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sc-filtered-list - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 0.0.0 to 0.0.1



var gulp = require( "gulp" ),
browserify = require( "gulp-browserify" ),
css = require( "gulp-minify-css" ),
concat = require( "gulp-concat" ),
jshint = require( "gulp-jshint" ),
jshintReporter = require( "jshint-stylish" ),
less = require( "gulp-less" ),
mochaPhantomJS = require( "gulp-mocha-phantomjs" ),
rename = require( "gulp-rename" ),

@@ -13,6 +15,6 @@ shell = require( "gulp-shell" ),

moduleName = /-(\w)/g, "$1" );
moduleName = pkg.moduleName;
var livereload = function ( _file ) {
return function ( _path ) {
return function () {
if ( livereloadServer ) livereloadServer.changed( _file );

@@ -22,2 +24,8 @@ }

gulp.task( "concatScripts", function () {
return gulp.src( [ "./src/scripts/index.js", "./src/scripts/list.js" ] )
.pipe( concat( "src.js" ) )
.pipe( gulp.dest( "./.tmp/" ) );
} );
gulp.task( "jshint", function () {

@@ -45,2 +53,10 @@ return gulp.src( [ "./src/scripts/**/*.js", "test/**/*.js", "testClient/**/*.js" ] )

gulp.task( "readme", [ "concatScripts" ], function () {
gulp.src( "" )
.pipe( shell( [
"./node_modules/.bin/dox < ./.tmp/src.js -a >"
] ) )
.on( "end", livereload( ".js" ) );
} );
gulp.task( "scriptMain", function () {

@@ -65,15 +81,28 @@ return gulp.src( [ "./src/scripts/index.js" ] )

gulp.task( "test", [ "scriptMain", "stylesMain" ], function () {
gulp.task( "test", function () {
return gulp.src( "" ).pipe( shell( [
"npm test"
], {
ignoreErrors: true
} ) )
.on( "end", livereload( ".js" ) );
] ) );
} );
gulp.task( "tests", [ "scriptMain", "stylesMain" ], function () {
].forEach( function ( _html ) {
gulp.src( _html ).pipe( mochaPhantomJS() );
} );
} );
gulp.task( "watch", function () {
livereloadServer = require( "gulp-livereload" )(); [ "./src/scripts/**/*.js*" ], [ "scripts", "minifyScripts" ] ); [ "./src/scripts/**/*.js*" ], [ "scripts", "minifyScripts", "test", "docs" ] ); [ "./src/styles/**/*.less" ], [ "styles" ] );

@@ -86,6 +115,7 @@ [ "./demo/*" ], [ "default" ] );

gulp.task( "default", [ "build", "test" ] );
gulp.task( "build", [ "scripts", "styles", "minify" ] );
gulp.task( "build", [ "scripts", "styles", "minify", "docs" ] );
gulp.task( "scripts", [ "scriptMain" ] );
gulp.task( "styles", [ "stylesMain" ] );
gulp.task( "minify", [ "minifyScripts", "minifyStyles" ] );
gulp.task( "run", [ "build", "watch" ] );
gulp.task( "docs", [ "readme" ] );
gulp.task( "run", [ "build", "test", "watch" ] );


