() {
}, y2.weeks = function() {
return this.get("weeks");
}, y2.asWeeks = function() {
}, y2.months = function() {
return this.get("months");
}, y2.asMonths = function() {
}, y2.years = function() {
return this.get("years");
}, y2.asYears = function() {
}, l2;
}(), p = function(t2, s2, n2) {
return t2.add(s2.years() * n2, "y").add(s2.months() * n2, "M").add(s2.days() * n2, "d").add(s2.hours() * n2, "h").add(s2.minutes() * n2, "m").add(s2.seconds() * n2, "s").add(s2.milliseconds() * n2, "ms");
return function(n2, i2, e2) {
t = e2, s = e2().$utils(), e2.duration = function(t2, s2) {
var n3 = e2.locale();
return f(t2, { $l: n3 }, s2);
}, e2.isDuration = c;
var r2 = i2.prototype.add, o2 = i2.prototype.subtract;
i2.prototype.add = function(t2, s2) {
return c(t2) ? p(this, t2, 1) : r2.bind(this)(t2, s2);
}, i2.prototype.subtract = function(t2, s2) {
return c(t2) ? p(this, t2, -1) : o2.bind(this)(t2, s2);
// node_modules/.pnpm/rosetta@1.1.0/node_modules/rosetta/dist/index.mjs
var import_dlv = __toESM(require_dlv_umd(), 1);
// node_modules/.pnpm/templite@1.2.0/node_modules/templite/dist/templite.mjs
var RGX = /{{(.*?)}}/g;
function templite_default(str, mix) {
return str.replace(RGX, (x, key, y) => {
x = 0;
y = mix;
key = key.trim().split(".");
while (y && x < key.length) {
y = y[key[x++]];
return y != null ? y : "";
// node_modules/.pnpm/rosetta@1.1.0/node_modules/rosetta/dist/index.mjs
function dist_default(obj) {
var locale = "", tree = obj || {};
return {
set(lang, table) {
tree[lang] = Object.assign(tree[lang] || {}, table);
locale(lang) {
return locale = lang || locale;
table(lang) {
return tree[lang];
t(key, params, lang) {
var val = (0, import_dlv.default)(tree[lang || locale], key, "");
if (typeof val === "function")
return val(params);
if (typeof val === "string")
return templite_default(val, params);
return val;
// node_modules/.pnpm/rosetty@2.0.0/node_modules/rosetty/dist/rosetty.esm.js
var import_dayjs = __toESM(require_dayjs_min());
var import_relativeTime = __toESM(require_relativeTime());
var import_localizedFormat = __toESM(require_localizedFormat());
var import_duration = __toESM(require_duration());
function _extends() {
_extends = Object.assign || function(target) {
for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) {
var source = arguments[i];
for (var key in source) {
if (, key)) {
target[key] = source[key];
return target;
return _extends.apply(this, arguments);
var dayjs = import_dayjs.default;
var rosetty = function rosetty2(initialConfig, defaultLang, translateFallback) {
var _Object$entries, _Object$entries$map;
var config = initialConfig;
var actualConfig;
var actualLang;
if (typeof initialConfig !== "object") {
throw new Error("rosetty: data must be an object with at least one language");
config = Object.keys(config).reduce(function(acc, lang) {
if (typeof config[lang] === "object" && typeof config[lang].dict === "object" && typeof config[lang].locale === "object") {
acc[lang] = config[lang];
return acc;
}, {});
var rosettaInstance = dist_default((_Object$entries = Object.entries(config)) == null ? void 0 : (_Object$entries$map = _Object$ {
var key = _ref[0], value = _ref[1];
return [key, value.dict];
})) == null ? void 0 : _Object$entries$map.reduce(function(prev, _ref2) {
var _extends2;
var key = _ref2[0], value = _ref2[1];
return _extends({}, prev, (_extends2 = {}, _extends2[key] = value, _extends2));
}, {}));
var changeLang = function changeLang2(lang) {
var langConfig = config[lang];
if (!langConfig) {
throw new Error("rosetty: language " + lang + " not found");
actualConfig = config[lang];
actualLang = lang;
if (defaultLang) {
return {
languages: Object.keys(config),
getCurrentLang: function getCurrentLang() {
return actualLang;
t: function t(key, params) {
return actualLang ? rosettaInstance.t(key, params) || (translateFallback ? key : void 0) : (
// eslint-disable-next-line prettier/prettier
translateFallback ? key : void 0
//Intl Polyfill
displayNames: function displayNames(langCode, options) {
var _actualConfig;
return new Intl.DisplayNames(
[(_actualConfig = actualConfig) == null ? void 0 :],
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/ban-ts-comment
listFormat: function listFormat(list, options) {
var _actualConfig2;
return new Intl.ListFormat((_actualConfig2 = actualConfig) == null ? void 0 :, options).format(list);
numberFormat: function numberFormat(value, options) {
var _actualConfig3;
return new Intl.NumberFormat((_actualConfig3 = actualConfig) == null ? void 0 :, options).format(value);
pluralRules: function pluralRules(value, options) {
var _actualConfig4;
return new Intl.PluralRules((_actualConfig4 = actualConfig) == null ? void 0 :, options).select(value);
//Date FNS i18n
format: function format(date, stringFormat) {
return dayjs(date).locale(actualConfig.locale).format(stringFormat);
* @deprecated Since version 2.0. Will be deleted in version 3.0. Use formatDistance instead.
