Lightweight Typescript library for scrapping html with type inference and intellisense.
There are plenty scrapping libs out there, but only few with full Typescript support - Typescript will infer type based
on your query. This is small library with only one purpose to provide scrapping in human readable format with full
Typescript support like intellisense and type inference.
To see Basic examples, please visit ./test/basic.test.ts
Or Advanced example, please visit ./test/exhaustive/agescx.test.ts
Hacker news
import { scrap, $ } from 'scrapq';
const html = fetch('').toString();
const data = scrap(html, {
articles: $.list('.athing', {
title: $.text('.title > a'),
link: $.link('.title > a'),
website: $.text('.title > span.sitebit'),
import { scrap, $ } from 'scrapq';
const STR_TO_SCRAP = `
<h1 class="title">Hello</h1>
<li><span>Guten Tag</span></li>
<a class="link" href="/read-more">read more ...</a>
const result = scrap(STR_TO_SCRAP, {
title: $.text('h1.title'),
items: $.list('ul>li', {
text: $.text('span')
link: $.link('')
or just
import { text, List, link } from 'scrapq';
const result = scrap(STR_TO_SCRAP, {
title: text('h1.title'),
texts: List('ul>li', text('span')),
link: link('')
scrap(html: string, query: Query)
use to scrap json from html. Structure of your output is defined as query
To define query, use selectors
or controls
Q.text(selector: string): string
get text from an element
Q.attr(selector: string, htmlAttribute: string): string
get attribute from an element
Q.html(selector: string): string
get html
Q.exists(selector: string): boolean
get true/false
if element exists
Q.count(selector: string): number
get elements count
Q.List(selector: string, query: Query | QueryType, predicate?): Array<query>
get list of items
Q.If(selector: string, condition: (el) => boolean, truthy: Query, falsey: Query)
if condition returns true
, scrap by truthy
query otherwise by falsey