Javascript / Typescript Seam API Library
Control locks, lights and other internet of things devices with Seam's simple API. Check out the documentation or some examples.
import Seam from "seamapi";
const seam = new Seam();
(async () => {
const {
devices: [someLock],
} = await seam.locks.list();
const someLockId = someLock.device_id;
await seam.locks.lockDoor(someLockId);
const { device: someLockedLock } = await seam.locks.get(someLockId);
await seam.locks.unlockDoor(someLockId);
await seam.accessCodes.create({
name: "Some Access Code",
code: "1234",
device_id: someLockId,
const accessCodeList = await seam.accessCodes.list(someLockId);
In Progress
This library is in progress!