Sealights Newman wrapper
This is the Sealights newman agent.
npm install sealights-newman-wrapper
Execute this package using npx
and pass sl and newman arguments
npx sealights-newman-wrapper --sl-token ... -c ./collection.json
or use it in script.
const { slNewman, ConfigProvider } = require('sealights-newman-wrapper');
const config = new ConfigProvider({
tokenfile: "sltoken.txt",
buildSessionIdFile: "buildSessionId",
testStage: "newman",
});, {
collection: './collection.json',
environment: require('./local.environment.json'),
Passing parameters to reporter via CLI
From the command line add sealights parameters with '--sl-' prefix
npx sealights-newman-wrapper ... --sl-tokenfile <path/to/token-file> --sl-buildsessionidfile <path/to/buildSessionId-file> --sl-testStage e2e
Passing parameters to plugin via config file
Create a file sl.conf
and fill it with config in JSON format
tokenFile: <path/to/token-file>,
buildSessionIdFile: <path/to/buildSessionId-file>,
testStage: e2e,
Supported parameters
- token - Sealights token
- tokenFile - Path to file contains the Sealights token
- buildSessionId - Sealights build session id
- buildSessionIdFile - Path to file contains the Sealights build session id
- testStage - Test stage current tests are relates to
- labId - Pre-defined Sealights lab-id (optional)
- proxy - Proxy server (optional)