"name": "sc-filtered-list",
"version": "0.0.0",
"description": "",
"main": "index.js",
"moduleName": "FilteredList",
"version": "0.0.1",
"description": "A UI control to allow the user to quickly choose a single object from a list of many objects",
"main": "src/scripts/index.js",
"scripts": {
"postinstall": "bower install --config.interactive=false && gulp",
"test": "mocha && npm run pjs1 && npm run pjs2 && npm run pjs3 && npm run pjs4 && npm run pjs5 && npm run pjs6 && npm run pjs7",
"pjs1": "mocha-phantomjs -p ./node_modules/.bin/phantomjs testClient/open-close.html",
"pjs2": "mocha-phantomjs -p ./node_modules/.bin/phantomjs testClient/options-given-by-data-attrs.html",
"pjs3": "mocha-phantomjs -p ./node_modules/.bin/phantomjs testClient/destroy.html",
"pjs4": "mocha-phantomjs -p ./node_modules/.bin/phantomjs testClient/defaults.html",
"pjs5": "mocha-phantomjs -p ./node_modules/.bin/phantomjs testClient/more-than-one.html",
"pjs6": "mocha-phantomjs -p ./node_modules/.bin/phantomjs testClient/sort.html",
"pjs7": "mocha-phantomjs -p ./node_modules/.bin/phantomjs testClient/fuzzy-search.html",
"posttest": "mocha test/readme.js -R markdown >"
"test": "gulp tests",
"posttest": "gulp docs"
"repository": {
"type": "git",
"url": ""
"author": "David Tsuji",
"license": "MIT",
"devDependencies": {
"should": "~2.1.1",
"gulp": "^3.6.0",
"gulp-shell": "^0.2.4",
"async": "^0.7.0",
"bower": "^1.3.1",
"dox": "^0.4.4",
"gulp": "^3.6.1",
"gulp-browserify": "^0.5.0",
"bower": "^1.3.1",
"gulp-concat": "^2.2.0",
"gulp-jshint": "^1.5.3",
"gulp-less": "^1.2.3",
"gulp-livereload": "^1.2.0",
"gulp-minify-css": "^0.3.0",
"gulp-mocha-phantomjs": "^0.1.4",
"gulp-rename": "^1.2.0",
"gulp-shell": "^0.2.4",
"gulp-uglify": "^0.2.1",
"gulp-minify-css": "^0.3.0",
"gulp-jshint": "^1.5.3",
"jshint-stylish": "^0.1.5",
"gulp-livereload": "^1.2.0",
"mocha-phantomjs": "^3.3.2",
"phantomjs": "^1.9.7-3",
"mocha": "^1.18.2",
"async": "^0.7.0"
"should": "~2.1.1",
"mocha": "^1.18.2"

