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A promise based, dynamic priority queue runner, with concurrency limiting.

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Package description

What is run-queue?

The run-queue npm package is designed to manage and execute a queue of tasks with dependencies. It allows you to define tasks and their dependencies, ensuring that tasks are executed in the correct order.

What are run-queue's main functionalities?

Creating a Queue

This feature allows you to create a new queue with a specified maximum concurrency. The maxConcurrency option controls how many tasks can run simultaneously.

const RunQueue = require('run-queue');
const queue = new RunQueue({ maxConcurrency: 2 });

Adding Tasks to the Queue

This feature allows you to add tasks to the queue. Each task can have dependencies, which are specified as an array of task names that must be completed before the task can run.

queue.add('task1', [], () => console.log('Task 1 executed'));
queue.add('task2', ['task1'], () => console.log('Task 2 executed after Task 1'));
queue.add('task3', ['task1'], () => console.log('Task 3 executed after Task 1'));

Running the Queue

This feature allows you to run the queue. The callback function is called when all tasks have been completed or if an error occurs. => {
  if (err) console.error('Error running queue:', err);
  else console.log('All tasks completed successfully');

Other packages similar to run-queue




A promise based, dynamic priority queue runner, with concurrency limiting.

const RunQueue = require('run-queue')

const queue = new RunQueue({
  maxConcurrency: 1

queue.add(1, example, [-1])
for (let ii = 0; ii < 5; ++ii) {
  queue.add(0, example, [ii])
const finished = []

function example (num, next) {
  setTimeout(() => {
  }, 5 - Math.abs(num))

would output

[ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, -1 ]

If you bump concurrency to 2, then you get:

[ 1, 0, 3, 2, 4, -1 ]

The concurrency means that they don't finish in order, because some take longer than others. Each priority level must finish entirely before the next priority level is run. See PRIORITIES below. This is even true if concurrency is set high enough that all of the regular queue can execute at once, for instance, with maxConcurrency: 10:

[ 4, 3, 2, 1, 0, -1 ]


const queue = new RunQueue(options)

Create a new queue. Options may contain:

  • maxConcurrency - (Default: 1) The maximum number of jobs to execute at once.
  • Promise - (Default: global.Promise) The promise implementation to use.

queue.add (prio, fn, args)

Add a new job to the end of the queue at priority prio that will run fn with args. If fn is async then it should return a Promise. ()

Start running the job queue. Returns a Promise that resolves when either all the jobs are complete or a job ends in error (throws or returns a rejected promise). If a job ended in error then this Promise will be rejected with that error and no further queue running will be done.


Priorities are any integer value >= 0.

Lowest is executed first.

Priorities essentially represent distinct job queues. All jobs in a queue must complete before the next highest priority job queue is executed.

This means that if you have two queues, 0 and 1 then ALL jobs in 0 must complete before ANY execute in 1. If you add new 0 level jobs while 1 level jobs are running then it will switch back processing the 0 queue and won't execute any more 1 jobs till all of the new 0 jobs complete.


Package last updated on 26 Jan 2019

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