formatRelative: function formatRelative(date, baseDate) {
return dayjs(date).locale(actualConfig.locale).from(dayjs(baseDate), true);
formatDistance: function formatDistance(date, baseDate) {
return dayjs(date).locale(actualConfig.locale).from(dayjs(baseDate), true);
formatDistanceToNow: function formatDistanceToNow(date) {
return dayjs(date).locale(actualConfig.locale).fromNow(true);
formatDuration: function formatDuration(duration2) {
return dayjs.duration(duration2).locale(;
// node_modules/.pnpm/solid-js@1.8.5/node_modules/solid-js/dist/solid.js
var equalFn = (a, b) => a === b;
var $PROXY = Symbol("solid-proxy");
var $TRACK = Symbol("solid-track");
var $DEVCOMP = Symbol("solid-dev-component");
var signalOptions = {
equals: equalFn
var ERROR = null;
var runEffects = runQueue;
var STALE = 1;
var PENDING = 2;
var UNOWNED = {
owned: null,
cleanups: null,
context: null,
owner: null
var Owner = null;
var Transition = null;
var Scheduler = null;
var ExternalSourceFactory = null;
var Listener = null;
var Updates = null;
var Effects = null;
var ExecCount = 0;
var [transPending, setTransPending] = /* @__PURE__ */ createSignal(false);
function createSignal(value, options) {
options = options ? Object.assign({}, signalOptions, options) : signalOptions;
const s = {
observers: null,
observerSlots: null,
comparator: options.equals || void 0
const setter = (value2) => {
if (typeof value2 === "function") {
if (Transition && Transition.running && Transition.sources.has(s))
value2 = value2(s.tValue);
value2 = value2(s.value);
return writeSignal(s, value2);
return [readSignal.bind(s), setter];
function createRenderEffect(fn, value, options) {
const c = createComputation(fn, value, false, STALE);
if (Scheduler && Transition && Transition.running)
function createMemo(fn, value, options) {
options = options ? Object.assign({}, signalOptions, options) : signalOptions;
const c = createComputation(fn, value, true, 0);
c.observers = null;
c.observerSlots = null;
c.comparator = options.equals || void 0;
if (Scheduler && Transition && Transition.running) {
c.tState = STALE;
} else
return readSignal.bind(c);
function untrack(fn) {
if (Listener === null)
return fn();
const listener = Listener;
Listener = null;
try {
return fn();
} finally {
Listener = listener;
function onCleanup(fn) {
if (Owner === null)
else if (Owner.cleanups === null)
Owner.cleanups = [fn];
return fn;
function startTransition(fn) {
if (Transition && Transition.running) {
return Transition.done;
const l = Listener;
const o = Owner;
return Promise.resolve().then(() => {
Listener = l;
Owner = o;
let t;
if (Scheduler || SuspenseContext) {
t = Transition || (Transition = {
sources: /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(),
effects: [],
promises: /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(),
disposed: /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(),
queue: /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(),
running: true
t.done || (t.done = new Promise((res) => t.resolve = res));
t.running = true;
runUpdates(fn, false);
Listener = Owner = null;
return t ? t.done : void 0;
function createContext(defaultValue, options) {
const id = Symbol("context");
return {
Provider: createProvider(id),
function useContext(context) {
return Owner && Owner.context && Owner.context[] !== void 0 ? Owner.context[] : context.defaultValue;
function children(fn) {
const children2 = createMemo(fn);
const memo = createMemo(() => resolveChildren(children2()));
memo.toArray = () => {
const c = memo();
return Array.isArray(c) ? c : c != null ? [c] : [];
return memo;
var SuspenseContext;
function readSignal() {
const runningTransition = Transition && Transition.running;
if (this.sources && (runningTransition ? this.tState : this.state)) {
if ((runningTransition ? this.tState : this.state) === STALE)
else {
const updates = Updates;
Updates = null;
runUpdates(() => lookUpstream(this), false);
Updates = updates;
if (Listener) {
const sSlot = this.observers ? this.observers.length : 0;
if (!Listener.sources) {
Listener.sources = [this];
Listener.sourceSlots = [sSlot];
} else {
if (!this.observers) {
this.observers = [Listener];
this.observerSlots = [Listener.sources.length - 1];
} else {
this.observerSlots.push(Listener.sources.length - 1);
if (runningTransition && Transition.sources.has(this))
return this.tValue;
return this.value;
function writeSignal(node, value, isComp) {
let current = Transition && Transition.running && Transition.sources.has(node) ? node.tValue : node.value;