@@ -49,2 +48,2 @@ "dependencies": {


@@ -1,12 +0,220 @@

- [sc-filtered-list](#sc-filtered-list)
<a name=""></a>
<a name="sc-filtered-list"></a>
# sc-filtered-list
- [FilteredList()](#filteredlist)
- [Installation](#installation)
- [Overview](#overview)
- [Instantiate](#instantiate)
- [Options](#options)
- [Defaults](#defaults)
- [Events](#events)
- [Styling](#styling)
- [Templates](#templates)
- [](#filteredlistdata)
- [Add a single object/item](#addasingleobjectitem)
- [Get the value](#getthevalue)
- [FilteredList.destroy()](#filteredlistdestroy)
## FilteredList()
`sc-filtered-list` is a UI control to allow the user to quickly choose a
single object from a list of many objects.
<img src="" style="align: center">
# Installation
Get [Node.js]( And then in a console...
npm install
# Overview
This control is attached to a button. When the button is clicked a list
would appear inline to allow the user to either use the mouse or keyboard
to choose an item. A text input is available to allow the list to be
# Instantiate
The `FilteredList` can be instantiated using `data-` attributes directly in
the markup or manually by code.
**Instantiate using `data-` attributes**
Add `data-sc-filtered-list` to a `<button>`. Will instantiate on domready.
<button data-sc-filtered-list>
To get a reference to the instantiated object use the jQuery `data` method:
**Instantiate using code**
var filter = new FilteredList(document.querySelector('#myButton'));
## Options
Give options using the `data-` attribute.
<button data-sc-filtered-list data-sc-filtered-list-options='{"fuzzy": true}'>
> The options object must be a properly formatted JSON string.
Give options using code.
var filter = new FilteredList(document.querySelector('#myButton'), {
fuzzy: true
- `buttonLabel` The button label (default: "Choose one")
- `fuzzy` The search type. If true "dvd" will match "david" (default: false)
- `itemLabelKey` The object key to use for the items label (default: "name")
- `listTitle` The title above the list (default: "Select an item")
- `maxNumItems` The maximum number of items in the list (default: 10)
- `maxNumItemsVisible` The maximum number of items visible (default: 7)
- `width` The width of the list (default: 300)
- `sort` The default sort ["", "asc", "desc"] (default: "desc")
- `sortControlVisible` If the sort control is visible (default: true)
## Defaults
To change the defaults, use the global `FilteredList` variable.
FilteredList.defaults.maxNumItems = 10;
## Events
The `FilteredList` uses an event based system with methods `on`, `off` and
myList.on('change', function(){});
- `change` When the user selects and item and the value has changed
- `close` When the list closes
- `destroy` When the `FilteredList` is destroyed
- `filtered` When the search value changes
- `itemFocus` When an item in the list gains focus
- `open` When the list opens
- `sort` When the list is sorted
- `redraw` When the list redraws itself
- `fetch` When the list tries to fetch data based on the search term
## Styling
CSS is provided and is required however it is plain by design. There are 2
ways to make the list pretty.
1. Include bootstrap 3.x
2. Write your own
## Templates
The markup that is generated on instantiation is template driven. These templates
can be changed if necessary.
<div class='{{config.className}}-container'>{{!config.templates.listInput}}{{!config.templates.listHeader}}{{!config.templates.listItemWrapper}}</div>
<div class='{{config.className}}-input-container'><input type='text' class='{{config.className}}-input form-control'></div>
<header class='{{config.className}}-header panel-heading'>{{!config.defaults.listTitle}}{{!config.templates.listSortToggle}}</header>
<div class='{{config.className}}-items list-group'></div>
<a href class='{{config.className}}-item list-group-item' data-cid='{{cid}}'>{{!key}}</a>
<button type='button' class='{{config.className}}-sort-toggle btn btn-default btn-xs' title='sort'></button>
Adds an array of objects/items in bulk
name: "david"
}, {
name: "max"
# Add a single object/item
name: "david"
# Get the value
To get the value of the selected object/item use the `value` property.
## FilteredList.destroy()
Destroys the `FilteredList` and invalidates the object.
> Any further calls to methods like `destroy` or `data` etc will return

