NPM package that can be used to match and generate url paths agains predefined patterns. Can be used when applying routing in javascript client-side and backend applications. Uses ECMA6 javascript standard.
npm install --save route-match
Generating URLs
import { Route, RouteCollection, UrlMatcher } from 'url-matcher';
var myRouteCollection = new RouteCollection([
new Route('user_detail', '/user/:id(\\d+)')
var myUrlGenerator = new UrlGenerator(myRouteCollection);
console.log(myUrlGenerator.generate('user_detail', { id: 10 }));
- when you supply more parameters then the route pattern requires, the extra parameters are added to the generated url as query parameters
- when you supply parameters that do not match the requirements an error will be thrown
Matching urls against patterns
import { Route, RouteCollection, UrlMatcher } from 'url-matcher';
var myRouteCollection = new RouteCollection([
new Route('user_detail', '/user/:id(\\d+)')
var myUrlMatcher = new UrlMatcher(myRouteCollection);
- When the supplied url contains query parameters, they will also be available in the eventual RouteMatch object
- When no route is matched,
is returned
Running unit tests
npm test