if (!node.comparator || !node.comparator(current, value)) {
if (Transition) {
const TransitionRunning = Transition.running;
if (TransitionRunning || !isComp && Transition.sources.has(node)) {
node.tValue = value;
if (!TransitionRunning)
node.value = value;
} else
node.value = value;
if (node.observers && node.observers.length) {
runUpdates(() => {
for (let i = 0; i < node.observers.length; i += 1) {
const o = node.observers[i];
const TransitionRunning = Transition && Transition.running;
if (TransitionRunning && Transition.disposed.has(o))
if (TransitionRunning ? !o.tState : !o.state) {
if (o.pure)
if (o.observers)
if (!TransitionRunning)
o.state = STALE;
o.tState = STALE;
if (Updates.length > 1e6) {
Updates = [];
if (false)
throw new Error();
}, false);
return value;
function updateComputation(node) {
if (!node.fn)
const owner = Owner, listener = Listener, time = ExecCount;
Listener = Owner = node;
runComputation(node, Transition && Transition.running && Transition.sources.has(node) ? node.tValue : node.value, time);
if (Transition && !Transition.running && Transition.sources.has(node)) {
queueMicrotask(() => {
runUpdates(() => {
Transition && (Transition.running = true);
Listener = Owner = node;
runComputation(node, node.tValue, time);
Listener = Owner = null;
}, false);
Listener = listener;
Owner = owner;
function runComputation(node, value, time) {
let nextValue;
try {
nextValue = node.fn(value);
} catch (err) {
if (node.pure) {
if (Transition && Transition.running) {
node.tState = STALE;
node.tOwned && node.tOwned.forEach(cleanNode);
node.tOwned = void 0;
} else {
node.state = STALE;
node.owned && node.owned.forEach(cleanNode);
node.owned = null;
node.updatedAt = time + 1;
return handleError(err);
if (!node.updatedAt || node.updatedAt <= time) {
if (node.updatedAt != null && "observers" in node) {
writeSignal(node, nextValue, true);
} else if (Transition && Transition.running && node.pure) {
node.tValue = nextValue;
} else
node.value = nextValue;
node.updatedAt = time;
function createComputation(fn, init, pure, state = STALE, options) {
const c = {
updatedAt: null,
owned: null,
sources: null,
sourceSlots: null,
cleanups: null,
value: init,
owner: Owner,
context: Owner ? Owner.context : null,
if (Transition && Transition.running) {
c.state = 0;
c.tState = state;
if (Owner === null)
else if (Owner !== UNOWNED) {
if (Transition && Transition.running && Owner.pure) {
if (!Owner.tOwned)
Owner.tOwned = [c];
} else {
if (!Owner.owned)
Owner.owned = [c];
if (ExternalSourceFactory) {
const [track, trigger] = createSignal(void 0, {
equals: false
const ordinary = ExternalSourceFactory(c.fn, trigger);
onCleanup(() => ordinary.dispose());
const triggerInTransition = () => startTransition(trigger).then(() => inTransition.dispose());
const inTransition = ExternalSourceFactory(c.fn, triggerInTransition);
c.fn = (x) => {
return Transition && Transition.running ? inTransition.track(x) : ordinary.track(x);
return c;
function runTop(node) {
const runningTransition = Transition && Transition.running;
if ((runningTransition ? node.tState : node.state) === 0)
if ((runningTransition ? node.tState : node.state) === PENDING)
return lookUpstream(node);
if (node.suspense && untrack(node.suspense.inFallback))
return node.suspense.effects.push(node);
const ancestors = [node];
while ((node = node.owner) && (!node.updatedAt || node.updatedAt < ExecCount)) {
if (runningTransition && Transition.disposed.has(node))
if (runningTransition ? node.tState : node.state)
for (let i = ancestors.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
node = ancestors[i];
if (runningTransition) {
let top = node, prev = ancestors[i + 1];
while ((top = top.owner) && top !== prev) {
if (Transition.disposed.has(top))
if ((runningTransition ? node.tState : node.state) === STALE) {
} else if ((runningTransition ? node.tState : node.state) === PENDING) {
const updates = Updates;
Updates = null;
runUpdates(() => lookUpstream(node, ancestors[0]), false);
Updates = updates;
function runUpdates(fn, init) {
if (Updates)
return fn();
let wait = false;
if (!init)
Updates = [];
if (Effects)
wait = true;
Effects = [];
try {
const res = fn();
return res;
} catch (err) {
if (!wait)
Effects = null;
Updates = null;
function completeUpdates(wait) {
if (Updates) {
if (Scheduler && Transition && Transition.running)
Updates = null;
if (wait)
let res;
if (Transition) {
if (!Transition.promises.size && !Transition.queue.size) {
