Semantic UI
Semantic is a highly-themable UI framework with naming conventions built around common usage.
Key Features
- 50+ UI Elements
- 3000 + CSS Variables
- 3 Levels of Variable Inheritance (Similar to SublimeText)
- Built using EM values for responsive design
Semantic UI is now at 1.0, be sure to check out our release notes for changes from the pre-release.
- Missing documentation in your language? Help us make Semantic available in more languages by joining our translation community
- Want to help with integration? Projects are organizing for official Meteor, and Angular integrations as well as a Sass port. Join the discussion on their respective boards.
- Want to help others learn concepts behind Semantic? Learnsemantic.com needs articles to help others get others up to speed with Semantic UI. Send me an e-mail if you are interested.
Getting Started
Basic Usage (Default Theme)
We recommend setting up the Semantic build workflow to support on-the-fly
theming and customization, but it is not required.
To use the "ready-to-use" distribution version, which includes all components, simply link to
and dist/semantic.css
(or their minified counterparts) in your page.
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/dist/semantic.min.css">
<script src="/dist/semantic.min.js"></script>
You may also prefer to use individual components found in dist/components
to reduce the libraries file size.
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/dist/components/icon.css">
Recommended Usage (Themed)
Semantic is best used actively during development. We have included build tools for updating your site's theme as you work.
![Getting Started](https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/2657007/install.gif)
npm install
Running gulp for the first time will start the interactive set-up.
This helps you create two important files semantic.json
which stores your folder set-up, and themes.config
a central file for setting ui themes.
The install utility will also help you set-up which components you want to include in your packaged release, ignoring parts of Semantic you may not use.
Once set-up you can use these commands to maintain your project
gulp // defaults to watch after install
gulp build // build all files from source
gulp clean // clears your dist folder
gulp watch // watch files
gulp install // re-runs install
gulp help // list all commands
For more detail into how work with Semantic when building a site please read out customization guide on LearnSemantic.com
Browser Support
- Last 2 Versions FF, Chrome, IE (aka 10+)
- Safari 6
- IE 9+ (Browser prefix only)
- Android 4
- Blackberry 10
Pull Requests
When adding pull requests be sure to merge into next branch. If you need to demonstrate a fix in next
release, you can use this jsfiddle
Reaching Out
If you'd like to start a conversation about Semantic feel free to reach out by e-mail jack@semantic-ui.com
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