Searchpicker or combo-box dropdown with multiple choices support, written in typescript. No dependencies.
Demo page
How to install
npm i searchpicker --save
Start local sample
npm start
Server stared at http://localhost:8080
How to use
Initialize picker control to specified container in your app:
import {SearchPicker} from 'searchpicker';
const picker = new SearchPicker(document.getElementById('searchpicker-container'), options);
placeholder: string
- Default ''
maxSelectedChoices: number
- amount of choices that user can select. 1 - single choice. Default - unlimited
minLengthToSearch: number
- minimal text length in field length to start search from
searchInValues: boolean
- instruct default searcher to search text in picker identifiers. Default - false
resultsLimit: number
- maximum shown results. Default - all results returned by searcher.
pickerItemFactory?: (item: any) => IPickerItem
- allow to convert source data to picker item for default searcher
source: any[]
- data for search with default searcher.
resultRenderer: (item: IPickerItem, query: string) => Node
- allow to override default picker item view.
noResultsRenderer: (query: string) => Node
- allows to override default view when no results found
choiceRenderer: (item: IPickerItem, renderClose?:boolean) => Node
- allow to override default choice view
searcher: ISearcher
- allows to add custom logic for result search. For instance: async fetch data from server side.
export interface ISearcher {
search(query: string
, options: ISearchPickerOptions
, onresults: (items: IPickerItem[]) => void
, onerror?: (message: string) => void);
Sample of custom data searcher
export class BackendSearcher implements ISearcher {
private pickerItems: IPickerItem[] = null;
private lastSearchText: string;
private foundItems: IPickerItem[] = [];
private tmrId: number;
search(query: string
, options: ISearchPickerOptions
, onresults: (items: IPickerItem[]) => void
, onerror?: (message: string) => void) {
if (this.tmrId)
fetch("api/search?q=" + query)
.then((results) => {
onresults( => { return {title: r.title, id: r.login} }));
}, err => {
You can subscribe for picker events and read current selected values
Invokes when user add new choice
const picker = new SearchPicker(...);
picker.on("choiceAdded", (item: IPickerItem) => {
Invokes when user remove selected choice
const picker = new SearchPicker(...);
picker.on("choiceRemoved", (item: IPickerItem) => {
Run e2e tests
npm run test
Build library
npm run build:lib