Search-Act-Replace (SAR)
Install with npm install search-act-replace
This modules takes a root path, a regex and a callback. It will
recursively search the file within the root path and call the callback
for each match. It also provides another callback, which you can feed
with the text that the match should be replaced with (or false for
no replacement).
Let the example talk for itself.
var sar = require('search-act-replace');
sar('./test', /www\.\w+\.com/g, function (match, file, replace) {
http.get('http://' + match[0], function (res) {
if (res.statusCode !== 200) {
replace(match[0] + ' (link broken)');
} else {
The script will automatically ignore .git
, .svn
, node_modules
and bower_components
folders (have a look at the .sarignore
file) as well
as files specified in the roots .gitignore
file as well as a custom
file in the root folder.
SAR is an Event Emitter.
It supports the following events:
Emitted whenever sar stumbles across a file.
.on('file', function (file) {
Emitted whenever sar stumbles across a directory.
.on('directory', function (dir) {
Whenever SAR ignores to match within a file or ignores a directory.
.on('ignore', function (file) {
When everything is done. Meaning that all files are traversed,
all callbacks finished and all the writing/replacing has been done.
.on('end', function () {