Scan your directory for git repositories displaying path, git branch and the status of it.
Based on git-unsaved.
You can install the package globally and use it as command line tool:
npm install --global scan-git-repo
yarn global add scan-git-repo
Then, run scan-git-repo --help
and see what the CLI tool can do.
$ scan-git-repo --help
Usage: scan-git-repo [options]
Scan your projects directory for dirty git repositories.
-r, --relative-paths Display the relative paths.
-p, --path <path> A custom folder path (default: the current working
-h, --help Displays this help.
-v, --version Displays version information.
scan-git-repo # Scans the current directory
scan-git-repo -p ~/projects # Scans the projects directory
scan-git-repo -a # Display absolute paths