@@ -11,3 +11,3 @@ {

"maxNumItemsVisible": 7,
"minWidth": 300,
"width": 300,
"sort": "desc",

@@ -14,0 +14,0 @@ "sortControlVisible": true

@@ -9,2 +9,136 @@ var config = require( "./config.json" ),

* `sc-filtered-list` is a UI control to allow the user to quickly choose a
* single object from a list of many objects.
* <img src="" style="align: center">
* ## Installation
* Get [Node.js]( And then in a console...
* ```bash
* npm install
* ```
* ## Overview
* This control is attached to a button. When the button is clicked a list
* would appear inline to allow the user to either use the mouse or keyboard
* to choose an item. A text input is available to allow the list to be
* filtered.
* ## Instantiate
* The `FilteredList` can be instantiated using `data-` attributes directly in
* the markup or manually by code.
* **Instantiate using `data-` attributes**
* Add `data-sc-filtered-list` to a `<button>`. Will instantiate on domready.
* <button data-sc-filtered-list>
* To get a reference to the instantiated object use the jQuery `data` method:
* $('#myButton').data('scfilteredlist');
* **Instantiate using code**
* var filter = new FilteredList(document.querySelector('#myButton'));
* ### Options
* Give options using the `data-` attribute.
* <button data-sc-filtered-list data-sc-filtered-list-options='{"fuzzy": true}'>
* > The options object must be a properly formatted JSON string.
* Give options using code.
* var filter = new FilteredList(document.querySelector('#myButton'), {
* fuzzy: true
* });
* - `buttonLabel` The button label (default: "Choose one")
* - `fuzzy` The search type. If true "dvd" will match "david" (default: false)
* - `itemLabelKey` The object key to use for the items label (default: "name")
* - `listTitle` The title above the list (default: "Select an item")
* - `maxNumItems` The maximum number of items in the list (default: 10)
* - `maxNumItemsVisible` The maximum number of items visible (default: 7)
* - `width` The width of the list (default: 300)
* - `sort` The default sort ["", "asc", "desc"] (default: "desc")
* - `sortControlVisible` If the sort control is visible (default: true)
* ### Defaults
* To change the defaults, use the global `FilteredList` variable.
* FilteredList.defaults.maxNumItems = 10;
* ### Events
* The `FilteredList` uses an event based system with methods `on`, `off` and
* `once`.
* myList.on('change', function(){});
* **Events**
* - `change` When the user selects and item and the value has changed
* - `close` When the list closes
* - `destroy` When the `FilteredList` is destroyed
* - `filtered` When the search value changes
* - `itemFocus` When an item in the list gains focus
* - `open` When the list opens
* - `sort` When the list is sorted
* - `redraw` When the list redraws itself
* - `fetch` When the list tries to fetch data based on the search term
* ### Styling
* CSS is provided and is required however it is plain by design. There are 2
* ways to make the list pretty.
* 1. Include bootstrap 3.x
* 2. Write your own
* ### Templates
* The markup that is generated on instantiation is template driven. These templates
* can be changed if necessary.
* **FilteredList.templates.listWrapper**
* <div class='{{config.className}}-container'>{{!config.templates.listInput}}{{!config.templates.listHeader}}{{!config.templates.listItemWrapper}}</div>
* **FilteredList.templates.listInput**
* <div class='{{config.className}}-input-container'><input type='text' class='{{config.className}}-input form-control'></div>
* **FilteredList.templates.listHeader**
* <header class='{{config.className}}-header panel-heading'>{{!config.defaults.listTitle}}{{!config.templates.listSortToggle}}</header>
* **FilteredList.templates.listItemWrapper**
* <div class='{{config.className}}-items list-group'></div>
* **FilteredList.templates.listItem**
* <a href class='{{config.className}}-item list-group-item' data-cid='{{cid}}'>{{!key}}</a>
* **FilteredList.templates.listSortToggle**
* <button type='button' class='{{config.className}}-sort-toggle btn btn-default btn-xs' title='sort'></button>
* @class FilteredList
* @param {jQuery|HTMLElement} _el The element you want to attach the list to
* @param {Object} _defaults A defaults object
* @property {String} __cid An automated GUID used internally
* @property {String} __config The config
* @property {Boolean} __destroyed Whether or not the object has been destroyed
* @return {FilteredList}
var FilteredList = function ( _el, _defaults ) {

@@ -130,2 +264,48 @@ var self = this,

* Adds an array of objects/items in bulk
* name: "david"
* }, {
* name: "max"
* }]);
* ## Add a single object/item
* myList.items.push({
* name: "david"
* });
* ## Get the value
* To get the value of the selected object/item use the `value` property.
* myList.value;
*/ = function ( _arrayOfItems ) {
var self = this;
if ( self.__destroyed ) {
var items = is.array( _arrayOfItems ) ? _arrayOfItems : [];
items.forEach( function ( _item ) {
if ( _item ) ) {
self.items.push( _item );
} );
* Destroys the `FilteredList` and invalidates the object.
* myList.destroy();
* > Any further calls to methods like `destroy` or `data` etc will return
* nothing.
FilteredList.prototype.destroy = function () {

@@ -168,2 +348,3 @@ var self = this;

exports.defaults = config.defaults;
exports.templates = config.templates;

@@ -170,0 +351,0 @@ $( function () {

@@ -52,3 +52,3 @@ var helpers = require( "./helpers" ),

self.$el.width( config.defaults.minWidth );
self.$el.width( config.defaults.width );

@@ -173,3 +173,2 @@ self.$input = self.$el.find( "." + config.className + "-input" );

if ( self.filter.__sort ) {

@@ -176,0 +175,0 @@ results.sort( function ( a, b ) {

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

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