const sources = Transition.sources;
const disposed = Transition.disposed;
Effects.push.apply(Effects, Transition.effects);
res = Transition.resolve;
for (const e2 of Effects) {
"tState" in e2 && (e2.state = e2.tState);
delete e2.tState;
Transition = null;
runUpdates(() => {
for (const d of disposed)
for (const v of sources) {
v.value = v.tValue;
if (v.owned) {
for (let i = 0, len = v.owned.length; i < len; i++)
if (v.tOwned)
v.owned = v.tOwned;
delete v.tValue;
delete v.tOwned;
v.tState = 0;
}, false);
} else if (Transition.running) {
Transition.running = false;
Transition.effects.push.apply(Transition.effects, Effects);
Effects = null;
const e = Effects;
Effects = null;
if (e.length)
runUpdates(() => runEffects(e), false);
if (res)
function runQueue(queue) {
for (let i = 0; i < queue.length; i++)
function scheduleQueue(queue) {
for (let i = 0; i < queue.length; i++) {
const item = queue[i];
const tasks = Transition.queue;
if (!tasks.has(item)) {
Scheduler(() => {
runUpdates(() => {
Transition.running = true;
}, false);
Transition && (Transition.running = false);
function lookUpstream(node, ignore) {
const runningTransition = Transition && Transition.running;
if (runningTransition)
node.tState = 0;
node.state = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < node.sources.length; i += 1) {
const source = node.sources[i];
if (source.sources) {
const state = runningTransition ? source.tState : source.state;
if (state === STALE) {
if (source !== ignore && (!source.updatedAt || source.updatedAt < ExecCount))
} else if (state === PENDING)
lookUpstream(source, ignore);
function markDownstream(node) {
const runningTransition = Transition && Transition.running;
for (let i = 0; i < node.observers.length; i += 1) {
const o = node.observers[i];
if (runningTransition ? !o.tState : !o.state) {
if (runningTransition)
o.tState = PENDING;
o.state = PENDING;
if (o.pure)
o.observers && markDownstream(o);
function cleanNode(node) {
let i;
if (node.sources) {
while (node.sources.length) {
const source = node.sources.pop(), index = node.sourceSlots.pop(), obs = source.observers;
if (obs && obs.length) {
const n = obs.pop(), s = source.observerSlots.pop();
if (index < obs.length) {
n.sourceSlots[s] = index;
obs[index] = n;
source.observerSlots[index] = s;
if (Transition && Transition.running && node.pure) {
if (node.tOwned) {
for (i = node.tOwned.length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
delete node.tOwned;
reset(node, true);
} else if (node.owned) {
for (i = node.owned.length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
node.owned = null;
if (node.cleanups) {
for (i = node.cleanups.length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
node.cleanups = null;
if (Transition && Transition.running)
node.tState = 0;
node.state = 0;
function reset(node, top) {
if (!top) {
node.tState = 0;
if (node.owned) {
for (let i = 0; i < node.owned.length; i++)
function castError(err) {
if (err instanceof Error)
return err;
return new Error(typeof err === "string" ? err : "Unknown error", {
cause: err
function runErrors(err, fns, owner) {
try {
for (const f of fns)
} catch (e) {
handleError(e, owner && owner.owner || null);
function handleError(err, owner = Owner) {
const fns = ERROR && owner && owner.context && owner.context[ERROR];
const error = castError(err);
if (!fns)
throw error;
if (Effects)
fn() {
runErrors(error, fns, owner);
state: STALE
runErrors(error, fns, owner);
function resolveChildren(children2) {
if (typeof children2 === "function" && !children2.length)
return resolveChildren(children2());
if (Array.isArray(children2)) {
const results = [];
for (let i = 0; i < children2.length; i++) {
const result = resolveChildren(children2[i]);
Array.isArray(result) ? results.push.apply(results, result) : results.push(result);
return results;
return children2;
function createProvider(id, options) {
return function provider(props) {
let res;
createRenderEffect(() => res = untrack(() => {
Owner.context = {
[id]: props.value
return children(() => props.children);
}), void 0);
return res;
var FALLBACK = Symbol("fallback");
var SuspenseListContext = createContext();
// src/index.tsx
import { rosetty } from "rosetty";
import {
} from "solid-js";
var RosettyContext = createContext();

@@ -1300,0 +10,0 @@ var RosettyProvider = (props) => {


"version": "1.0.42",
"version": "1.0.43",
"license": "MIT",

@@ -4,0 +4,0 @@ "main": "./dist/index.cjs",

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